1. Tears are no longer a disgrace after the departure of loved ones.
So why do you still show patience while the camels are saddled?
١. ما الدمعُ بعدَ نوى الأحبَّةِ عارُ
فاِلامَ صبرُكَ والمطيُّ تثارُ
2. After the camels have departed from the campsite,
Is there any patience against the pain of loss and of settling down?
٢. هل بعدَ تَرحالِ المطيَّ عنِ الحِمى
صبرٌ على ألَمِ النوى وقرارُ
3. All calamities of separation are painful.
So let your overflowing tears run.
٣. كلُّ الخطوبِ على الفراقِ عُلالةٌ
فدعِ الدموعَ تفيضُ وهي غِزارُ
4. Do not let fear of slanderers stop you from visiting her.
Passion is understood and secrets spread.
٤. لا تَمنعَنْ حَذَرَ الوشاةِ أتيتَّها
فُهِمَ الغرامُ وذاعتِ الأسرارُ
5. Stop with me at the ruins and mourn what time has erased -
Desolate places that were once friendly.
٥. قفْ بي على الأطلالِ أَندُبُ ما عَفا
منهنَّ وهي مِنَ الأنيسِ قِفارُ
6. Dwellings that union had illuminated in every corner
Now have no light but that of my passion.
٦. دِمَنٌ أنارَ الوصلُ في أرجائها
ونَوارُ إلا عن هوايَ نَوارُ
7. Those homes - nothing left but their ruins
And a stream of tears flows from my eyelids.
٧. تلكَ الديارُ فلا عدا أطلالَها
مِن سُحْبِ جفني دِمةٌ وقِطارُ
8. I still linger in their courtyards with their people,
My heart wounded, though they were places of joy.
٨. ما زلتُ في عرصاتهنَّ بأهلِها
جَذِلَ الفؤادِ وللسرورِ ديارُ
9. An encampment I reached, the farthest limits of wishes,
And the people were my neighbors before departure.
٩. ربعٌ بلغتُ به نهاياتِ المنى
والقومُ لي قبلَ الرحيلِ جِوارُ
10. Days when I was a flowering youth,
Wearing the prime of burdah that cannot be blamed.
١٠. أيامَ كنتُ مِنَ الشبيبةِ رافلاً
في فضلِ بُردٍ ما أراه يعارُ
11. A burdah whose youthful freshness
Has been taken by the passage of time.
١١. بُردٍ عليه من الشبابِ طَلاوةٌ
ذهبتْ برونقِ حسنهِ الأعصارُ
12. Until the first signs of white hair appeared, which no longer
Brought peace or dignity to life.
١٢. حتى بدا وَضَحُ المشيبِ فلم يَرُقَ
في العيشِ منه سكينةٌ ووَقارُ
13. And, by my Lord, many a garden I loved,
With anemones and flowers on both sides.
١٣. ولربَّ روضٍ بتُّ مشغوفاً به
في جانبيهِ شقائقٌ وبَهارُ
14. The hand of fate has numbered its carpets
Where the moths now spread out.
١٤. رقمتْ يدُ الأنوارِ وشيَ بساطِه
فغدا به يَتبرجُ النُّوّارُ
15. The breeze blows fragrantly over its ground
As if attar perfumes its soil.
١٥. وسرى النسيمُ على ثراهُ معطَّراً
فكأنَّما في تربهِ عطّارُ
16. The doves coo at dawn upon its branches
Answered by jesters among them.
١٦. صدحَ الحمامُ على غصونِ أراكهِ
سحراً وجاوبهنَّ فيه هَزارُ
17. I turned away from it when magic departed at dawn.
Its enchanters emptied it of those glades and left,
١٧. نكَّبتُ عنه وقد ترحَّحَ سُحرةً
أهلُوه عن تلكَ الرياضِ فساروا
18. And I turned away from it, though deep in my heart
There was burning anger and rage toward them.
١٨. وعزفتُ عنه وفي الفؤادِ لبينهم
عنهم وعنّي جاحِمٌ وشَرارُ
And sleep - since the sweet ones left the encampment
١٩. والنومُ مذ رحلَ الخليطُ عنِ الحِمى
ونأى الحبائبُ بعدهنَّ غِرارُ
20. And the beautiful ones departed - has turned to wakefulness.
٢٠. وأما وأيامٍ بهنَّ قصيرةٍ
ذهبتْ ففي قلبي لهنَّ أُوارُ
21. As for days with them, few they were,
Yet they have left embers in my heart.
٢١. أيامِ وصلٍ كلُّهنَّ أصائلٌ
وزمانِ لهوٍ كلُّهُ أسمارُ
22. Days of union were nothing but fires
And days of play nothing but embers.
٢٢. لا ملتُ عن سننِ المحبَّةِ بعدما
قد شابَ فيها لِمَّةٌ وعِذارُ
I have not wavered from the ways of love after
٢٣. يا صاحبيَّ شكايةٌ مِن وامقٍ
أفناهُ من بعدِ النوى التَّذْكارُ
24. Folly and guilt mixed into them.
My companion, hear my lament
٢٤. لم أنسَ قولَكُما غداةَ مُحَجَّرٍ
والعيسُ قد شُدَّتْ لها الأكوارُ
25. From one distraught whom remembrance has destroyed after the loss.
I cannot forget what you both said one morning
٢٥. لكَ في المنازلِ كلَّ يومٍ مقلةٌ
عبرى وقد شطَّتْ بهنَّ الدارُ
26. When the camel-litters were loaded up.
Everyday there is anguish for you in the dwellings -
٢٦. وهوًى يُثيرُ لكَ الغرامَ ونارُه
بين الربوعِ العذلُ والآثارُ
27. The houses echo with it.
And roaming kindles passion for you and its embers,
٢٧. وهلِ الهوى إلا فؤادٌ خافقٌ
حذرَ الفراقِ ومدمعٌ مدرارُ
28. Between the meadows are parting and vestiges.
What else is passion but a pounding heart,
٢٨. وحنينُ مسلوبِ القرارِ يكادُ مشن
مرَّ النسيمِ على الحبيبِ يَغارُ
29. Fearful of loss, with copious tears?
And the yearning of one deprived of peace
٢٩. ولكم سمعتُ الوجدَ يُنشِدُ أهلَه
لو كان يُغني في الغرامِ حذارُ
30. Nearly kills me when the breeze blows toward the beloved and I grow jealous.
And I have heard ardent love sing to its people -
٣٠. أمّا الغرامُ ففي ليالي هجرِه
طولٌ وأيامُ الوصالِ قصارُ
31. If warnings could save one from the madness of passion!
As for passion, its nights in estrangement are long
٣١. وكذاكَ صبحُ الشيبِ ليلٌ مثلما
ليلُ الشبيبةِ في العيونِ نهارُ
32. While days of union are short.
So too the dawn of white hair is a night, just as
٣٢. ذهبَ الشبابُ ولا أراه يزورُني
بعدَ الذَّهابِ ولا أراه يُزارُ
33. The night of youth for the eyes was day.
Youth has departed and I do not see it visiting me
٣٣. زمنٌ عليه مِنَ الشبيبةِ رونقٌ
وقفتْ أمامَ رُوائِه الأبصارُ
34. After its going, nor do I see it being visited.
A time whose youthful bloom
٣٤. مَنْ لي بِرَيَّقِ عصرِه وزمانِه
واليه مِن دونِ العصورِ يشارُ
35. Once arrested all eyes.
Who can supply me with the elixir of its epoch,
٣٥. فله إذا ظُلَمُ الصدودِ تكاثفتْ فيها
واِن كره العذولُ منارُ
36. To which, apart from all eras, one can refer?
For it, if the veils of modesty thicken,
٣٦. ولخمرِ شِعري في العقولِ تسرُّعٌ
ما نالَ أيسرَ ما يَنالُ عقارُ
37. There pierce them, despite what the prudish may detest.
And my poetry has a swift effect on minds -
٣٧. شعرٌ إذا ما أنشدُوه كأنَّما
كأسُ المُدامةِ في لنديَّ تدارُ
38. What is most gently gained is the least potent drug.
Poetry - when they recite it, it is as if
٣٨. فالشَّعرُ ما بين البريَّةِ معصمٌ
وعليه من هذا القريضِ سِوارُ
39. The wine cup circulates in song.
Poetry, among mankind, is a refuge
٣٩. شَجَرٌ ليَ الفينانُ مِن أغصانِه
وله المعاني الناصعاتُ ثمارُ
40. Wearing this rhymed composition as a bracelet.
A tree whose branches are my obsessions
٤٠. مِن كلَّ قافيةٍ بعيدٍ أن يُرى
يومَ الرَّهانِ لشأوهنَّ غبارُ
41. And whose magnificent meanings are its fruit.
Safe from every distant consonance being seen
٤١. فيها يُنالُ مِنَ الثوابِ عظائمٌ
وبها يُقالُ مِنَ الذنوبِ عثارُ
42. On the day of judgment as their worth turns to dust.
Through it great rewards are gained
٤٢. جمحتْ على الخُطّابِ فهي عزوفةٌ
وبها اِباءٌ عنهمُ ونِفارُ
43. And by it gross sins are dismissed.
It is disdainful of suitors so they shun it
٤٣. ولها الخَيارُ ولا خَيارَ لغيرِها
في كلَّ ما تهوى وما تختارُ
44. And through it there is refusal toward them and aloofness.
It has free choice while none else has choice
٤٤. فنشيدُها طربُ الحُداةِ وذكرُها
للَّيلِ يقطعُهُ بها السُّمارُ