
You insult Azd and the two tribes of Tay

أتشتم أزد القريتين وطيئا

1. You insult Azd and the two tribes of Tay
You have embarked on something never attempted before

١. أَتَشتُمُ أَزدَ القَريَتَينِ وَطَيِّئاً
لَقَد رُمتَ أَمراً كاَ غَيرَ مَرومِ

2. And if you revile the eminent Uliyy of Tayy
To them this reputation reaches every generous man

٢. وَإِن تَهجُ عُليا طَيِّئٍ تَلقَ طَيِّئاً
إِلَيها تَناهى نَعتُ كُلَّ كَريمِ

3. In them is the example of people you know
And the people of loyalty, old and new

٣. بِهِم مَثَلُ الناسِ الَّذي تَعرِفونَهُ
وَأَهلِ الوَفاءِ مِن حادِثٍ وَقَديمِ

4. While you are to the neighbors a pesky weasel
Accursed in evil, and son of accursed

٤. وَأَنتَ عَلى الجيرانِ قُنفُذُ تَلعَةٍ
أَزومٌ عَلى السَوءاتِ وَاِبنُ أَزومِ

5. When he fears, he hides his snout from his enemies
And if he does not fear them, he spends the night restless

٥. إِذا خافَ وارى أَنفَهُ مِن عَدُوِّهِ
وَإِن لَم يَخَفهُ باتَ غَيرَ نَؤومِ

6. For us is verdant Yemen and all of the East
And fertile Ahsa, O son of Qain of Tamim

٦. لَنا اليَمَنُ الخَضراءُ وَالشَرقُ كُلُّهُ
وَأَحساءُ أُبلى يا اِبنَ قَينِ تَميمِ

7. For us is the fortress of Najd over all people
And we in Najd are the refuge of all the oppressed

٧. لَنا مَعقِلا نَجدٍ عَلى الناسِ كُلِّهِم
وَنَحنُ بِنَجدٍ حِرزُ كُلِّ مَضيمِ

8. You squander the sanctuary of the daughter of Ghalib
And cry for the dead of Manqar and Sarim

٨. تُضَيِّعُ عُقرَ الجِعثِنِ اِبنَةِ غالِبٍ
وَتَبكي لِقَتلى مَنقَرٍ وَصَريمِ

9. And cry for the companions of the night of Jithn
The crying of a man grieving over disgraces

٩. وَتَبكي عَلى أَصحابِ لَيلَةِ جِعثِنٍ
بُكاءَ اِمرِئٍ لِلمُخزِياتِ رَؤومِ

10. You are not, if Qurma exhausts Umayya
Stars of the two Azds after the stars

١٠. وَما أَنتَ إِن قَرما أُمَيَّةَ أَجهَدا
نُجوماً مِنَ الأَزدَينِ بَعدَ نُجومِ

11. By the Owner of the Throne, Umayya took them after
You gave the spears of Azd every inviolable thing

١١. بِذي العَرشِ نالَتهُم أُمَيَّةُ بَعدَما
مَنَحتُم رِماحَ الأَزدِ كُلَّ حَريمِ

12. Do you hope after the morning of Azd to see
For your people a day, then other than disgraceful?

١٢. أَبَعدَ غَداةِ الأَزدِ تَطمَعُ أَن تَرى
لِقَومِكَ يَوماً ثَمَّ غَيرَ ذِميمِ

13. If you do not die until you rub sticks together
We will rub the likes of them in the homes of Tamim

١٣. فَإِن لا تَمُت حَتّى تَحُكَّ عَصاعِصاً
نَدِن مِثلَها في عُقرِ دارِ تَميمِ

14. And Azd made you take refuge, the day you met them
To a lineage, O son of mean hyenas

١٤. وَقَد أَلجَأَتكَ الأَزدُ يَومَ لَقيتَها
إِلى حَسَبٍ يا اِبنَ القُيونِ لَئيمِ

15. If a Tamimi prides himself on his people
Heads of those from Qahtan, other than forbearing

١٥. فَإِن تَميمِيّاً يُسامي بِقَومِهِ
جَماجِمَ مِن قَحطانَ غَيرُ حَليمِ

16. And if the wind of Qahtan blew on you a gust
With necks turned away from the face of barren winds

١٦. وَلَو نَفَحَتكُم ريحُ قَحطانَ نَفحَةً
بِنَكباءَ عَن وَجهِ الرِياحِ عَقيمِ

17. You would say, oh if only Sa’d and Malik
Were foreskins cut by the hand of a deaf accursed devil

١٧. لَقُلتَ أَلا يا لَيتَ سَعداً وَمالِكاً
قَذىً بِاِستِ شَيطانٍ أَصَمَّ رَجيمِ

18. Qahtan veiled Sham from you with the spear
In its regions, resident and transient

١٨. أَغَضَّت عَلَيكَ الشامَ قَحطانُ بِالقَنا
بِأَقطارِها عَن ظاعِنٍ وَمُقيمِ

19. If you are the best of the two sons of Manah, both wretched
Then I am the finest of people, the best of Tamim

١٩. فَإِن تَكُ خَيرَ اِبنَي مَناةَ كِلَيهِماً
فَأَلأَمُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ خَيرُ تَميمِ