1. The Yemeni lightning dazzled you
In the pass of the blowing wind, the pass of Al-Qaqazan
١. طَرِبتَ وَشاقَكَ البَرقُ اليَماني
بِفَجِّ الريحِ فَجِّ القاقُزانِ
2. The light of lightning shines between Salma
And between the plateau from the two mountains of Aban
٢. أَضَوءُ البَرقِ يَلمَعُ بَينَ سَلمى
وَبَينَ الهَضَبِ مِن جَبَلَي أَبانِ
3. The lights of lightning have become weak
You were close but now you are far from me
٣. أَضَواءَ البَرقِ بِتَّ تَشيمُ وَهناً
لَقَد دانَيتَ وَيحَكَ غَيرَ داني
4. Don't you see that the knowledge of al-Thurayya
Provokes my sadness for Qazwin
٤. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ عِرفانَ الثُرَيّا
يُهَيِّجُ لي بِقَزوينَ اِحتِزاني
5. My friend, extend your gaze, do you see antelopes for me
In the bends of Awqalan
٥. خَليلي مُدَّ طَرفَكَ هَل تَرى لي
ظَعائِنَ بِاللِوى مِن عَوكَلانِ
6. If only the antelopes would describe the monastery of Layla
I hope to meet them sleepy
٦. ظَعائِنُ لَو يَصِفنَ بِدَيرِ لَيلى
مَنى لي أَن أُلاقيهِنَّ ماني
7. What business do you have with the antelopes
When the guide is satiated and does not judge
٧. وَمالَكَ بِالظَعائِنِ مِن سَبيلٍ
إِذا الحادي أَغَذَّ وَلَم يُدانِ
8. If only the antelopes were kneaded into something
With the belly of the spotted cow, it would suffice me
٨. وَلَو أَنَّ الظَعائِنَ عُجنَ شَيئاً
عَلَيَّ بِبَطنِ ذي بَقَرٍ كَفاني
9. But the antelopes fled to my misfortune
There the guide got confused
٩. وَلَكِنَّ الظَعائِنَ رُمنَ صَرمي
هُنالِكَ وَاِتلَأَبَّ الحادِيانِ
10. With four, your eyes looked when
The echo of Qayan answered behind it
١٠. بِأَربَعَةٍ هَمَت عَيناكَ لَمّا
تَجاوَبَ خَلفَها صَدحُ القِيانِ
11. Oh, I wish I knew will I see myself
And a loving people harmonizing
١١. أَلا يالَيتَ شِعري هَل أَراني
وَشَعباً حَيِّنا مُتَلائِمانِ
12. With the lightning from the lightning of Sa'eed's bend
He wore his loincloth and wore his gown
١٢. بِأَبرَقَ مِن بِراقِ لِوى سَعيدٍ
تَأَزَّرَ وَاِرتَدى بِالأُقحُواني
13. Will I hear from afar the musical sound
Of the jinn or little lambs
١٣. وَهَل أَستَسمِعَنَّ بُعَيدَ وَهنٍ
تَهَزُّجَ سَمرِ جِنِّ أَو عَوانِ
14. Oh, who will convey good news about me
Publicly, and blessed is the intimate friend
١٤. أَلا مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي بَشيراً
عَلانِيَةً وَنِعمَ أَخو العِلانِ
15. A Yemeni who aspires to great deeds
Prosperity and all honorable Yemeni
١٥. يَمانِيٌّ تَبوَّغُ لِلمَساعي
يَجاهُ وَكُلُّ ذي حَسَبٍ يَماني
16. If I had let the poets dictate,
They would have tied my hands and tongue
١٦. وَلَو خَلَّيتُ لِلشُعراءِ وَجهي
لَما اِكتَبَلوا يَدَيَّ وَلا لِساني
17. When I am absent from them they promise me,
And if I oppose them they hate my company
١٧. إِذا ما غِبتُ عَنهُم أَوعَدوني
وَإِن ضارَستُهُم كَرِهوا قِراني
18. And their youth warns them against me
Your kindness, our Lord, O Most Merciful
١٨. وَيُؤذِنُهُم عَلَيَّ فَتاءُ سِنّي
حَنانَكَ رَبَّنا ياذا الحَنانِ
19. They will all know that I am old
When I release the reins from the bridle
١٩. سَيَعلَمُ كُلُّهُم أَنّي مُسِنٌّ
إِذا رَفَعَت عَناناً عَن عِنانِ
20. Wretched after the slave of the 'Haram' family
And your power is with those whose hands
٢٠. شَقِيُّ بَعدَ عَبدِ بَني حَرامٍ
وَجَدِّكَ مَن تَكونُ بِهِ اليَدانِ
21. I swore I would make war this year
Baring it like the forehead of a horse
٢١. حَلَفتُ لَأُحدِثَنَّ العامَ حَرباً
مُشَمِّرَةً كَناصِيَةِ الحِصانِ
22. Against people who war is far from them
Like the molar striking the molars
٢٢. لَقَومٍ ظاهَروا وَالحَربُ عَنهُم
كَهامُ الضِرسِ ضارِبَةُ الجِرانِ
23. They refused their misery except my death
And the likes of me, firm and resolute
٢٣. أَبَوا لِشَقائِهِم إِلّا اِبتِعاثي
وَمِثلي ذو العُلالَةِ وَالمَتانِ
24. How strange that he shows gratitude when fed
To support them, the narrators of Ibn Dukhan's sons
٢٤. وَيا عَجَبا لِيَشكُرَ إِذا أَغَذَت
لِنَصرِهِمُ رُواةُ اِبنَي دُخانِ
25. Don't you see the base show gratitude unlike the generous
He stood as the lizards stood still
٢٥. أَلَم تَرَ لُؤمَ يَشكُرَ دونَ بَكرٍ
أَقامَ كَما أَقامَ الفَرقَدانِ
26. Yashkur and Lu'm allied long ago
As two mountains overlooking the valley allied
٢٦. تَحالَفَ يَشكُرٌ وَاللُؤمُ قِدماً
كَما جَبَلا قَناً مُتَحالِفانِ
27. So they have no leaver except themselves
And no slanderer or slandering
٢٧. فَلَيسَ بِبارِحٍ عَنهُم سِواهُم
وَلَيسَ بِظاعِنٍ أَو يَظعَنانِ