1. As if there was nothing, O mother of Hiqah, before this
At Maytan, a resort for us and dwellings,
١. كَأَن لَم يَكُن يا أُمَّ حِقَةَ قَبلَ ذا
بِمَيطانَ مُصطافٌ لَنا وَمرابِعُ
2. And while we were in the branch of youth, though now
Nothing remains for us except what has passed,
٢. وَإِذ نَحنُ في غُصنِ الشَبابِ وَقَد عَسا
بِنا الآنَ إِلّا أَن يُعَوَّضَ جازِعُ
3. So you denied it, O mother of Hiqah, as something new,
And I denied what you wished, and affection is deceitful,
٣. فَقَد أَنكَرتَهُ أمُّ حِقّةِ حادِثاً
وَأَنكَرَها ما شِئتَ وَالوُدُّ خادِعُ
4. And if you had allowed us, O mother of Hiqah, when with us
Was youth, and when you did not watch over proprieties,
٤. وَلَو آذَنتَنا أُمُّ حِقّةَ إِذ بِنا
شَبابٌ وَإِذ لَم تَرُعنا الرَوائِعُ
5. We would have said to her one dark night,
Thus without blame are deposits returned.
٥. لَقُلنا لَها بَيني بِلَيلٍ حَميدَةً
كَذاكَ بلا ذَمٍّ تُؤَدّى الوَدائِعُ