
Let me be from reproach, O you who spend the night blaming me,

دعني من العذل يا من بات يلحاني

1. Let me be from reproach, O you who spend the night blaming me,
For your blame is not my habit or my way.

١. دعني مِنَ العذلِ يا مَنْ باتَ يلحاني
فليس عذلُكَ مِن دأْبي ولا شاني

2. Alas! A grieving heart cannot hear blame from you,
A heart divided between ideas and passions.

٢. هيهاتَ يسمعُ منكَ العذلَ مكتئبٌ
مقسمٌ بينَ أفكارٍ وأشجانِ

3. My heart is my heart, if it heals me, it's delirious,
My tears are my tears, and my sorrows are my sorrows.

٣. القلبُ قلبي إذا ما شفَّني وَلَهٌ
والدمعُ دمعيَ والأحزانُ أحزاني

4. I would not, had the loved ones not gone far away,
Shed tears over the remains of homes and dwellings.

٤. ما كنتُ لولا بِعادُ الحيَّ ذا جَزَعٍ
أَذري الدموعَ على نُؤْي وأوطانِ

5. The loved ones left those homes, so I distributed them
Among ruins and deserted places.

٥. بانَ الأحبَّةُ عن تلكَ الديارِ فقد
وزَّعتُه بينَ أطلالٍ وخُلانِ

6. Marad's dwelling of youth obliterated its landmarks
After vitality, from family and neighbors.

٦. مَرادُ لهوِ الصَّبا أقوتْ معالِمُه
بعدَ النضارةِ مِن أهلٍ وجيرانِ

7. I would not, had it not been for remoteness and separation,
Ask the ruins about loved ones and inhabitants.

٧. ما كنتُ لولا النوى والبينُ أسأل
أطلالاً عفتْ من أحبّاءٍ وسكّانِ

8. Were it not for you, O gazelle of Al-Wasa, I would not
Face the darkness among meadows and sand dunes.

٨. لولاكِ يا ظبيةَ الوعساءِ لم أجُبِ
الظلامَ بينَ أهاضيبٍ وكثبانِ

9. Nor would I have left the horses in their harness
Telling the story of distress in the open country and thickets.

٩. ولا تركتُ المطايا في أزِمَّتِها
تحكي الأزمَّةَ في بيدٍ وغيظانِ

10. Saddened by passion and insomnia upon their backs,
Over them are howdahs like couches.

١٠. تَخُبُّ في الهَجْلِ كالارسانِ معنِقةً
مِن فوقِهنَّ مهازيلٌ كأرسانِ

11. I remember them when the separation was drawn out and the ties
Of union were severed in a burning heart.

١١. أضناهمُ الوجدُ والاِرقالُ فوق مَطا
المطيَّ يا بؤسَ أجمالٍ وركبانِ

12. The time grew long, so after a while, the wind blew
Toward me, but I could not recognize it after knowing it before.

١٢. جفوا لذيذَ الحشايا في غوارِبها
فبدَّلوها بأحلاسٍ وكيرانِ

13. Separation made no difference between me, them,
And death and remoteness after nearness are the same.

١٣. مالي وللريحِ بعدَ البعدِ ما نفحتْ
عليَّ بالطيبِ من نُعمٍ ونُعمانِ

14. Every source of intimacy gave to drink the time of closeness
With a crumpled spout, a reckless, shameless waterskin.

١٤. مرَّتْ عليه وقد جرَّتْ ذلاذِلَها
فطابَ ما فيه مِن شيحٍ وحَوْذانِ

15. I have nothing to do with the wind after the remoteness that blew
The fragrance of pleasures and delights onto me.

١٥. قد كنتُ أعهدُها عنها تُخَبَّرُني
بما أُحِبُّ وبالأسرارِ تلقاني

16. It passed by it and dragged its train,
So whatever was in it of garbage and rubbish was purified.

١٦. عَرْفٌ عَرَفْتُ به الأرواحَ تُتحَفُني
عن مُنحنى الجِزعِ أو عن ظبيةِ البانِ

17. I used to entrust it with news about what I love
And with secrets, delivering them to me.

١٧. طالَ الزمانُ فهبَّت بعدَ آونةٍ
نحوي فأنكرتُها مِن بعدِ عِرفاني

18. An intimacy through which I knew souls that dress me
Against the inclination to grieve or the gazelle of Al-Bān.

١٨. حالَ التفرُّقُ ما بيني وبينَهمُ
والموتُ والبعدُ بعدَ القربِ سِيّانِ

19. Time grew long, so after a while, it blew
Toward me, and I could not recognize it after knowing it before.

١٩. سقَى زمانَ التداني كلُّ مُنبعِقٍ
مُتْعَنْجرِ الودَقِ هامي المزنِ هتّانِ

20. Separation came between me and them,
And death and remoteness after nearness are the same.

٢٠. أوقاتُ لهوٍ حميداتٌ سَعِدْتُ بها
بفاترِ الجفنِ ساجي اللحظِ فتّانِ

21. It gave to drink the time of closeness to every crumpled
Reckless, shameless, wanton waterskin.

٢١. نأى فأدناهُ منّي الذكرُ حينَ نأى
نفسي الفداُ لذاكَ النازحِ الداني

22. Blessed moments of blameless enjoyment in which I was happy
With languid eyelids and a charming glance.

٢٢. صفا بهِ العيشُ حيناً ثمَّ كدَّره
بِعادُه عن محبًّ صبرُه فاني

23. When it went far away, memory brought it near me
My soul is ransomed for that intimate companion.

٢٣. فعادَ لمّا تمادَى البعدُ وانفصمتْ
عُرى الوصالِ بقلبٍ منه حرّانِ

24. Life was pure for a while, then absence
Troubled it for a lover whose patience failed.

٢٤. قد كانَ يَسكَرُ مِن ريقٍ له عَطِرٍ
وقهوةٍ بينَ ناياتٍ وعيدانِ

25. When remoteness went on for too long and the ties
Of union were severed in a burning heart.

٢٥. فهل يُفيقُ فتىً يُمسي ويُصبحُ بينَ
العاشقينَ له في الوجدِ سُكرانِ

26. He would get drunk on a draft of it that had a fragrance
And coffee amid flutes and lutes.

٢٦. مشرَّدُ النومِ أجرى البينُ أدمعه
كأنّما فاضَ مِن عينيهِ عينانِ

27. Can morning awaken a youth who spends his nights
Drunk with lovers whose passion makes them drunk?

٢٧. يبكي إذا غرَّدتْ ورقاءُ مِن طربٍ
قبلَ الصباحِ على أعطافِ أغصانِ

28. Deprived of sleep, separation shed his tears
As if two eyes were overflowing from his eyes.

٢٨. تَهِيجُ بالنوحِ أشجاناً محرَّقةً
لقلبِ صبًّ إلى الحنّانِ حنّانِ

29. He weeps when the warbler sings at dawn from passion
On the branches of the trees before morning.

٢٩. باتتْ تؤجَّجُ بالتغريدِ نارَ هوىً
تضرَّمتْ في فؤاد المغرمِ العاني

30. It excites, with its weeping, burning passions
In the heart of one madly in love with the loving one.

٣٠. للهِ ماذا على الباناتِ يُذْكِرُني
الأهواءَ مِن طيبِ أسجاعٍ وألحانِ