
A specter haunted him, one of past crimes,

تأوبه طيف بذات الجراثم

1. A specter haunted him, one of past crimes,
His companions slept, but he was not asleep.

١. تأَوَّبَهُ طَيفٌ بِذاتِ الجَراثِمِ
فَنامَ رَفيقاهُ وَلَيسَ بِنائِمِ

2. A kinswoman berated him for suspicion
Of treachery in bygone years.

٢. وَهَجَّدَهُ عَوراءُ مِن ذي قَرابَةٍ
عَلى رِيبَةٍ في سالِفٍ مُتَقادِمِ

3. He declaimed in the wasteland where feathers are shed
By birds who on the day of battle took flight.

٣. وَأَخطَبَ في فَنواءَ يَنتِفُ ريشَهُ
وَطَيرٍ جَرَت يَومَ العَقيقِ حَوائِمِ

4. He knocked at the doors, doors of a fortress,
Knocking without purpose, to no avail.

٤. تَعَرَّضَ لِلأَبوابِ أَبوابِ عاصِمٍ
تَعَرُّضَ مِملالٍ لَها غَيرِ لازِمِ

5. When he saw his intercessor was gone from him
And the one from whom favor was hoped had betrayed him,

٥. فَلَمّا رَأى أَن غابَ عَنهُ شَفيعُهُ
وَأَخلَفَهُ ما يُرتَجى عِندَ عاصِمِ

6. He returned disappointed, after being promised
His petition granted, but kept from the money,

٦. وَعادَ ضَماراً بَعدَ عَينٍ وَكُذِّبَت
صَحيفَتُهُ وَحيلَ دونَ الدَراهِمِ

7. He discarded the cloak of darkness and dug a tunnel
With a pickaxe or some other piercing tool.

٧. رَمى سَدفَ الظَلماءِ وَاَحتَفَرَ السُرى
بِمرجَمَةٍ أَو ذي هِبابٍ مُراجِمِ

8. With it, not with her, I will cast off the wilderness of passion
And relieve the sorrow of the thwarted fugitive.

٨. بِهِ لا بِها أَرمى الفَلاةَ عَن الهَوى
وَأَفرُجُ غَمَّ المُسدِفِ المُتلاحِمِ

9. With the restless pair, driving the carriage
Of great length, the one with clattering hooves,

٩. بِمُضطَرِبِ الضَفرَينِ مُطَّرِدِ القَرا
طَويلِ الزَمامِ ذي ذِفَرِّ عُراهِمِ

10. An excellent, precious mare, when she complains
Her cheek answers above the braying grindstones.

١٠. ضِبِرٍّ مضِرٍّ بِالنَواجي إِذا اِشتَكى
عَجا شِدقَهُ عَن فاطِرِ النابِ ناجِمِ

11. With high spirit she contends with the purebreds
Whose outstretched necks surpass the date palms.

١١. مُجِدِّ يُباري أِينُقاً جُرِّدت لَهُ
مُباعَدَةَ الأَيدي طِوالَ الخَراطِمِ

12. When the mother of roads presents herself, she prances
With diverse gaits above the milestones.

١٢. إِذا عَرَّها أُمُّ الطَريقِ تَواهَقَت
بِمُختَلِفاتِ الرَجعِ فَوقَ المَناسِمِ