1. I have resolved and you have not resolved
To abandon all the pledges between us
١. آليتُ لا حِلْتُ ولا حِلْتُمُ
عن كلَّ ما أعهدُهُ منكمُ
2. By that which I cared for of your covenant
After your benevolence, the passionate is known
٢. وبالذي ارعاه مِن عهدِكمْ
بعدَ نواكمْ يُعرَفُ المغرمُ
3. I used to weep while the intention was not ripe
Afterwards, so what can be done, you determined
٣. قد كنتُ أبكي والنوى لم تَحِنْ
بعدُ فما الحيلةُ أن بِنتمُ
4. And how can one not be restless who
Is always made restless by your ancient love
٤. وكيف لا يَقلَقُ مِنْ لم يزلْ
يُقْلِقُهُ حبُّكمُ الأقدَمُ
5. I feel comforted by the wind when it passes
Bearing news of you and breathing your scent
٥. أرتاحُ للريحِ إذا ماسرتْ
مشمولةً تُخبِرُني عنكمُ
6. As though it laments the wounds of passion
So to my heart without you it is a balm
٦. كأنَّها تأسو جِراحَ الهوى
فهي لقلبي دونكمْ مرهمُ
7. The voyagers do not know what befell me
In fervent love had the guide not divulged the markings
٧. ما عَلِمَ الرُّكبانُ ما حلَّ بي
في الوجدِ لو لم يَلُحِ المَعْلَمُ
8. I concealed it until when it manifested
Tears revealed what I was hiding
٨. كتمتُه حتى إذا ما بدا
أظهرتِ العبرةُ ما أكتمُ
9. And you did not cease to disclose the secret of passion
From me whenever I visited the gentle hills
٩. ولم تزلْ تُظهِرُ سرَّ الهوى
منّي إذا ما زرتُها الأرسُمُ
10. I ask about her family feigning absence
As though she can hear or understand
١٠. أسألُها عن أهلِها ضَلَّةً
كأنّها تسمعُ أو تَفْهَمُ
11. And perhaps I express all that
Increases my fervor, though she is a foreigner
١١. وربَّما أعربَ عن كلَّ ما
يزيدُ وجدي ربعُها الأعجَمُ
12. Encampments, I have come to weep for them
After once smiling in them
١٢. منازلٌ قد صِرْتُ أبكي لها
مِن بعدِ ما كنتُ بها أَبسِمُ
13. With tears, after the beloved ones
Upon the soil of their ruins I lament
١٣. بادمعٍ مِن بعدِ أهلِ الهوى
على ثرى أطلالِهم تَسْجُمُ
14. If rain is scarce and if the clouds
Of abundant rain rumble and swell
١٤. اِنْ أعوزَ الغيثُ وان أنجمَتْ
سحائبُ الرَّىَّ انبرتْ تَثجِمُ
15. And time is inconstant, experiencing for me
Misery, then comfort after it
١٥. والدهرُ حالانِفطوراً له
بؤسي وطوراً بعدها أنعُمُ
16. So do not resent its actions
For often the esteemed becomes insignificant
١٦. فلا تَضيقَنَّ بأفعالِه
فربَّما هانَ الذي يَعظُمُ
17. My loved ones, do not spurn my tears
For after you they are blood
١٧. أحبابَنا لا تَرِدوا أدمعي
فاِنَّها بعدَ نواكُمْ دَمُ
18. You are distant, so time in my eyes
Without your lights is gloomy
١٨. بَعُدْتُمُ فالدهرُ في ناظري
بغيرِ أنوارِكمُ مُظلِمُ
19. And my bright life after desire
Was darkened by your swarthy estrangement
١٩. وعيشتي البيضاءُ بعدَ النوى
كدَّرها هجركُمُ الأدهَمُ
20. Had it not been for my tears the day I bid you farewell
The secrets of passion would not have been known
٢٠. لولا دموعي يومَ توديعكمْ
لم تكُ أسرارُ الهوى تُعلَمُ
21. Shall I complain of you or to your injustice
Complain of what has befallen me from you
٢١. أأشتكيكمْ أم إلى جورِكمْ
أشكو الذي قد حلَّ بي منكمُ
22. And I do not see that my course of action
Grants me justice from one who has always wronged me
٢٢. ولا أرى في مذهبي أَنَّهٌ
يُنصِفُني مَنْ لم يزلْ يَظلِمُ
23. Harmfulness has become for it a doctrine
And it for harmfulness, beyond all mankind, is staunchest
٢٣. شِنْشنَةٌ صارتْ له مذهباً
وهو لها دونَ الورى أخزَمُ
24. Loved ones, if asked what we would choose
I would not say but them
٢٤. أحبَّةٌ لو قيلَماذا الذي
نختارُه ما قلتُإلا همُ
25. They surrendered me to the humiliation of passion
Unjustly, and thought that I submit
٢٥. هم أسلموني لاِسارِ الهوى
ظلماً وظنُّوا أنَّني أسلمُ
26. My heart for what it bore from them
Does not know weeping and does not tire
٢٦. قلبي على ما نالَهُ منهمُ
لا يعرفُ البثَّ ولا يسأمُ
27. Whether they support or accuse, it has not ceased
To be apprehensive, supportive and accusative
٢٧. اِنْ أنجدوا أو أتهموا لم يزلْ
وهو المَرُوعُ المنجِدُ المتهِمُ
28. And a watcher whose eyes the thought of parting does not sleep
And for whom tears prevent slumber
٢٨. وناظرٍ لم يَغْفُ خوفَ النوى
والبينِ لمّا هجعَ النوَّمُ
29. Our neighbors, here I am, still true
To my vow, so are you as you once were?
٢٩. جيرانَنا ها أنا باقٍ على
عهدي فهل أنتمْ كما كنتمُ
30. Time has not changed its face toward us
To displeasure, that you have changed
٣٠. ما غيَّرَ الدهرُ لنا وجهُهُ
عنِ الرَّضى حتى تغيَّرتُمُ
31. I fulfilled my duty when the people of passion betrayed
And did not say that you betrayed
٣١. وفَيْتُ لمّا خانَ أهلُ الهوى
ولم أقلْإِنكمُ خنتُمُ
32. An allusion in its folds is every thing
That weakens me of you and pains me
٣٢. كنايةٌ في طيَّها كلُّ ما
يُوهنُني منكمْ وما يؤلمُ
33. Would that you when your night journey departed
Had bid farewell at the brilliant goodbyes
٣٣. فليتكمْ لمّا سرتْ عيسُكمْ
عن أبْرَقِ الحنّانِ ودَّعتُمُ
34. Alas for the pleasant nights of youth
If only they returned and you returned
٣٤. آهاً على طيبِ ليالي الغَضا
لو أنَّها عادَتْ ولو عُدْتُمُ
35. You went away, and there is no longer pleasure in our life
Nor was the wine cup stirred since you left
٣٥. غبتمْ فما لذَّ لنا عيشُنا
ولا استُحِثَّ الكاسُ مذ غِبتُمُ
36. So rain and shooting stars are sorrow
For the estranged one, weeping for you and lamenting
٣٦. فالغيثُ والمنثورُ هذا أسًى
للبينِ يبكيكمْ وذا يَلطِمُ
37. And the yellowing of flowers and their whitening
This is a dinar and that a dirham
٣٧. وأصفرُ الزهرِ ومبيضُّهُ
هذاكَ دينارٌ وذا درهمُ
38. The meadow is verdant with the drops of dew
And its fragrance is redolent from its corners
٣٨. والروضُ مخضلٌّ بقطرِ الندى
فالطيبُ مِن أرجائهِ يَفْغَمُ
39. And for passion in my heart is an ember
That remains lit in fear of parting
٣٩. وللهوى في كبدي جذوةٌ
تبيتُ مِن خوفِ النوى تُضرَمُ
40. Will I then see their encampments in the terrain
Brought near to me by the stooping camel
٤٠. فهل أرى حيَّهمُ باللَّوى
يُدنيهِ منّي البازلُ المُكْدَمُ
41. As though in the confusion of travel
He rouses them, the blackish violent one
٤١. كأنَّه في هَبَواتِ السُّرى
يُثيرُهنَّ الخاضِبُ الأصلَمُ
42. How often his hooves were lifted off blood
As though in his track instantly coagulated
٤٢. كم رُفِعَتْ أخفافهُ عنْ دَمٍ
كأنَّه في اِثرِه عَنْدَمُ
43. They tremble at his voice and terror
As though in his forelock there is a shackle
٤٣. ترتاعُ للصوتِ واِرهابِه
كأنَّما في ثِنيهِ أرقمُ
44. O you verses, the call of one
Captivated by your most upright method
٤٤. يا أيُّها النظمُ نداءَ امرئٍ
يَشغَفُهُ مذهبُكَ الأقومُ
45. You gush forth like a torrent into a mind
Flooded by your brimming sea
٤٥. تَعُبُّ كالسيلِ على خاطرٍ
طمى عليه بحرُكَ المُفْعَمُ
46. I extol you for what is in you to a status
Given by neither jurhum nor 'ad
٤٦. أُثني بما فيكَ على رُتْبَةٍ
لم يُعْطَها عادٌ ولا جُرْهُمُ
47. If you were in the age of men now gone
Who prayed for your words or were silent
٤٧. لو كنتَ في عصرِ رجالٍ مَضَوا
صَلَّوا على لفظكَ او سَلَّموا