
By your life, the company of Ma'n is not adorned

لعمرك ما مزينة رهط معن

1. By your life, the company of Ma'n is not adorned
With those who lightly tread or by lofty stature.

١. لعَمرُكَ ما مزينَةُ رَهطُ مَعنٍ
بِأَخفافِ يَطَأنَ وَلا سَنامِ

2. By your life, the tribe of Tameem are no people of the sea
With the virtues of kings or by generous deeds.

٢. لعَمركَ ما تَميمٌ أَهلُ فَلجٍ
بِأَردافِ المُلوكِ وَلاكِرامِ