1. He forgave and parted from whom I trusted to be pliant,
His cheek was caressed by drink from a flowing cup.
١. عَفا وَخَلا مِمَن عَهِدتُ بهِ خُمُّ
وشاقَكَ بِالمَسحاءِ مِن سَرفٍ رَسمُ
2. He forgave and parted after his family's vigor waned,
And the winds and clouds rained over him heavily.
٢. عَفا وَخَلا مِن بَعدِ ما خَفَّ أَهلُهُ
وَحَنَّت بِهَ الأَرواحُ وَالهُطَّلُ السُحمُ
3. The ruins glitter though time has erased his dwellings,
As a beautiful tattoo shines above the wrist.
٣. يَلوحُ وَقَد عَفّى مَنازِلَهُ البِلى
كَما لاحَ فَوقَ المعصَمِ الحَسَنِ الوَشمُ
4. The resting places of righteous people whose resolve
Was to restore camels and mount them when summoned.
٤. مَدامِنُ حَيٍّ صالِحينَ رَمَت بِهِم
نَوى الشَحطِ إِذ رَدّوا الجِمالَ وِإِذ زَمّوا
5. With your eyes they left, and howdahs as if
Ships or date palms bent over.
٥. بَعَينَينكَ راحوا وَالحُدوجُ كَأنَّها
سَفائِنُ أَو نَخلٌ مُذَلَّلَةٌ عُمُّ
6. And in the tribe - pleasures, joys of the eyes and loves,
And the best walker on easy legs.
٦. وَفي الحَيِّ نُعمٌ قُرَّةُ العَينِ وَالهَوى
وَأَحسَنُ مَن يَمشي عَلى قَدَمٍ نُعمُ
This heart once had luxuries,
٧. وَكانَت لِهَذا القَلبِ نُعمٌ زَمانَةً
خَبالاً وَسُقماً لا يُعادِلُهُ سُقمُ
8. Sickness and ills unmatched in malady.
Bounties unleashed, not relayed in successive messages,
٨. مُنَعَّمَةٌ لَم تَعد في رِسلِ ثَلَّةٍ
وَلَم تَتَجاوَب حَولَ كِلَّتِها البهمُ
9. Nor did all people talk of any of them.
Your eyes captivated me, large and beautiful,
٩. سَبَتني بَعَينَي جُؤذُرٍ بَخَميلَةٍ
وَجيدٍ كَجيدِ الرِئمِ زَيَّنَهُ النظمُ
10. A neck like an ostrich's, adorned with jewelry.
Cheeks that bend in the temples as if
١٠. وَوَحفٍ يُثَنّي في العِقاصِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَلَيها إِذا دَنَّت غَدائِرَها كَرمُ
11. Over them, when they approached, were vines.
A straight nose that drinks before her
١١. وَأَقنَى كَحَدِّ السَيفِ يَشرَبُ قَبلَها
وَأَشنَبَ رِفّاقِ الثَنايا لَهُ ظَلمُ
12. While the sides of the folds have darkness.
For her a sturdy, upright calf and a full leg,
١٢. لَها كَفَلٌ رابٍ وَساقٌ عَميمَةٌ
وَكَعبٌ عَلاهُ اللَحمُ لَيسَ لَهُ حَجمُ
13. And a plump ankle not constrained in flesh.
She hunts the minds of men with her intimacy
١٣. تَصَيَّدُ أَلبابَ الرِجالِ بِأُنسِها
وَيَقتُلُهُم مِنها التَدَلُّلُ وَالنَغمُ
14. And her coquetry and melody kill them.
A spoiled weakling, her bones fully developed
١٤. لُباخِيَّةٌ عَجزاء جُم عِظامُها
نَمَت في نَعيمٍ وَانمَهَلَّ بِها الجِسمُ
15. Having been raised in luxury and her body pampered.
١٥. توالَدَها بِيضٌ حَرائِر كَالدُمى
نَواعِم لا بيضٌ قِصارٌ وَلا خُثمُ
16. She was born to free women like statues -
Graceful, not short, squashed or oval.
١٦. وَأِجدادُ صدقٍ لا يُعابُ فَعالُهُم
هُمُ النَضَدُ السِرُّ الغَطارِفَةَ الشمُّ
17. And ancestors of sincerity whose deeds
Cannot be blamed - the choice nobility, eminent lineage.
١٧. مَطاعِمُ في البُؤسي لِمَن يَعتَريهِمُ
إِذا يُشتَكى في العامِ ذي السَنَةِ الأَزمُ
18. Refuges for those visiting them in hardship
When the year of drought is complained of.
١٨. مَصاليتُ أَبطالٌ إِذا الحَربُ شَمَّرَت
هُمُ النَضدُ السِرُّ الغَطارِفَةُ الشُمُّ
19. My defenders are heroes when war attires itself -
The choice nobility, eminent lineage.
١٩. إِذا اِنتَسَبَت مَدَّت يِدَيها إِلى العُلى
وَصَدَّقَها الاِسلامُ وَالحَسَبُ الضَخمُ
When it claims descent, it extends its hands to the sublime
٢٠. كَأَنّي إِذا لَم أَلقَ نُعماً مُجاوِرٌ
قَبائِلَ مِن ياجوجَ مِن دونِها الرَدمُ
21. And Islam and noble lineage acknowledge it.
As if, when I do not meet with bounties, I border
٢١. وَذي رَحِمٍ قَلمتُ أَظفارَ ضَغنِهِ
بِحِلمِيَ عَنهُ وَهُوَ لَيسَ لَهُ حِلمُ
22. Tribes of Gog and Magog without a barrier between us.
And a relative whose malice I blunted
٢٢. يُحاوِلُ رَغمي لا يُحاوِلُ غَيرَهُ
وَكَالمَوتِ عِندي أَن يَعُرَّبِهِ الرَغمُ
23. With my patience though he lacks patience.
He keeps trying to vex me, and tries no other,
٢٣. فَاِن أَعفُ عَنهُ أَغضِ عَيناً عَلى قَذىً
وَلَيسَ لَهُ بِالصَفحِ عَن ذَنبِهِ عِلمُ
24. And death, when I am vexed, seizes him.
So if I pardon him, I close an eye to a speck
٢٤. وَإِن أَنتَصِر مِنهُ أَكُن مثلَ رائِشٍ
سِهامَ عَدُوٍّ يُستَهاضُ بِها العَظمُ
25. Though he knows no forgiveness for his crime.
And if I seek revenge, I become like one who kindles
٢٥. وَبادَرتُ مِنهُ النايَ وَالمَرءُ قادِرٌ
عَلى سَهمِهِ ما دامَ في كَفِّهِ السَهمُ
26. The enemy's arrows with which bones are pierced.
I took preemptive action and one can still
٢٦. صَبَرتُ عَلى ما كانَ بَيني وَبَينَهَ
وَما يَستَوي حَربُ الأَقارِبِ وَالسلمُ
27. Control his arrow as long as it's in his grasp.
I was patient with what was between us
٢٧. وَيَشتِمُ عِرضي في المَغيَّبِ جاهِداً
وَلَيسَ لَهُ عِندي هَوانٌ وَلا شَتمُ
28. Though the war of relatives is not like peace.
He insults me in absentia, struggling,
٢٨. إِذا سُمتُهُ وَصلَ القَرابَةِ سامَني
قَطيعَتَها تِلكَ السَفاهَةُ وَالاثمُ
29. While he has no disgrace or insult from me.
If I poison him and sever the ties of kinship
٢٩. وَإِن أَدَعُهُ لِلنِّصفِ يابَ وَيَعصِني
وَيَدعو لِحُكمٍ جائِرٍ عَصرُهُ الحُكمُ
30. That crime and sin would have estranged us.
If I leave him to halves he is disloyal and disobeys me
٣٠. وَقَد كُنتُ أَكوي الكاشِحينَ وَأَشتَفي
وَأَقطَعُ قَطعاً لَيسَ يَنفَعُهُ الحَسمُ
31. And calls for an unjust ruler whose time rules him.
I used to iron smooth the contumacious and was quick
٣١. وَقَد كُنتُ أَجزي النُكرَ بِالنُكرِ مِثلَهُ
وَاحلُمُ أَحياناً وَلَو عَظمَ الجُرمُ
32. To execute without benefit of appeal.
And I used to repay affront with affront in kind,
٣٢. فَلَولا اِتقاءُ اللَهِ وَالرَحِمُ الَّتي
رعايَتَها حَقَّ وَتَعطيلُها ظُلمُ
33. But sometimes I am forbearing, however grave the crime.
٣٣. إِذا لَعلاه بارِقي وَخَطَمتُهُ
بِوَسمِ شَنارٍ لا تُشاكِلُهُ وَسمُ
34. If not for fear of God and for ties of kinship
Whose proper care is right and neglect is injustice,
٣٤. وَيَسعى إِذا أَبني لِيَهدِمَ صالِحي
وَلَيسَ الَّذي يَبني كَمَن شَأنُهُ الهَدمُ
35. I would have lit him up with my lightning
And gashed him with the mark of a cutting blade.
٣٥. يَوَدُّ لَو أَنّي مُعدِمٌ ذو خَصاصَةٍ
وَأَكرَهُ جَهدي أَن يُخالِطَهُ العُدمُ
36. He strives when I build to demolish my edifice
For destruction is his wont, not construction.
٣٦. وَيَعتَدُّ غُنماً في الحَوادِثِ نَكبَتي
وَما إِن لَهُ فيها سَناءٌ وَلا غُنمُ
37. He wishes I were a razing ruler of cruelty
And hates that my effort be spared ruin.
٣٧. أَكونُ لَهُ أَن يُنكَبَ الدَهرَ مِدرَهاً
أَكالِبُ عَنهُ الخَصمَ إِن عَضَّهُ الخَصمُ
He counts my misfortunes spoils of war
٣٨. وَأَلحِمُ عَنهُ كُلَّ أَبلَخَ طامِحٍ
أَلَدَّ شَديدِ الشَغبِ عايَنَهُ الغَشمُ
39. Though he has no glory or spoils in them.
I defend him, driving off the opponent if he is bitten
٣٩. وَيَشركُهُ في مالِهِ بَعدَ وُدِّهِ
عَلى الوَجدِ وَالاعدامِ قِسمٌ هُوَ القِسمُ
40. And protect him from any fierce and rapacious aspirant.
And include him in his money after intimacy
٤٠. لِكَفِّ مُفيدٍ يَكسَبُ الحَمدَ وَالندي
وَيَعلَمُ أَنَّ البُخلَ يَعقِبُهُ الذَمُّ
41. On enjoyment and privation an equal share.
For a useful palm that earns praise and bounty
٤١. نَجيبٌ يُجيبُ المُستَضافَ إِذا دَعا
وَيَسمو إِلى كَسبِ العَلاءِ إِذا يَسمو
42. And knows that stinginess is followed by blame.
A noble one who hosts the guest when called
٤٢. فَتىً لا يَبيتُ الهَمُّ يَصدَعُ هَمَّهُ
لَدى الهَولِ وَالهَيّابِ يَقدَعهُ الهَمُّ
43. And aspires to gain the heights when they aspire.
A stalwart whom anxiety does not spend the night cleaving
٤٣. إِذا هُمَّ أَمضى هَمَّهُ غَيرَ مُتعَبٍ
وَيَفرَجُ عَنهُ الشَرُّ في أَمرِهِ العَزمُ
44. His anxiety at terror and fear, anxiety splitting him
When anxious, he achieves his aim undaunted
٤٤. أَخو ثِقَةٍ جَلدُ القُوى ذو مَخارِجٍ
مُخالِطُ حَزمٍ حينَ يُلتَمَسُ الحَزمُ
45. And adversity is relieved from him by resolve.
A trusted brother, firm, with stratagems,
٤٥. يَكونُ لَهُ عِندَ النَوائِبِ جُنَّةً
وَمَعقِلَ عِزٍّ حَيثُ تَمتَنِعُ العُصمُ
46. Joined with prudence when prudence is sought.
He has with misfortunes a refuge
٤٦. فَما زِلتُ في لِيني لَهُ وَتَعَطُّفي
عَلَيهِ كَما تَحنو عَلى الوَلَدِ الأُمُّ
47. And fortress of glory where glories are impregnable.
I never ceased in my gentleness and sympathy
٤٧. وَخَفضٍ لَهُ مِني الجَناحَ تَأَلُّقاً
لِتَدنِيَهُ مِني القَرابَةُ وَالرِحمُ
48. Toward him as a mother inclines to her son.
And my lowering to him a wing as a flare
٤٨. وَقَولي إِذا أَخشى عَلَيهِ مُصيبَةً
أَلا اَسلَم فَذاكَ الخالُ وَالعَقدُ وَالعَمُّ
49. So kinship and womb-ties approach him through me.
And my saying, when I fear misfortune befalling him:
٤٩. وَصَبري عَلى أَشياءَ مِنهُ تُرِيبُني
وَكَظمي عَلى غَيظي وَقَد يَنفعُ الكَظمُ
50. Submit, for that is the maternal uncle and bond and pillar!
And my patience with some of his acts that make me doubt
٥٠. لِأَستَلَّ مِنهُ الضِغنَ حَتّى اِستَلَلتُهُ
وَقَد كانَ ذا حِقدٍ يَضيقُ بِهِ الجِرمُ
51. And my suppressing my rage though suppression avails.
I drew out his malice until I drained it
٥١. وَأَبَرأتُ غِلَّ الصَدرِ مِنهُ تَوسُّعاً
بِحِلمي كَما يُشفى بِالادوِيَةِ الكَلمُ
52. And he was very hateful, straitened in his frame.
I purified the bosom's poison from him through openness
٥٢. فَداوَيتُهُ حَتّى اَرفأَنَّ نِفارُهُ
فَعُدنا كَأَنّا لَم يَكُن بَينَنا صَرمُ
53. As words cure just as medicines cure ailments.
So I treated him until his estrangement diminished
٥٣. فأَطفَأتُ نارَ الحَربِ بَيني وَبينَهُ
فَأَصبَحَ بَعدَ الحَربِ وَهوَ لَنا سِلمُ