
Though your love has faded as time passed by

أما هواك وان تقادم عهده

1. Though your love has faded as time passed by
The sight of your face still rekindles it inside

١. أمّا هواكَ واِنْ تقادمَ عهدُه
فشفيعُ وجهِكَ ما يزالُ يُجِدُّهُ

2. Do not think that with distance and time
A longing lover will forget the pain you caused

٢. لا تحسبنَّ على التقاطعِ والنوى
ينساكَ مشتاقٌ تفاقَمَ وجدُهُ

3. As long as the breeze blows, he desires you
The cool morning breeze and its chill

٣. يهواكَ ما هبَّ النسيمُ وحبّذا
نفحُ النسيمِ الحاجريَّ وبَرْدُه

4. He was not bothered by the winds of dawn
Had he not been avoiding you and your distance

٤. ما كانَ يكلَفُ بالرياحِ صبابةً
لولا تجنُّبُه ولولا بُعدُه

5. A sadness from his necklace creeps to you
Indeed, what he wished for is in his necklace

٥. تسري اليه بضوعةٍ مِن عِقْدِه
اِنَّ المُنى فيما تضمَّنَ عِقْدُه

6. Why blame love and passion? In desire
Is a burning flame of love that blazed

٦. ماذا الملامُ مع الغرامِ وفي الحشا
منه لهيبُ هوىً تضرَّمَ وقْدُه

7. In finding you, though lost, his guidance
Would he but look inside and question himself

٧. عنه إليكَ بهِ فان ضلالَه
في الوجدِ لو حاقَقْتَ نفسَكَ رُشْدُه

8. Would the critic make him change his mind?
Impossible! His determination is firm

٨. أيرومُ عاذِلُه المضلَّلُ رَدَّهُ
عن رأيهِ هيهاتَ خُيَّبَ قصدُه

9. What of him, if what ails him grows?
Until he returns, though exceeded his limit

٩. ماذا عليه إذا تضاعفَ ما بهِ
حتّى يعودَ وقد تناهىَ حَدُّه

10. Love is a hope that breed its own disease
A hope that passion empowers and extends

١٠. اِنَّ الهوى طمعٌ يولَّدُ داءَهُ
أملٌ يقوَّيهِ الجوى ويُمِدُّه

11. How many reluctant souls succumbed by force!
Morn and eve, enslaved by desire they became

١١. فلكَمْ تملَّكَ رِقَّ حُرًّ عَنْوَةً
أمسى وأصبحَ وهو فيه عَبْدُهُ

12. By the valley's right, a handsome gazelle
Though opposed, yearns for it all the same

١٢. وبأيمَنِ الوادي غزالُ أراكةٍ
أصبو اليه واِنْ تزايدَ صَدُّه

13. Strutting as the branches bend for the breeze
Swaying with pride as it walks tall

١٣. يختالُ والأغصانُ يعطِفُها الصَّبا
فَتَغارُ منه إذا تمايلَ قَدُّه

14. The wildflowers smile as it reveals its mouth
Cheeks blushing like unfurled rose petals

١٤. والأقحُوانُ إذا تبسَّمَ ثغرُه
والوردُ مطلولُ الجوانبِ خَدُّه

15. It promised my union, would that it
Fulfill its word after prolonged denial

١٥. قد كانَ سوَّفني الوصالَ وليتَه
مِن بعدِ مَطْلٍ أن يُنجَّزَ وعدُه

16. The great distance made it break its old vow
May time return it to its former state!

١٦. بَعُدَ المدى فأحالَ سالفَ عهدِه
عن حالهِ فعسى الزمانُ يردُّه

17. As if plundering the barren land
The zebras roam, their manes flowing

١٧. نزحتْ بهِ هوجُ المطيَّ كأنَّها
في الخَرْقِ تنتهبُ الأجارعَ رُبْدُه

18. Feared by winds, so his sadness
Like a vast sea engulfing its shores

١٨. مَرْتٌ تَهيَّبُه الرياحُ فَحَزْنُه
كاليمَّ يلعبُ بالنياقِ ووَهْدُه

19. Fear not the distant, obscure goal
Though remote, dreadful in its depth

١٩. لا ترهبُ المرمى البعيدَ وغَوْرُه
متباعدُ الأقصى يَهُولُ ونَجْدُه

20. Its distance prevented our visitation
Death is either its absence or loss

٢٠. منعَ التزاورَ والدنوَّ بعادُه
والموتُ اِمّا بُعْدُه أو فَقْدُه

21. Misery that I live now departed
Gone, faded is his love for me

٢١. ومِنَ البليةِ أن أعيشَ وقد نأى
عني وأصبحَ مضمحلاً ودُّه

22. More misery that tears of his love
Once generously flowing are scarce

٢٢. ومِنَ الشقاوةِ أن دمعَ محبَّهِ
من بعدِ رشفِ مجاجٍ فيه وِردُه

23. Of what use is long crying when passed
Is the era of union, though great its count

٢٣. هل نافعي طولُ البكاءِ وقد مَضَى
زمنُ الوصالِ ولو تدافعَ عِدُّه

24. I miss him when songbirds melodiously trill
Yearning their harmonious singing in the valleys

٢٤. أشتاقُه ما غرَّدتْ أبكيَّةٌ
يشتاقُها بانُ العقيقِ ورَنْدُهُ

25. Their warbling sparked love and drained my tears
Naught remains but their echo

٢٥. سجعتْ فأججتِ الغرامَ وأنفدَتْ
دمعي ولمّا يبقَ إلا ثَمْدُه

26. Clouds drew him away, disappearing in their midst
Only the trace of his affection in the clouds stayed

٢٦. فَسَقَتْهُ عنّي مِلْعِهادِ سحائبٌ
تَترى فأمواه السحائبِ نِدُّه

27. Smiling, his lightning flashes amidst darkness
Weeping thunder in the gloom

٢٧. متد فِّق الشوْبوبِ يبسِمُ بر قُه
في المزنِ عُجْهاً حينَ يبكي رَعْدُه

28. Like my tears, eyes squinting in pain
While distance and loved ones are intertwined

٢٨. كمدامعي والعينُ تُحْدَجُ للنوى
والبعدُ أزمعَ بالأحبَّةِ جِدُّه

29. When his caravan departed at dawn
Zainab, so delicate, still pulled its rope

٢٩. لمّا انتوى ذاكَ الفريقُ وأصبحتْ
للبينِ زينبُه تَشُدُّ وهِندُه

30. The cavaliers marched, their coats of mail
Layered, glimmering, densely arranged

٣٠. سرتِ الفِلاصُ ودونهنَّ فوارسٌ
أبرادُها الَّزرَدُ المضاعَفُ سَرْدُ

31. When they attacked with cries at dawn
Their swords shed the blood of their foes

٣١. شوسٌ إذا اعتقلوا الوشيجَ لغارةٍ
هتكتْ نضيدَ السابريَّةِ سَرْدُه

32. Protecting it, as war grew intense
Lions in battle, their claws unsheathed

٣٢. يحمونَها وهم إذا اشتدَّ الوغى
في كلَّ غِيلِ قناً تأشبَّ أُسْدُه