1. With eyes dark as night, bright of hue,
Their lids closed with sleep weighted down,
١. وناصع اللون اسود الحدقة
جفونه بالعشاء منطبقه
2. Like a weary child who could not stay awake,
Who fell asleep though lights kept him awake.
٢. كذي دلال لم يستطع ارقا
فنام والنور واصل ارقه
3. Day and night beckoned equally,
So he turned from one and favored another.
٣. هام به الليل والنهار معاً
فصد عن ذا وخص ذا مقه
4. Do not hesitate over what he contains-
That fair heart of one who created him.
٤. لا تمتروا في الذي تضمنه
تلك سويداء قلب من علقه
5. A water lily perfected her wonders-
No creature contains his qualities.
٥. نيلوفرا أحكمت بدائعه
لا يحتوي خلقه ولا خلقه
6. A pure garment as though its Maker
Were the Judge of judges who created him.
٦. طاهر ثوب كأن خالقه
من عرض قاضي القضاة قد خلقه
7. Descendant of those servants whom
Faces of pouring clouds have masked.
٧. سليل عباد الذي حشمت
منه وجوه السحائب الغدقه
8. Glory's horizon will tomorrow be
A moon for him, and truth a sealed truth.
٨. المجد افق غدا له قمرا
والحق حق حوى به طبقه