
Shall I abandon bounties, or keep the bond tied?

أتهجر نعما أم تديم لها وصلا

1. Shall I abandon bounties, or keep the bond tied?
How many a bounty is cut off from one with a slender rope!

١. أَتَهجُرُ نُعماً أَم تُديمُ لَها وَصلا
وَكَم صَرَمَت نُعمٌ لِذي خُلَّةٍ حَبلا

2. When you comfort your heart about the loss of youth,
You remember its intimacy and smooth conversation.

٢. إِذا أَنتَ عَزَّيتَ الفُؤادَ عَن الصِبا
تَذَكَّرتَ مِنها الأُنسَ وَالمَنطِقَ الرِسلا

3. And a white-armed damsel whose dusk is soft,
And an ancient she-camel braided with plaits,

٣. وذا أُشُرٍ عَذباً تَرِفُّ غُروبُهُ
وسالِفَةً في طولِها جُدِلَت جَدلا

4. And a slit-eared cow, and a sturdy she-camel
Whose belly is like a sword-sheath that knows no burden,

٤. وَنَحراً كَفاثورِ اللُجَينِ وَناهِداً
وَبَطناً كَغِمدِ السَيفِ لَم يَدرِ ما الحَملا

5. If bounties have cut me off, then they bow down
And bend humbly when I come to them with purpose.

٥. فَاِن تَكُ نُعمٌ صَرَّمتَني فَاِنَّها
تَريشُ وَتَبرى لي إِذا جِئتُها النَبلا

6. They show themselves, then draw near, then distance
To either bring themselves to me or surely kill me.

٦. تَبَدّى فَتَدنو ثُمَّ تَنأى بِوَصلِها
لِتَبلُغَ مِني أَو لِتَقتُلَني قَتلا

7. No rope of bounty lasts, renewing its tie,
Nor anything that exists but meetings and partings.

٧. فَما الحَبلُ مِن نُعمٍ بِباقٍ جَديدَهُ
وَلا كائِنٍ إِلّا المَواعيدَ وَالمَطلا

8. The tribes of the living, when they undertook
For those severed from them, skins shrunk from washing,

٨. وَردَ قيانُ الحَيِّ حينَ تَحَمَّلُوا
لِبَينِهِمُ أُدماً مُخَيّسَةً بُزلا

9. Raised, the morning after separation, coarse wool robes,
And mantles lined with figured silk,

٩. رَفَعنَ غَداةَ البَينِ خَزّاً وَيُمنَةً
وَأَكسِيَةً الديباجِ مُبطَنَةً خَملا

10. On every bicep of the two arms a coal
Passing over the forearms continually searing.

١٠. عَلى كُلِّ فَتلاءِ الذراعينِ جَمرَةٍ
تَمرُّ عَلى الحاذَينِ مطَّرِداً جَثلا

11. The gushing of the polished, jeweled waterskins pours down
Over the camel litters, shading the howdahs.

١١. وَأَصهَبَ نَضاحِ المَقَذِّ مُفَرَّجٍ
جُلالٍ عَلى الحِزّانِ يَستَضلِعُ الحِملا

12. So I followed the caravan, my eyes streaming
With ardor, as they had passed beyond a stony tract,

١٢. فَأتَبَعتُ عَينيَّ الحُمولَ صَبابَةً
وَشَوقاً وَقَد جاوَزنَ مِن عالِجٍ رَملا

13. The bones of the twisting necks overcome with languor,
Adorned with Yemeni leather,

١٣. عِظامَ مَغيلِ الهامِ غُلباً رِقابُها
مُعَرَّقَةَ الأَلحى يَمانِيَةً هُدلا

14. If the driver whistles at them insistently they are defiant,
Thinking him to be palm trees when they gain water and pasturage.

١٤. إِذا اِحتَثَّها الحادي القَبيصُ تَجاسَرَت
دَوامِجَ بِالمَوماةِ تَحسِبُها نَخلا

15. Old she-camels of Aus and Uthman like humbled beasts,
Dignified, never brought shame or aversion.

١٥. ظَعائِنُ مِن أَوسٍ وَعُثمانَ كَالدُمى
حَواصِنُ لَم يُخزِينَ عَمّاً وَلا بَغلا

16. Familiar she-camels whose eyes are as though
They are sheep of Ibn Sarim, or imbued with millet and fenugreek,

١٦. أوانسُ أَتراب وَعينٌ كَأَنها
نِعاجُ الصريمِ أَو طَنَت بِالرُبا بَقلا

17. Familiar she-camels galloping the smooth-worn road as though
They were treading, when fully watered, on soft ground.

١٧. أَوانِسُ يَركُضنَ المُروطَ كَأَنَّما
يَطَأنَ إِذا اِستَوسَقنَ في جَدَدٍ وَحلا

18. O man who is neither silent nor speaks justly or equitably
If you speak, know what you say and do not be

١٨. فيا أَيُّها المَرءُ الَّذي لَيسَ صامِتاً
وَلا ناطِقاً إِن قالَ فَصلاً وَلا عَدلا

19. Like one gathering wood at night, piling up trash and twigs!
The ornament of my people - if you ask, they possesses

١٩. إِذا قُلتَ فَاِعلَم ما تَقولُ ولا تَكُن
كَحاطِبِ لَيلٍ يِجمَعُ الدِقَّ والجَزلا

20. An honor you cannot carry to another people.
If you travel till the rising of the sun you will never find

٢٠. مُزَينَةُ قَومي إِن سَأَلتَ فَاِنَّهُم
لَهُم عِزَّةٌ لا تَستَطيعُ لَها نَقلا

21. For any people, though they be generous, superiority to my people.
They give ample dowries to bridegrooms and ransom captives

٢١. وَلَو سِرتَ حَتّى مَطلَعِ الشَمسِ لَم تَجِد
لِقَومٍ عَلى قَومي وَإِن كَرمُوا فَضلا

22. When their horses are necklaced in the thick of the fray.
We speak - our words please - we support it;

٢٢. أَعَفَّ وَأَوفى بِالصَباحِ فَوارِساً
إِذا الخَيلُ جالَت في أَعِنَّتِها قُبلا

23. We are people who do well in words and actions.
We drove away from Tihama with the spear

٢٣. نَقولُ فَيُرضى قَولُنا وَنُعينُهُ
وَنَحنُ أُناسٌ نُحسِنُ القِيلَ وَالفِعلا

24. And the short coat of mail, driving captive the captives with us.
You see for them bellies tucked up, their backs elongated,

٢٤. وَنَحنُ نَفَينا عَن تِهامَةَ بِالقَنا
وِبالَجُردِ يَمعَلنَ الرَقاقَ بِنا مَعلا

25. Proceeding tied together, marked with the cautery.
If examined for pedigree, they flow and foam over,

٢٥. مُدَرَّبَةً قُبَّ البُطونِ تَرى لَها
مُتوناً طِوالاً أَدمِجَت وَشَوى عَبلا

26. And if tested for ancestry, they mix it and perfect it.
For every young man broad of waist, long-necked,

٢٦. إِذا اِمتُرِيَت بِالقِدِّ جاشَت وَاَزبَدَت
وَإِن واضَخَت تَعريبَها وبَلَت وَبلا

27. Lean of groin, created not to be cowardly or slothful,
In their hands Indian swords polished smooth

٢٧. لِكُلِّ فَتىً رِخوِ النِجادِ سمَيدَعٍ
وَأَشمَطَ لَم يُخلَق جَباناً وَلا وَغلا

28. And famous, forged of steel and planished.

٢٨. بِأَيديهِمُ سُمرُ المُتونِ مَوارِنٌ
وَمَشهورَةٌ هِندِيَّةٌ أُخضِلَت صَقلا

29. When we finish fighting one company
We turn to another, which occupies us.

٢٩. إِذا ما فَرَغنا مِن قِراعِ كَتيبَةٍ
نَصَبنا إِلى أُخرى تَكونُ لَنا شُغلا

30. How many a foe have our spears made lawful to violate,
And how many a friend gained booty from our swords!

٣٠. فَكَم مِن عَدُوٍّ قَد أَباحَت رِماحُنا
وَكَم مِن صَديقٍ نالَ مِن سَيبِنا سَجلا