
Your ill-treatment undermines the disparate concoction

أساءك تقويض الخليط المباين

1. Your ill-treatment undermines the disparate concoction
Yes, and the purpose shreds the contexts

١. أَساءَكَ تَقويضُ الخَليطِ المُبايِنِ
نَعَم وَالنَوى قَطّاعَةَ لِلقَرائِنِ

2. I was not afraid among the living until it became emaciated
A purpose from which nothing that will happen departs

٢. وَما خِفتُ بَينَ الحَيِّ حَتّى تَذَأَّبَت
نَوىً لَم أَخَل ما كانَ مِنها بِكائِنِ

3. So what good is the purpose - may God not bless the purpose
And it conspired evil against us like the conspiracies of gamblers

٣. فَما لِلنَوى لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في النَوى
وَهَمَّ لَنا مشنها كَهَمِّ المُراهِنِ

4. It separates those whom we love to gather
And it assembles those in whom we doubt from among us

٤. تُفَرِّقُ مِنّا مَن نُحِبُّ اِجتِماعَهُ
وَتَجمَعُ مِنّا بَينَ أَهلَ الظَنائِنِ

5. As if the dispatching eyes in the evening
Were the remains of tears of sadness exchanging kisses

٥. كَأَنَّ العُيونَ المُرسِلاتِ عَشِيَّةً
شَآبيبَ دَمعِ العَبرَةِ المُتَحاتِنِ

6. The innards of the eyelids lead it
With hidden agonized grief and thick mourning

٦. عَواسِفَ أَوساطَ الجُفونِ يَسُقنَهُ
بِمُكتَمِنٍ مِن لاعِجِ الحُزنِ واتِنِ

7. The redundant palm of the hand wipes
With which the successor wipes without insight

٧. مَزائِدُ خَرقاءِ اليَدَينِ مُسيفَةٍ
يُخِبُّ بِها مُستَخلِفٌ غَيرُ آيِنِ

8. A robust narrator transmitted over it, and it was attributed
To tenderness from the back of chronic sitting

٨. رَوى فَوقَها راوٍ عَنيفٌ وَأُقصِيَت
إِلى الحِنوِ مِن ظَهرِ القَعودِ المُداجِنِ

9. So from it every affliction and defect sprang forth
And the carcass of narrations with intrinsic falsehood

٩. فَأَخلَقَ مِنها كُلَّ بالٍ وَعَيِّنٍ
وَجيفُ الرَوايا بِالمَلا المُتَباطِنِ

10. Yes, and remoteness which led to every record
Its travel appeared from the exterior after the interior

١٠. بِلىً وَثَأىً أَفضى إِلى كُلِّ كُتبَةٍ
بَدا سَيرُها مِن ظاهِرٍ بَعدَ باطِنِ

11. And until it circulated among the proven and it became excited
With its idiosyncrasies the shrieking of the bendable mavens

١١. وَحَتّى أَذاعَت بِالجَوالِقِ وَاِنبَرَت
بِواناتِها عيطُ القِيانِ المَواهِنِ

12. And the obstacle stood to shackle everything fettered
As the gold bracelets of diverse colors were arranged

١٢. وَقامَ المَها يُقفِلنَ كُلَّ مُكَبَّلٍ
كَما رُصَّ أَيقا مُذهَبِ اللَونِ صافِنِ

13. It rarely fulfills a need, then it was relied upon
For every fully spread out prayer mat the close knitter

١٣. قَليلاً تُتَلّي حاجَةً ثُمَّ عولِيَت
عَلى كُلِّ مَعروشِ الحَصيرَينِ بادِنِ

14. Carriers of burdens that create something new in every place of abode
And they do not know how to untie pledges

١٤. ظَعائِنُ يَستَحِدثنَ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
رَهيناً وَلا يُحسِنَّ فَكَّ الرَهائِنِ

15. Each flexible person diminishes their pillow
As the hands of laden she-camels weep over them

١٥. يُقَصِّرُ مَغداهُنَّ كُلَّ مُوَلوِلٍ
عَلَيهِنَّ تَستَبكيهِ أَيدي الكَرائِنِ

16. For an instant to the necks grieving over a day
Of difference between resident and roaming

١٦. ثَوانِيَ لِلأَعناقِ يَندُبنَ ما خَلا
بِيَومِ اِختِلافٍ مِن مُقيمٍ وَظاعِنِ

17. So when we overcame them, they surrendered to passion
Beauties and seized without equal beauties

١٧. فَلَمّا اِدَّرَكناهُنَّ أَبدَينَ لِلهَوى
مَحاسِنَ وِاِستَولَينَ دونَ مَحاسِنِ

18. And the saying about them was carried to me by a dodder
That debates or aspires to the speech of midwives

١٨. وَأَدَّت إِلَيَّ القَولَ عَنهُنَّ زَولَةٌ
تُخاضِنُ أَو تَرنو لِقَولِ المُخاضِنِ

19. And it is not of lesser company than the company of her speech
To the people than the elite of highborn women, aroused

١٩. وَلَيسَت بِأَدنى غَيرَ أُنسِ حَديثِها
إِلى القَومِ مِن مُصطافِ عَصماءَ هاجِنِ

20. Whenever it budded, it had prominence and tranquility
With the collision of the upper part of the land of milestones

٢٠. لَها كُلَّما ريعَت صَداةٌ وَرَكدَةٌ
بِمُصدانِ أَعلى اِبنَي شَمامِ القَوائِنِ

21. A mature she-camel whose edges incline
To withering from the side of the folds of drought

٢١. عَقيلَةُ إِجلٍ تنتمي طَرِفاتُها
إِلى مُؤنِقٍ مِن جَنبَةِ الذَبلِ راهِنِ

22. It has small bells underneath it and its shortness
To the prominence that was not tied with toggles

٢٢. لَها تَفَراتٌ تَحتَها وَقَصارُها
إِلى مَشرَةٍ لَم تُعتَلَق بِالمَحاجِنِ

23. They whisper some of the chewing out of fear of rejection
And listen attentively to the hearing of twigs

٢٣. يُخافِتنَ بَعضَ المَضغِ مِن خَشيَةِ الرَدى
وَيُنصِتنَ لِلسَمعِ اِنتِصاتَ القَناقِنِ

24. They roam around my precincts of pasture that was not grazed
In its valley by striking a solid stick

٢٤. يَطُفنَ بِحوزِيِّ المَراتِعِ لَم يُرَع
بِواديهِ مِن قَرعِ القِسِيِّ الكَنائِنِ

25. And time made its mouth frown until it was as if
It was kissing the cattle of the dirty, scattered cattle

٢٥. وَشاخَسَ فاهُ الدَهرُ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
مُنَمِّسُ ثيرانِ الكَريصِ الضَوائِنِ

26. And the cheekbones of Shabeer, nothing is seen of them
Unless it is the caracal cat with contiguous stripes

٢٦. وَصَحماءَ أَشباهِ الحَزابِيِّ ما يُرى
بِها سارِبٌ غَيرَ القَطا المُتَراطِنِ

27. The skin on their shoulders which is blackened in color
From (camel's foot) disease like the color of palm fiber

٢٧. مُخَصَّفَةُ اللَباتِ لَونُ جُلودِها
مِنَ المَحلِ مُسوَدٌّ كَلَونِ المَساخِنِ

28. Water points whose morals have despaired
Through which the tribe despairs of she-water carriers

٢٨. سَباريتَ أَخلاقِ المَوارِدِ يائِسٍ
بِها القَومُ مِن مُستَوضِعاتِ الشَواجِنِ

29. When the spicy is presented to it, it says to itself
Every evildoer came to you on two evildoing feet

٢٩. إِذا اِجتابَها الخِرّيتُ قالَ لِنَفسِهِ
أَتاكَ بِرِجلَي حائِنٍ كُلُّ حائِنِ

30. Like the back of a she-camel, if a place of descent were sought through it
During the day, it would fatigue the bellies of water carriers

٣٠. كَظَهرِ اللأى لَو تُبتَغى رِيَّةٌ بِها
نَهاراً لَأَعيَت في بُطونِ الشَواجِنِ

31. I sniffed it out harboring one detested
In a hurry and sleep does come over one keeping night vigils

٣١. أَنَختُ بِها مُستَبطِناً ذا كَريهَةٍ
عَلى عَجَلٍ وَالنَومُ بي غَيرُ رائِنِ

32. A she-camel that did not pace around a breeding camel
And a stallion did not invest his treasure in it

٣٢. بُجاوِيَّةً لَم تَستَدِر حَولَ مَثبِرٍ
وَلَم يَتَخَوَّن دَرَّها ضَبُّ آفِنِ

33. It was as if its desire over its scapulas
Was a five night stand that it contracted for the cranes

٣٣. كَأَنَّ مُخَوّاها عَلى ثِفِناتِها
مُعَرَّسُ خَمسٍ وَقَّعَت لِلجَناجِنِ

34. And two landed pair by pair and one spare
Hastening adulteration towards the left of the copycats

٣٤. وَقَعنَ اِثنَتَين واِثنَتَينِ وَفَردَةً
يُبادِرنَ تَغليساً سِمالَ المَداهِنِ

35. A greedy fox went around it but did not find through it
A gap suitable for the intermediary who distinguishes

٣٥. أَطافَ بِها طِملٌ حَريصٌ فَلَم يَجِد
بِها فَيرَ مُلقى الواسِطِ المُتَبايِنِ

36. And it cast two places of doubt together
Like the step of a deer doe between the two small ditches

٣٦. وَمَوضِعِ مَشكوكَينِ أَلقَتهُما مَعاً
كَوَطأَةِ ظَبيِ القُلِّ بَينَ الجَعاثِنِ

37. And the fluttering of a hand that busied itself with its fingers
Over a ground that sufficed it so it lost the water of purifiers

٣٧. وَمَخفِقِ ذي زِرَّينِ في الأَرضِ مَتنُهُ
وَبِالكَفِّ مَثناهُ لَطيفِ الأَسائِنِ

38. And support of a man's chest desperately
In a hurry from a fearful one, not safe

٣٨. خَفِيٍّ كَمُجتازِ الشُجاعِ وَذُبَّلٍ
ثَلاثٍ كَحَبّاتِ الكَباثِ القَرائِنِ

39. And the place of two knees and a prostration
Through which he took refuge through the right side of the Shatterer

٣٩. وَضَبثَةَ كَفٍّ باشَرَت بِبَنانِها
صَعيداً كَفاها فَقدَ ماءِ المُصافِنِ

40. Contracting, its pair flew with it
To a ladder in the proximity of curved prominences

٤٠. وَمُعتَمَدٍ مِن صَدرٍ رِجلٍ مُحالَةٍ
عَلى عَجَلٍ مِن خائِفٍ غَيرَ آمِنِ

41. She whose two front teeth straighten out her canine tooth
From the most cunning apart from the evident betrayal

٤١. وَمَوضِعِ مَثنى رُكبَتَينِ وسَجدَةٍ
تَوَخّى بِها رُكنَ الحَطيمِ المُيامِنِ

42. She contends her legs with her hands with pebbles
With frightened hissing that plunges through horseshoes

٤٢. مُقَلِّصَةٍ طارَت قَرينَتُها بِها
إِلى سُلَّمٍ في دَفِّ عَوجاءَ ذاقِنِ

43. Secrecy enveloped it until he whose three wrapped
To the two canyon branches of the people of prominences

٤٣. سُوَيقِيَّةِ النابَينِ تَعدِلُ ضَبعَها
بِأَفتَلَ عَن سَعدانَةِ الزَورِ بائِنِ

44. It pursues a mirage with a staff as if it were
Hunted down by the cattle of neighboring cattle

٤٤. تُناضِلُ رِجلاها يَدَيها مِنَ الحَصى
بِمُصعَنفِرٍ يَهوي خِلالَ الفَراسِنِ

45. It became square and the two lame helped descend
After it cleared away from the places of hidden things

٤٥. طَواها السُرى حَتّى اِنطَوى ذو ثَلاثِها
إِلى أَبهَرَي دِرماءَ شَعبِ السَناسِنِ

46. So when it turned away its leg from the twist of bend
To gravel winter grounds of left barren areas

٤٦. تُطارِدُ بِالقِيِّ السَرابَ كَما قَلا
طَريدَتَهُ ثَورُ الصَريمِ المُؤارِنِ

47. And the abundance of dusk sheltered it, litter of radiance
And sprawling branches between two broken prominences

٤٧. تَرَبَّعَ وَعسَ الأَخرَمَينِ وَأَربَلَت
لَهُ بَعدَما صافَت جِواءُ المَكامِنِ

48. So it spent the night suffering throughout a busy night
And rushing down the peak the differences of helpers

٤٨. فَلَمّا شَتا ساقَتهُ مِن طُرَّةِ اللَوى
إِلى الرَملِ صِنَّبرُ شَمالٍ وَداجِنِ

49. Like the circumambulation of one fulfilling a duty between confusion
And the stillness of blackened from ritual purification

٤٩. وَآواهُ جِنحَ اللَيلِ ذَروُ أَلاءَةٍ
وَأَرطاةُ حِقفٍ بَينَ كِسرَي سَنائِنِ

50. The predators of fasting enveloped it
Upon a sheep on the peak of the high sand dune

٥٠. فَباتَ يُقاسي لَيلَ أَنقَدَ دائِباً
وَيَحدُرُ بِالحِقفِ اِختِلافَ العُجاهِنِ

51. To the origin of sprawling branches overlooking a cloud
Over the plateau from elation or from Tuwazin

٥١. كَطَوفِ مُتَلّي حَجَّةٍ بَينَ غَبغَبٍ
وَقَرَّةَ مُسوَدٍّ مِنَ النَسكِ قاتِنِ

52. Clarifying and rising over signs behind
Which bleating answers after the hidden

٥٢. فَباتَت أَهاضيبُ السُمِيِّ تَلُفُّهُ
عَلى نَعِجٍ في ذِروَةِ الرَملِ ضائِنِ

53. So when it became morning, the sweeping of a sand hill was sought for it
For two horse mounts, the least recently in contact with beasts

٥٣. إِلى أَصلِ أَرطاةٍ يَشيمُ سَحابَةً
عَلى الهَضبِ مِن حَيرانَ أَو مِن تُوازِنِ

54. And with washing unless he wipes a residue
Over his head from the extract of a soiled loincloth

٥٤. يَبينُ وَيَستَعلي ظَواهِرَ خِلفَةً
لَها مِن سَناً يَنعَقُّ بَعدَ بَطائِنِ

55. A brother of a hunter plunging as if his abdomen
And his legs are a ladder between two entwined ropes

٥٥. فَلَمّا غَدا اِستَذرى لَهُ سِمطُ رَملَةٍ
لِحَولَينِ أَدنى عَهدِهِ بِالدَواهِنِ

56. He distributes with coins everything downy
Of foods - game not set aside for princely fare

٥٦. وَبَالغِسلِ إِلّا أَن يُميرَ عُصارَةً
عَلى رَأسِهِ مِن فَضِّ أَليَسَ حائِنِ

57. Repeating the path of footsteps, varying the youth,
Thorny grip of palm, curvature of toes

٥٧. أَخو قَنَصٍ يَهوي كَأَنَّ سَراتَهُ
وَرِجلَيهِ سَلمٌ بَينَ حَبلَي مُشاطِنِ

58. And decrepit old when resolved like a pierced arc
Running through the solidity of the bow, burning

٥٨. يُوَزِّعُ بِالأَمراسِ كُلَّ عَمَلَّسٍ
مِنَ المُطَعَماتِ الصَيدَ غَيرِ الشَواحِنِ

59. Aiding him in hunting which her main concern
Is to rush through woods of scattered poultry

٥٩. مُعيدِ قَمَطرِ الرِجلِ مُختَلِفِ الشَبا
شَرَنبَثِ شَوكِ الكَفِّ شَثنِ البَراثِنِ

60. So he sent her racing and named her as if
She were prey-hunting gusts of wind challenging nobles

٦٠. يَمُرُّ إِذا حُلَّ مَرَّ مُقَزَّعٍ
عَتيقٍ حَداهُ أَبهَرُ القَوسِ جارِنِ

61. And he turned away like a star of stoning after counting them
Entertaining while the delegation of delegates was most intense

٦١. تُؤازِرُهُ صِيٌّ عَلى الصَيدِ هَمُّها
تَفارُطُ أَحراجِ الضِراءِ الدَواجِنِ

62. Angrily biased, then spitefulness went into him
Over stinginess from one who wards off, not weak

٦٢. فَأَرسَلَها رَهواً وَسَمّى كَأَنَّها
يَعاسيبُ ريحٍ عارِضاتُ الجَواشِنِ

63. Brandishing a weapon that tire did not make it lose its edge
Through which he verifies from it the gloom of hidden things

٦٣. وَوَلّى كَنَجمِ الرَجمِ بَعدَ عِدادِهِ
يُضيفُ وَأَشفى النَفرِ نَفرُ المُعايِنِ

64. With every sly trick, it fires them consecutively
Like the stabbing of a skilled horseman awakening soldiers

٦٤. مَلاً بائِصاً ثُمَّ اِعتَرَتهُ حَمِيَّةٌ
عَلى تُشحَةٍ مِن ذائِدٍ غَيرَ واهِنِ

65. They turned aside with the deviation of despair and there ripped open
Classes from people totally resisting

٦٥. يَهُزُّ سِلاحاً لَم يَرِثهُ كَلالَةً
يَشُكُّ بِهِ مِنها غُموضَ المَغابِنِ

66. So he became downcast, marked by shadows that surpass
As hands stretched out in different directions on roads

٦٦. يُساقِطُها تَترى بِكُلِّ خَميلَةٍ
كَطَعنِ البَيطَرِ الثَقفِ رَهصَ الكَوادِنِ

67. And he throws the sediment of two gallons with his spit
Twisting branches like the tent of hunters

٦٧. عَدَلنَ عُدولَ اليَأسِ وَاِفتَجَّ يَبتَلي
أَفانينَ مِن أُهلوبِ شَدٍّ مُماتِنِ

68. I am the son of the wrongfully treated family of Malik
And Malik's lineage was the generous mines

٦٨. فَأَصبَحَ مَحبوراً تَخُطُّ ظُلوفُهُ
كَما اِختَلَفَت بِالطَرقِ أَيدي الكَواهِنِ

69. Possessors of the foremost remarkable deeds and divinity
In olden times and matches for warring enemies

٦٩. وَيُلقي نَقا الحِنّاءَتَينِ بِرَوقِهِ
تَناويطَ أَولاجٍ كَخَيمِ الصَيادِنِ

70. And the people of attacks which in the days of Tubba`
Were upon each possessor of isolated and tempting wealth

٧٠. أَنا اِبنُ أُباةِ الضَيمِ مِن آلِ مالِكٍ
وَإِن مالِكٌ كانَت كِرامَ المَعادِنِ

71. And they unlocked them every hateful day
As the generous poured forth and the cisterns protected

٧١. ذَوي المَأثُراتِ الأوَّلِيّاتِ وَاللُهى
قَديماً وَأَكفاءَ العَدُوِّ المُزابِنِ

72. And their stabbing the enemies vainly while one who does not stab
Is obedient and the pitiless stabs the gut

٧٢. وَأَهلِ الأَتى اللاتي عَلى عَهدِ تُبَّعٍ
عَلى كُلِّ ذي مالٍ عَزيبٍ وَعاهِنِ

73. They who prevented Nu'man on the day of Ru'yah
From water during a star in scorching heat that ripped open

٧٣. وَأَفلَجَهُم في كُلِّ يَومِ كَريهَةٍ
كِرامُ الفُحولِ وَاِعتِيامُ الحَواصِنِ

74. And they left Mas'ud, the bottom of the throne, crouching
Collapsing under the square weight of the carrier

٧٤. وَطَعنُهُم الأَعداءَ شَزراً وَإِنَّما
يُسامُ وَيَقني الخَسفَ مَن لَم يُطاعِنِ

75. And their lot gained when the earth was crossed with lots
Over its extent and spacious crossings

٧٥. هُمُ مَنَعوا النُعمانَ يَومَ رُؤَيَّةٍ
مِنَ الماءِ في نَجمٍ مِنَ القَيظِ حاتِنِ

76. The tribe of Malik, my tribe whose glory
For those who mixed with them was no match

٧٦. وَهُم تَرَكوا مَسعودَ نُشبَةَ مُسنَداً
يَنوءُ بِخَطّارٍ مِنَ الخَطِّ مارِنِ

77. The family of war whose tribal zeal ignites their fire
When zeal brings together those with hidden enmities

٧٧. وَهُم فازَ لَمّا خُطَّتِ الأَرضُ سَهمُهُم
عَلى المُستَوي مِنها وَرَحبِ المَعاطِنِ

78. If it is said that they have cooled off during vendettas
Upon the fangs unlike the acts of the hostile obedient one

٧٨. بَنو مالِكٍ قَومي اللِيانُ عُروضُهُم
لِمَن خالَطوا إِلّا لِغَيرِ المُلايِنِ

79. And what people matched those of their enemy
In my time - that of the two-horned one - unless we matched?

٧٩. بَنو الحَربِ تُذكي شِدَّةُ العَصبِ نارَهُم
إِذا العَصبُ دانى بَينَ أَهلِ الضَغائِنِ

80. Is glory other than hemlocks, the staff, the passions
And mending rifts and patience during ordeals?

٨٠. إِذا قيلَ بِالغَمّاءِ قَد بَرَدوا حَموا
عَلى الضَرسِ لا فِعلَ السَؤومِ المُداهِنِ

81. And good people whom matureness has congratulated
And our bounty has passed through them during days

٨١. وَأَيُّ أُناسٍ وازَنوا مِن عَدُوِّهِم
عَلى عَهدي ذي القَرنَينِ ما لَم نُوازِنِ

82. It softened, and the course of life through it relaxed
And were it not for our heights, none would stand but the subservient

٨٢. هَلِ المَجدُ إِلّا السُؤدَد العَود وَاللُها
وَرَأبُ الثَأى وَالصَبرُ عِندَ المواطِنِ

83. And I am not pleased with that which others are pleased
Nor displaying complaints in some places

٨٣. وَحَيٍّ كِرامٍ قَد هَنَأنا جَرَبَّةٍ
وَمَرَّت لَهُم نَعماؤُنا بِالأَيامِنِ

84. And I do not recognize favors upon me, and they did not exist
And I recognize the separation of intricate speech

٨٤. تَلَيَّنَ وَاِستَرخَت خُطورُ الحَيا بِهِ
وَلَولا عَوالينا نَشا غَيرَ لائِنِ