
If Mudar tribes differ, following their enemy,

إن تختلف مضر تتبع عدوهم

1. If Mudar tribes differ, following their enemy,
Or gather, you will not be removed from their land, O Mudar!

١. إِن تَختَلِف مُضَرٌ تَتبَع عَدُوَّهُمُ
أَو تَجتَمِع تَنفِكُم عَن أَرضِها مُضَرُ

2. Ask Thamim if they encountered for their non-Arabs,
The day of Ibn Arta’ah, when Al-Hawr distressed them.

٢. فَسَل تَميمَيكَ هَل لاقَت لِعاجِمِها
يَومَ اِبنِ أَرطاةَ إِذ أَزرى بِها الحَوَرُ

3. You have violated the covenant of the sword, laid bare,
With Al-Mirbadain the next morning eyes overflowed with tears.

٣. وَقَد كَفَرتُم بِحِلفِ السَيفِ ضاحِيَةً
بِالمِربَدَينِ غَداةَ اِغرَورَقَ البَصَرُ

4. Is it not enough for them the violation of Azd’s sanctity,
In the ravaging of their homes, that stones were launched?

٤. أَما كَفاها اِبتِياضُ الأَزدِ حُرمَتَها
في عُقرِ دارِهِم أَن يُبعَثَ الحَجَرُ

5. And people were emboldened whom despaired, when they cried out,
The cries of calamities, not conceding what they wrought.

٥. وَاِستَجبَرَ الناسُ مَن يَأسو إِذا صَدَحوا
صَدحَ المَآتِمِ لا يوهونَ ما جَبَروا

6. And when they differed, no one gathered,
Nor for their gathering, did mankind assemble.

٦. وَمَن إِذا اِختَلَفوا لَم يَجتَمِع أَحَدٌ
وَلا لبِجَمعِهِمُ يَستَجمِعُ البَشَرُ

7. Thamim does not care what disgrace befell it,
When the excuse prevents disgrace from occurring.

٧. وَما تُبالي تَميمُ سَوؤَةً وَقَعَت
فيها إِذا حالَ دونَ السَوءَةِ العُذَرُ

8. Qais, more faithful to God's religion in its defense,
And more generous in news when you are tested.

٨. قَيسُ أَعَزُّ لِدينِ اللَهِ مَنصَرَةً
مِنكُم وَأَكرَمُ خُبراً حينَ تُختَبَرُ

9. And Qais Ailan, were it not for their good obedience,
With the root of Thamim, a torn piece, part.

٩. وَقَيسُ عَيلانَ لَولا حُسنُ طاعَتِهِم
أَلوى بِجِذمِ تَميمٍ حُشَّرٌ شُطُرُ

10. Thamim sought the most secret fifths, when it met
One of the bridges, on which wine cannot be transported.

١٠. عاذَت تَميمٌ بِأَخفى الحُمسِ إِذ لَقيتُ
إِحدى القَناطِرِ لا يُمشى لَها الخَمَرُ

11. They were immoral and malignant, when there were no Arabs,
Except them, for them an eye, but no trace.

١١. فَرعا سَبا خُلِقوا إِذ لَم يَكُن عَرَبٌ
إِلّا هُمُ لَهُمُ عَينٌ وَلا أَثَرُ

12. A folk of deserts, who possessed the kingship of men, theirs it was,
And the sun, at that time, neither rose nor the moon.

١٢. قَومٌ عَوادِيُّ مُلكِ الناسِ كانَ لَهُم
وَالشَمسُ إِذ ذاكَ لَم تَطلُع وَلا القَمَرُ