
I confide in you what is within me, is that enough for you?

أبثك ما بي أم كفاك نحولي

1. I confide in you what is within me, is that enough for you?
In it, to my passion is the clearest proof,

١. أبثُّكَ ما بي أم كفاكَ نحولي
ففيه على وجدي أتَمُّ دليلِ

2. Truthfully informing what is in the consciences,
without prolonged words that are of no benefit.

٢. يُخبَّرُ عما في الضمائرِ صادقاً
بغيرِ كلامٍ لا يُفيدُ طويلِ

3. And since the excess of sickness has left him in his state,
he has risen above the reproacher and blamer.

٣. ومذ نَمَّ فرطُ السُّقمِ عنه بحالهِ
تَرَفَّعَ عن واشٍ به وعذولِ

4. So O people of my affection, how have you found it lawful
to sever the bond, out of fear of wealth and it was said out of love?

٤. فيا أهلَ ودَّي كيفَ حلَّلتمُ النوى
أمِنْ خوفِ مالٍ في الغرامِ وقيلِ

5. You have tired of an infatuation that I have not tired of its torment,
even though there is nothing permanent in love.

٥. مللتُمْ هوًى ما أن مللتُ عذابَهُ
على أن ما في الغيدِ غيرُ ملولِ

6. And you left me in the dwellings and moved on
with a glance that stirred up thoughts in my mind.

٦. وخلَّفتموني في الديارِ وبنتمُ
بطرفٍ على بالي الديارِ هَمولِ

7. And my tears flow, and tears are the inspirations
of the causes of sorrow, from sighing and wailing.

٧. وتندو دموعي والدموعُ بواعثٌ
دواعي الأسى مِن زفرةٍ وعويلِ

8. And the hardy of separation found endurance in me
with patience upon the decree of humiliating passion.

٨. وألفى شجاعُ البينِ منّي تجلداً
بصبرٍ على حكمِ الغرامِ ذليلِ

9. So what is my strategy, for there is none among the loved ones who have mercy,
nor among the passionate people anyone but the ignorant.

٩. فما حيلتي ما في الأحبَّةِ راحمٌ
ولا في رجالِ الوجدِ غيرُ جهولِ

10. And for them in every land and dwelling,
they have a confidant of passion, from a killer and a killed one.

١٠. وكم لهم في كلَّ ربعٍ ومنزلٍ
حليفَيْ هوًى مِن قاتلٍ وقتيلِ

11. And when we despaired, I said to my she-camel,
"To Layla's abode, turn my side."

١١. ولمّا جَزَعنا الجِزعَ قلتُ لناقتي
الى دارِ ليلى بالأجارعِ ميلي

12. She trots lightly over the gravel plains in every undertaking
and the neighing to its inhabitants and tribe.

١٢. تُراحَيْ مِن الاراقلِ في كلَّ مهمهٍ
وهَجْلٍ إلى سكانِها وذميلِ

13. She did not waver from the love even as homesickness burdened her
to every living soul, emigrant and tribe.

١٣. مِنَ الهوجِ لم تغلْ واِنْ كظَّها السُّرى
الى كلَّ حيًّ نازحٍ وقبيلِ

14. When the darkness and tear overcast her, she was not afraid
even if she heard the sounds of death and perishing.

١٤. اِذا هالَها الاِدلاجُ والخرقُ لم تُرَعْ
واِنْ سمعتْ للموتِ كلَّ أليلِ

15. She feeds upon a love for Layla that is manifest in her moan
the pangs of longing in the heart of the afflicted.

١٥. تَغُذُّ بذي وجدٍ براهُ على النوى
نوازعُ شوقٍ في الفؤادِ دخيلِ

16. So who is there for the sickly lover's brother
near the sanctuary or with some medicine?

١٦. فمَنْ لأخِ الوجدِ العليلِ على النوى
بقربِ مزارٍ أو بِبَلَّ غليلِ

17. Engrossed am I with the delicate tree branches
like the cheeks of the beloved in frailty and withering.

١٧. معنًّى بأغصانِ القدودِ رشيقةً
كبانِ الحِمى في دِقَّةٍ وذبولِ

18. The drunkenness of the morning breeze makes it sway
bending gently as evidence of the malady of every bending branch.

١٨. يُرنَّحُها سكرُ الصَّبا فيُميلُها
دلالاً على العلاّتِ كلَّ مَمِيلِ

19. And when we stopped for farewell, with a glance
of the eyelids, furtive like kohl.

١٩. ولمّا وقفنا للوَداعِ اِشارةً
بطرفٍ مِنَ السَّجفِ الخفيَّ كحيلِ

20. There came from a flock of gazelles a wild one
that gave us opportunity in the meadow and rest stop.

٢٠. وقد عنَّ مِن سربِ الغواني ربابٌ
سنحنَ لنا في مَرْبَعٍ ومَقيلِ

21. I stood but could not hold back the onset of tears
that flow over a cheek that has for them a tilting place.

٢١. وقفتُ فلم أملِكْ بوادرَ عبرةٍ
تَسُحُّ على ربعٍ لهنَّ مَحيلِ

22. And tears are only for parting with them in it and its people
and the era of youth at dawn and evening.

٢٢. وما الدمعُ إلا للفراقِ فيها بأهلِها
وعهدَ الصَّبا في بُكْرَةٍ وأصيلِ

23. When friends are far from me and I do not find
a messenger to them, so the breeze is my messenger.

٢٣. اِذا بَعُدَ الأحبابُ عنّي ولم أجدْ
رسولاً اليهمْ فالنسيمُ رسولي

24. I ask about them every wind that blows
upon me at dawn from the north and south.

٢٤. أسائلُ عنهمْ كلَّ ريحٍ تنسَّمتْ
عليَّ ضُحًى مِن شمأَلٍ وقَبُولِ

25. Oh, excellent is that time now gone
commendably with a harmony to be approved and a friend.

٢٥. فيا حبذا ذاكَ الزمانُ الذي مضى
حميداً باِلْفٍ يُرتضى وخليلِ

26. A time we spent in happiness not seeing
the capriciousness of fate as ugly.

٢٦. زماناً تقضَّى ما رأيناهُ سامنا
على ولَعٍ في الدهرِ غيرَ جميلِ

27. We accompanied those gazelles as companions
to the shade of a life for the youth shaded.

٢٧. صَحِبْنا به تلكَ الغواني أوانساً
الى ظِلَّ عيشٍ للشبابِ ظليلِ

28. I will praise that time of yours with words
that show poetry's tongue to be unfailing.

٢٨. سأمدحُ ذيّاكَ الزمانَ بمِقْولٍ
يُريكَ لسانَ الشعرِ غيرَ كليلِ

29. With praise, if narrators relate it tomorrow,
little will be my praise yet it is no little thing.

٢٩. بمدحٍ إذا فاهَ الرواةُ به غداً
قليلٌ مديحي وهو غيرُ قليلِ

30. Even though the people of poetry have become
many, and among the many there is no equivalent.

٣٠. على أن أهلَ الشَّعرِ امْسَوا وأصبحوا
كثيراً وما في الأكثرينَ عديلي