
Spring wore its youth coldness

لبس الربيع الطلق برد شبابه

1. Spring wore its youth coldness
And uncovered its coquetry after coyness

١. لبس الربيع الطلق برد شبابه
وافتر عن عتباه بعد عتابه

2. The king of seasons adorned the land with its riches
Exuberantly displaying its valleys and plateaus

٢. ملك الفصول حبا الثرى بثرائه
متبرجا لوهاده وهضابه

3. I see you with lights and adorned with its coldness
And I see you with trees, green are its domes

٣. فأراك بالأنوار وشي بروده
وأراك بالاشجار خضر قبابه

4. Last night the setting sun takes it away
And tomorrow the tears of its eyelids snatch it

٤. أمسى يذهبها بشمس أصيلة
وغدا يعضضها بدمع جنابه

5. The mind of minds, so how can its beauty be contained
And the eyes bent as eyebrows at its eyebrows

٥. عقل العقول فما تكيف حسنه
وثنى العيون جنائبا بجنابه

6. With the hoped-for eyebrow, its mouth smiled
Joyfully and our voices loudly spoke its rightness

٦. بالحاجب المأمول أضحك ثغره
فرحا وأنطق جهرنا بصوابه

7. With the pillar of this religion and the king whom
The angels hurry to kiss his feet

٧. بعماد هذا الدين والملك الذي
تتبادر الاملاك لثم ركابه

8. It shook the mountain tops and they thunder from its fear
And the steeds rose up, so they began to pride themselves on it

٨. هز الصعاد فارعدت من خوفه
وعلا الجياد فاصبحت تزهى به