
He asks her, while the camel litter sways

يسائلها والبين ترغو رواحله

1. He asks her, while the camel litter sways
Will he return from the barren sands one day?

١. يسائلُها والبينُ ترغو رواحِلُهْ
أيرجِعُ مِن عهدِ الكثيبِ أوائلُهْ

2. If a day should pass when I don't see you
It is death itself, or portents of death, I rue

٢. اِذا مرَّ يومٌ لا أراكِ فاِنَّهُ
هو الموتُ أو أسبابُهُ أو دلائلُهْ

3. He asks the encampment, whene'er we part
Does it pain him that the trail leads him far?

٣. يسائلُ ربعاً بعدَ بينكِ كلَّما
ألمَّ يُحييَّهِ شجتْهُ منازلُهْ

4. What use is it for him to ask, when the ruins
Yearn for him till they are asking too?

٤. وماذا عسى يُجدي عليه سؤالُهُ
وقد كادتِ الأطلالُ شوقاً تسائلُه

5. He visits the abode of love, though it
Kindles the fires of longing that slay him

٥. يزورُ مِنَ الوجدِ الديارَ واِنَّها
لتضرِمُ نارَ الشوقِ والشوقُ قاتلُه

6. If the lightning flashes toward her land at night
Patience fails him, though he vowed to brace

٦. واِنْ لمعتْ في الليلِ مِن نحوِ ارضِها
بوارقُ مزنٍ فالتصبُّرُ خاذلُه

7. If a breeze blows from a house where he reveled
It refuses to settle, stirring his craze

٧. واِنْ هبَّ عن دارٍ تَحُلُّ ربوعَها
نسيمٌ أبتْ أن تستقرَّ بلابلُه

8. Isn't it odd that he leaves his friends
When parting's blade proves too strong to fight?

٨. أليس عجيباً أن يفارقَ اِلفَهُ
وتقوى على نَيْلِ الفراقِ مقاتلُه

9. When time's promise of nearness seems binding
It tricks him, keeping their union from sight

٩. اِذا ما اقتضى وعدَ الزمانِ بقربِها
ويا بعده أضحى الزمانُ يماطلُه

10. A dove stirs beneath the darkness, fevered
By the glow of embers and songs of delight

١٠. تُؤرَّقُه تحتَ الظلامِ حمامةٌ
يُهَيَّجها بانُ الحمى وخمائلُه

11. It approaches him, hoping closeness, yet
Fate obstructs it, though it strains in its flight

١١. لها فيه لمّا أن نأتْ عن جَنابِهِ
هَدِيلٌ تُرَجَّي قُرْبَهُ وتُحاولُه

12. It rises high on the litter, its coos
Troubling his rest, as the night grows late

١٢. صبتْ نحوَه والدهرُ قهراً يعوقُها
وأحداثُه عن قصدِهِ وغوائلُه

13. He weeps for friends lost to the hand of fate
In copious tears that flow without abate

١٣. تُردَّدُ في أعلى الاراكة نوحها
فتقلقه والليل تدجو غياطله

14. The dunes remind him at dusk, as they curve
Sighing from the wind's gentle gait

١٤. فيبكي على اِلْفٍ رَمتْهُ يدُ النوى
بفائضِ دمعٍ لا تَغُبُّ هواملُه

15. As if parting and exile were created
Just for him, one leaves the other won't wait

١٥. ويُذْكِرُه البانُ القدودَ إذا انثنتْ
تَرنَّحُ مِن مَرَّ النَّسيمِ موائلُه

16. After their separation, sickness occupies him
More than blame, it distracts and berates

١٦. كأنَّ النوى والهجرَ قد خُلِقا لهُ
اِذا زالَ ذا عنه فذا لا يُزايلُه

17. His body wastes from passion's excess
Wasting him more, though his brethren hate

١٧. ويكفيهِ شُغلاً بعدَ فُرقةِ بينهِ
سَقامٌ عَنِ العذّالِ واللَّومِ شاغلُهْ

18. His tears have watered many a barren plain
And poured on the land where their tents were pitched

١٨. بَرى جسمَه فرطُ الغرامِ وزادَه
غراماً لواحيهِ به وعواذلُه

19. For in it there's a trace that almost
Wakens his companions when breezes hitch

١٩. سقى دمعُه ربعاً لاْسماءَ مُقْفِراً
وروَّى ثرى تلكَ المرابعِ هاطلُه

20. When he passes an abandoned camp, he weeps
For days gone by, tears streaming without stitch

٢٠. فاِنَّ بها رسماً يكادُ لأُنسِهِ
به كلَّما حيّاهُ حيّاهُ ماحلُه

21. How many dawns were serene when he walked there
While the whisperer rose and night wind was still

٢١. اِذا ما أتاهُ بعدَ لاْيٍ وقد عَفا
بكَى عهدَهُ فيه فرقَّتْ جنادِلُه

22. He trudged on though the journey was long
More lively when his camel lifted its tail

٢٢. مرابعُ كم راقتْ بها غَدَواتُهُ
على غِرَّةِ الواشي ورقَّتْ أصائلُه

23. Weakened by hunger, he tugs the reins
As his rider, a swordblade, bites without fail

٢٣. يعوجُ عليها وهي قفرٌ وما بها
سوى طللٍ بادٍ لعينيهِ ماثلُه

24. He has resolves like strokes that adorn
Swords with inscriptions for all details

٢٤. تقضَّى بها الوصلُ القليلُ وزادَه
بها شغفاً والوصلُ تُصبي قلائلُه

25. Saplings of his enemies' blood spend the night
When battle calls him, they sprout and prevail

٢٥. أأحبابَهُ غبتمْ فأوحشَ ربعُكمْ
مُحِبَّكمْ والربعُ يُؤْنِسُ آهلُه

26. Were it not for his courage, they would bloom
When he touches them with hands strong as flail

٢٦. وقد كنتمُ هدَّدتُموه ببينِكمْ
مُزاحاً إلى أن حُقَّ لاحُقَّ باطلُه

27. You'd think him the twin of Badr, girded
With blades, prepared for all travails

٢٧. فعوَّضتُموهُ عن تداني مزارِكمْ
بِعاداً لقد خابَ الذي كانَ يأمُلُه