
'Umayrah said, "What distracts you from my sheep

قالت عميرة ما يلهيك عن غنمي

1. 'Umayrah said, "What distracts you from my sheep
When I have made peace with the shepherdess neighbor?

١. قالَت عُمَيرَةُ ما يُلهيكَ عَن غَنَمي
وَقَد حَلَلتُ مَعَ المِعزِيَةِ الحادي

2. It should suffice you how I pay her back: when a ewe gets lost
A ram gets separated from the flock and my newborn lambs.

٢. يَكفيكَ مَكفاتَها إِن حَجرَةٌ أَزَمَت
حُمزٌ تَحَيَّزها جَمعي وَإِتلادي

3. A sly one who ate the saltbush and its shoots
The outskirts of the saltbush, yet was not tethered."

٣. قَعرِيَةٌ أَكَلَت أَشحى وَمَدفَعَهُ
أَكنافَ أَشحى وَلَم تُعقَل بِأَقيادِ