
If you haven't visited, the greatest of afflictions is visiting.

ما لم تزوروا فالمام الكرى زور

1. If you haven't visited, the greatest of afflictions is visiting.
Why have you set out when your guide has called you to ride?

١. ما لم تزوروا فالمامُ الكرى زورُ
أنَّى وقد صاحَ حادي عيسكمْ سيروا

2. You left, yet how many are passionately yearning for you in the highlands,
Grieving in the desert, and how many are now abandoned!

٢. سرتمْ فكم حنَّ مشغوفٌ بكم دَنِفٌ
في الربعِ حُزناً وكم قد أن مهجورُ

3. He has folded his ribs over the flames of longing,
And its fuel is his kindling and igniting.

٣. طوى على لهبِ الأشواقِ أضلعَه
وحشوُها منه تأجيجٌ وتسعيرُ

4. It would ignite passion, and in my anguish and his sighing,
Were a boulder to be touched by the blazing fire.

٤. تُذكي الغرامَ وفي وجدي وزفرتِه
لو لامسَ الصخرَاِضرامٌ وتأثيرُ

5. You have combined my torment with yourselves,
And any sin other than parting is forgivable.

٥. جمعتمُ بين اشجاني وبينكمُ
وكلُّ ذنبٍ سوى التفريقِ مغفورُ

6. It suffices me from passion that my eyelids are distanced,
Never meeting, while my fervent longing remains preserved.

٦. حسبي من الوجدِ أجفانٌ مباعَدَةٌ
ما تلتقي وحشاً بالشوقِ مسجورُ

7. And a tear flows whenever I recite from my joy
My poetry, so they are two opposites, rhythmic and scattered.

٧. وادمعٌ كلما أنشْدتُ مِن طربي
شِعرى فضدّانِمنظومٌ ومنشورُ

8. It flows in place of the clouds over the meadows of loved ones,
And the night’s darkness is embroidered.

٨. تنهلُّ في أربعُ الأحبابِ نائبةً
عنِ الغمامِ وجيبُ الليلِ مزرورُ

9. Pure-hearted girls the like of whom haven't existed
Since the days of past prosperous times.

٩. مرابعٌ عَفَّتِ النّكباءُ ما ثلَها
مِن بعدِ ما مرَّ دهرٌ وهو معمورُ

10. And time has its people,
Even if they dislike it, and the lands have changes and alterations.

١٠. وللزمانِ بأهليهِ
ولو كَرِهوا

11. O you who bend in sadness, the clouds still have for him
Comfort and exaltation in the rain pouring down.

١١. وبالدَّيارِ تصاريفٌ وتغييرُ
يا مُنحَني الجِزْعِ لا زالَ السحابُ له

12. It waters your land, so there appear in your meadows
Wondrous beauties for the onlooker – flowers.

١٢. عليكَ بالغيثِ ترويحٌ وتكبيرُ
يروي ثراكَ فيبدو في رياضِكَ مِن

13. And the slender boughs bend when the ostriches sway them while laden,
While the foliage laments dolefully above them at dawn, disclosing signs.

١٣. بدائعِ النَّورِ للرائي أزاهيرُ
وينثني البانُ ريانَ الغصونِ اِذا

14. Lamenting over the treetops while the murmurs of longing have vanished,
Repeatedly grieving.

١٤. ما ميّلَتهُ النُّعامى وهو مَمْطُورُ
تنوحُ مِن فوقهِ الورقاءُ ساجعةً

15. So if the pact of love yearns with the weeping of leaves,
Then the ally of yearning is forgivable.

١٥. والصبحُ لائحةٌ منه التباشيرُ
لنوحها فوقَ أفنانِ الأراكِ وقد

16. Since his loved ones left him and so did his neighbor,
The greatest affliction has befallen him and he is terrified.

١٦. غابَ الهديلُ مِن الأشواقِ تكريرُ
فاِنْ يَهِمْ بحنينِ الوُرقِ حِلْفُ هوًى

17. And the groves have compensated him after them with sorrow
While he was once happy and close to them.

١٧. شوقاً فاِنَّ حليفَ الشوقِ معذورُ
مذ بانَ أحبابهُ عنهُ وجيرتُهُ

18. So time became blameworthy. If only they would
Return to me while it is appreciated.

١٨. أمسى الكرى وهو عن عينيهِ مذعورُ
وعوَّضتْه النوى مِن بعدِهم حُزناً

19. There is no shame to my skin now they have departed,
When passion overcomes me and I am defeated and coerced.

١٩. وكانَ بالقربِ منهمْ وَهْوَ مسرورُ
فأصبحَ الدهرُ مذموماً فليتهمُ

20. I tasked it with love – meaning its heaviness I tolerated –
So exhaustion from it was revealed.

٢٠. عادوا ليرجِعُ عندي وهو مشكورُ
وما على جَلَدي عارٌ وقد نَزَحُوا

21. Our loved ones – my secret was with you before
The outpouring of my tears while it was concealed.

٢١. اِذا اغتدى وَهْوَ مغلوبٌ ومقهورُ
حَمَّلْتُهُ الحبَّ يعني ثِقلُه اِضَماً

22. Days when I was brave to people due to my closeness to you,
Smiles would shine from my face.

٢٢. فبانَ فيه مِنَ الاعياءِ تقصيرُ
أحبابَنا كانَ سرّي قبلَ بينكمُ

23. And today my share of your nearness
Has become slight, while it was abundant and plentiful.

٢٣. وقبلَ فيضِ دموعي وهو مستورُ
أيام كنتُ بقربي منكمُ جَذِلاً

24. My heart is sickened that it has now come to demand
Union with you, then is deluded.

٢٤. للبِشْرِ تُبْرِقُ مِنْ وجهي اساريرُ
واليومَ قد صارَ حظَّي مِن دنوكُّمُ

25. As if the reunion of kindred after the days of
My familiarity with loving friends is forbidden.

٢٥. نَزْراً وقد كانَ منه وهو موفورُ
أُعلَّلُ القلبُ أن أضحى يُطالِبُني

26. Will a journey ever bring them close,
Caravans or swift riding camels?

٢٦. بالوصلِ منكمْ فيُمسي وهو مغرورُ
حتى كأنَّ التئامَ الشملِ لا بَعُدَتْ

27. After barriers of military camps, banners and drums
Have come between me and them.

٢٧. أيامُ أُنسي بأهلِ الودَّ محظورُ
هل تُدِنينَّهمُ عيسٌ مزمَمةٌ

28. I reckon the ally of the war-drums has taken his stance,
There resounding and provoking separation.

٢٨. بُدْنٌ مراسيلُ أو وجناءُ عَيْسُورُ
مِنْ بعدِ ما حجزتْ بيني وبينهمُ ال

29. Until nights of reunion return radiant with them
And the train of my joy while it is dragged along.

٢٩. بيدُ البلاقعُ والأعلامُ والقُورُ
أظَنُّ فيها حليفُ الكُورِ مُنْتَصِباً

٣٠. فيه اليفايَتخويدٌ وتهجيرُ
حتى تعودَ ليالي الوصلِ مشرقةً

٣١. بهم وذيلُ سروري وهو مَجْرُورُ