
Though you may boast of courage in one aspect

إن بمعن إن فخرت لمفخرا

1. Though you may boast of courage in one aspect
In others are character's houses built

١. إِنَّ بِمَعنٍ إِن فَخَرتَ لَمَفخَراً
وَفي غَيرِها تُبنى بُيوتُ المَكارِمِ

2. When will you, O son of the perfumers, lead a band
Of people, guiding them into deadly perils?

٢. مَتى قُدتَ يا اِبنَ العَنبَرِيَّةِ عُصبَةً
مِنَ الناسِ تَهديها فِجاجَ المَخارِمِ

3. If the son of a nobleman becomes a base man
Then surely the times have fallen beneath the dividers

٣. إِذا ما اِبنُ جَدٍّ كانَ ناهَزَ طَيِّئاً
فَإِنَّ الذُرى قَد صِرنَ تَحتَ المَناسِمِ

4. So take your mother's udder in hand, be weaned,
And with your father's old bucket, draw for the thirsty.

٤. فَقَد بِزِمامٍ بَظرَ أُمِّكَ وَاِحتَفِر
بِأَيرِ أَبيكَ الفَسلِ كُرّاثَ عاسِمِ