
By the one I swear, that gazelle who

وا بأبي ذاك الغزال الذي

1. By the one I swear, that gazelle who
Roams around both secretly and openly

١. وا بأبي ذاك الغزال الذي
يجول في سر واعلان

2. The place where his hoof beats smile with pearls
Adorned by beauty with coral

٢. مقر طق يبسم عن لؤلؤ
رصعه الحسن بمرجان

3. I would sacrifice him, with his doe-like eyelids
That slept so that my eyelids would stay awake

٣. افديه من احور اجفانه
نامت لكي تسهر اجفاني

4. When his polished neck appeared before me
I said to the one who kept insisting to me

٤. لما بدا لي جيده متلعا
قلت لمن قد ظل يلحاني

5. If this is what I would obtain from him
I would be satisfied with all my wishes

٥. لافزت منه بجميع المنى
ان كان هذا عند رضوان

6. How could a gazelle have eyelids like those
Or milk teeth like that row of shining white

٦. من اين للظبي كأجفانه
او مثل ذاك الخوط للبان

7. It is nothing but proof
And evidence for the devout against the sinner

٧. ما هو آلا برهان
وحجة اللوطي على الزاني