
I grasped money with my eyes until I exhausted it

اخذت بعين المال حتى نهكته

1. I grasped money with my eyes until I exhausted it
And debts until I can hardly pay them off

١. اَخذتُ بِعَينِ المالِ حَتّى نَهِكتُهُ
وَبالَدَّينِ حَتّى ما أَكادُ أُدانُ

2. Until I asked for loans from the wealthy
And so-and-so turned down my need, and so-and-so did

٢. وَحَتّى سَأَلتُ القَرضَ عِندَ ذَوي الغِنى
وَرَدَّ فُلانٌ حاجَتي وَفُلانُ