
I think if you knew the extent of my love

أظنك لو علمت بفرط حبي

1. I think if you knew the extent of my love
You would not have tortured my heart with estrangement

١. أظنُّكَ لو علمتَ بفرطِ حبَّي
لما عذَّبتَ بالهجرانِ قلبي

2. And if you saw me crying from passion
With tears in which the remoteness of my beloved mingles

٢. ولو عاينتَني ابكي غراماً
بدمعٍ فيه بعدَ البينِ شُرْبي

3. I would have wept for what I suffer and that is enough for me
That you weep for what you have inflicted, that is enough for me

٣. رثيتُ لما أُلاقيهِ وحسبي
بأنْ ترثي لِما ألقاهُ حسبي

4. O slender gazelle who lent beauty to the neck
Whose charm shows through every herd

٤. أيا رشأً اعارَ الظبيَ جيداً
يُدِلُّ بحسنِه في كلَّ سربِ

5. You have appointed my eyes to wakefulness
And to shedding tears since you created my affection

٥. لقد وكَّلْتَ بالتَّسهادِ عيني
وبالبَلْبالِ لمّا بنتَ لُبَّي

6. If passion is no sin, nor can I refrain from it
If my sin to you persists, then let my sin persist

٦. فِنْ يكنِ الغرامُ ولا أُحاشي
إدا ذنبي إليكَ فدامَ ذنبي

7. I swear if estrangement from you continues, I will endure it
And if my love does not draw near to it, I will draw near my love

٧. يميناً أن يَدُمْ هجري سأقضي
واِنْ لم يَدْنُ نحبي منه نُحْ بي

8. And how much hope I have in you that shows me
The place of my pleasures after impending reprimand

٨. وكم لي فيكَ آمالٌ تُريني
مكانَ رضايّ بعدَ وَشِيْكِ عَتْبي