1. O long night, hasten your passing, for nothing lasts but the dawn
The eyes find rest at dawn by closing their lids from all burdens
١. أَلا أَيُّها اللَيلُ الطويلُ أَلا أَصبِحي
بِبَمِّ وَما إِلّا صباحُ فيكَ بِأَروَحِ
2. As if darkness was assigned to watch beside every highland and meadow
So dawn, sweep away the night's dust rising
٢. عَلى أَنَّ لِلعَينَينِ في الصُبحِ راحَةً
بِطَرحِهِما طَرفَيهِما كُلَّ مَطرَحِ
3. And awaken the one wrapped in robes
When the wild beasts call out, he responds, aroused from his lair
٣. كَأَنَّ الدُجى دونَ البِلادِ مُوَكَّلٌ
بِبَمِّ بِجَنبَي كُلِّ عُلوٍ وَمِرزَحِ
4. Not the constant flames of campfires
Nor the howls of hyena packs
٤. فَياصُبحُ كَمِّش غُبَّرَ اللَيلِ مُصعِداً
بِبَمّ وَنَبِّه ذا العِفاءِ المُوَّشَّحِ
5. If Layla passed through the vineyards, she may have halted
Between the slopes of Babylon upon the smooth sands
٥. إِذا صاحَ لَم يُخذَل وَجاوَبَ صَوتَهُ
حَماشُ الشَوى يَصدَحنَ مِن كُلِّ مَصدَحِ
6. O Salma, fear not that I encroach on the vineyards
Probing the hillsides with my thoroughbred steed
٦. وَلَيسَ بِأُدمانِ الثَنِيَّةِ موقِدٌ
وَلا نابِحُ مِن آلِ ظَبيَةَ يَنبَحُ
7. Enough sorrow, O Salma, that one gone to the vineyards
While I remain, unable to venture there
٧. لَئِن مَرَّ في كَرمانَ لَيلى فَرُبَّما
حَلا بَينَ تَلَّي بابِلٍ فَالمُضَيَّحِ
8. I sleep but to meet Salma's mother, though perhaps
Dreams cheat me with a fleeting illusion
٨. فَياسَلمَ لا تَخشَي بِكَرمانَ أَن أُرى
أُقَسِّسُ أَعراجَ السَوامِ المُرَوَّحِ
9. O Salma, I gain nothing if I sell you
For this world, and what trader profits not?
٩. كَفى حَزَناً يا سَلمَ أَن كانَ ذاهِباً
بِكَرمانَ بي حَولٌ وَلَم أَتَسَرَّحِ
10. Samsam, if you intercede for your mother, you'll find
An advocate in her heart who never refused aid
١٠. أَنامُ لِأَلقى أُمَّ سَلمٍ وَرُبَّما
رَماني الكَرى بِالزائِرِ المُتَزَحزِحِ
11. When you are away, none but you is absent
As you care for us each evening and at dawn
١١. وَيا سَلمَ ما أَربَحتُ إِن أَنا بِعتُكُم
بِدُنيا وَكَم مِن تاجِرٍ غَيرُ مُربِحِ
12. Is love anything but - had she stripped herself
For your slaughter, Samsam, I'd say "Go on, slay!"
١٢. أَصَمصامَ إِن تَشفَع لِأُمِّكَ تَلقَها
لَها شافِعٌ في الصَدرِ لَم يَتَبَرَّحِ
13. To me, you are sweeter than paradise
A paradise whose vines have bloomed between dunes
١٣. إِذا غِبتَ عَنّا لَم يَغِب غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
يَعِنُّ لَنا في كُلِّ مُمسىً وَمَصبَحِ
14. Like one thirsty for water that misfortune made distant
Amidst far sands between barren hills
١٤. هَل الحُبُّ إِلّا أَنَّها لَو تَجَرَّدَت
لِذَبحِكَ يا صَمصامَ قُلتُ لَها اِذبَحي
15. I imagine, if I embrace your cousin Salma
Upon a sandy plain, a place for one to sprawl
١٥. وَإِن كُنتَ عِندي أَنتَ أَحلى مِنَ الجَنى
جَنى النَحلِ أَمسى واتِناً بَينَ أَجبُحِ
16. Turning away, she moves on; approaching,
The gazelle's haunches sway beneath her robes
١٦. لِظَمآنَ في ماءٍ أَحالَتهُ مُزنَةُ
بُعَيدَ الكَرى في مُدهُنٍ بَينَ أَطلُحِ
17. As if my heart is in the claws of a bird
That tears whenever memories of you reemerge
١٧. كَأَنّي إِذا باشَرتُ سَلمَةَ خالِياً
عَلى رَملَةٍ مَيثاءَ لِلمُتَبَطِّحِ
18. Memories of you - since fate has not allowed us to meet
Distract me from the joy of this burdensome life
١٨. إِذا أَدبَرَت أَثَّت وَإِن هِيَ أَقبَلَت
فَرُؤدُ الأَعالي شَختَةُ المُتَوَشَّحِ
19. I envy myself for Salma, my cousin
Though every fair maid were to offer herself to me
١٩. كَأَنَّ فُؤادي بَينَ أَظفارِ طائِرٍ
إِذا سنَحَت ذِكراكَ مِن كُلِّ مَسنَحِ
20. She evades but desire for you defeats all restraint
Erasing the bitterness of one who bears so much woe
٢٠. وَذِكراكَ ما لَم تُسعِفِ الدارُ بَينَنا
تَباريحُ مِن عَيشِ الَياةِ المُبَرِّحِ
21. You are not linked to weakness, O Salma, so delight
In the morn, not in borrowed splendor on loan
٢١. أَغارُ عَلى نَفسي لِسَلمَةَ خالِياً
وَلَو عَرَضَت لي كُلُّ بَيضاءَ بَيدَحِ
22. O Salma, if to you I should return, perhaps
I'll come back my affairs ungladdened by foes
٢٢. تَمَلَّحُ ما اِسطاعَت وَيَغلِبُ دونَها
هَوىً لكِ يُنسي مُلحَتَ المُتَمَلِّحِ
23. Powerless, without cunning stratagems
Save for the grace of the oft-praised and glorified hands
٢٣. وَما وَصلُكُم بِالرَثِّ يا سَلمَ فَاِنعِمي
صَباحاً وَلا بِالمُستَعارِ المُمَنَّحِ
24. Otherwise I am but a stray camel
Tomorrow amidst stones in the barren plains
٢٤. وَيا سَلمَ إِن أَرجِع إِلَيكِ فَرُبَّما
رَجَعتُ وَأَمري لِلعِدا غَيرُ مُفرِحِ
25. When I die, lament me to your people, and weep
For one like me, an ignoble braggart
٢٥. بِلا قُوَّةٍ مِنّي وَلا كَيسِ حيلَةٍ
سِوى فَضلِ أَيدي المُستَغاثِ المُسَبِّحِ
26. Of the unfailing horseman, your husband, sing his virtues
Though remote, his lofty merits remain undimmed
٢٦. وَإِلّا فَإِنّي إِنَّما أَنا هامَةٌ
غَدا بَينَ أَحجارٍ بِبَيداءَ صَردَحِ
27. He strove and his efforts led to great triumphs
Those who excel in glory will prosper
٢٧. إِذا مِتُّ فَانعَيني لِقَومِكِ وَاِبجِحي
بِذِكري وَمِثلي نُهيَةُ المُتَبَجِّحِ
28. Thus he attained what no righteous effort misses
Matching the success of those misfortune evades
٢٨. بِفارِسِ ذي الأَدراعِ بَعلِكِ فَاِندُبي
مَناقِبَ خِرقٍ بِالثَأى غَيرِ مُفدَحِ
29. I fear, Samsam, if I die, rule over
My inheritance and yours will go to one unfit
٢٩. سَعى ثُمَّ أَغلَت بِالمَعالي سُعاتُهُ
وَمَن يُغلِ في رِبعِيَّةِ المَجدِ يُربِحِ
30. If he knocks your head with his staff in council, and says
"You have erred!" reply "I concede, forgive me!"
٣٠. فَأَضحى وَما يَألو بِصالِحِ سَعيِهِم
لَحاقاً وَمَن لا يُحرَمِ النُجحَ يُنجِحِ
31. Your nearest ally is a helpless old woman
Who sighs heavily when you complain of injustice
٣١. أُحاذِرُ يا صَمصامَ إِن مِتُّ أَن يَلي
تُراثي وَإِيّاكَ اِمرُؤٌ غَيرُ مُصلِحِ
32. Bereft of any defense but the outpouring of tears
From every duct, without cease or relief
٣٢. إِذا صَكَّ وَسطَ القَومِ رَأسَكَ صَكَّةً
يَقولُ لَهُ النادي مَلَكتَ فَأَسجِحِ
33. When you visit she weeps, and remembers amidst sorrow
One whose virtues surpassed all other men's
٣٣. وَناصِرُكَ الأَدنى عَلَيهِ ظَعينَةٌ
تَميدُ إِذا اِستَعبَرتَ مَيدَ المُرنَّحِ
34. Whom the earth has concealed, sparing you
Your gracious father, protector of the adorned sanctuary
٣٤. مُفَجَّعَةٌ لا دَفعَ لِلضَيمِ عِندَها
سِوى سَفَحانِ الدَمعِ مِن كُلّ مَسفَحِ
35. Whether slain by spears or dead, the winds blow dust
Over him from all sides on every sand hill
٣٥. إِذا جِئتَها تَبكي بَكَت وَتَذكَّرَت
مَعَ الحُزنِ صَولاتِ اِمرِئٍ غَيرَ زُمَّحِ
36. The breeze alternately perfumes him with sweet basil
As hands competing to pour from their vessels
٣٦. وَقَد أَضمَرَتهُ الأَرضُ عَنكَ وَأَسلَمَت
أَباكَ المَوالي لِلحِمامِ المُجَلَّحِ
37. Though such fate was granted him, his mother does not chide
The mourned, rising at dawn without joy or rest
٣٧. صَريعَ قَناً أَو مَيِّتاً تَطرُدُ الصَبا
عَلَيهِ السَفا مِن جانِبَي كُلِّ أَبطَحِ
38. O Salma, I shrouded my stray camel in its robe
And wrapped my mouth with perfumed cloth
٣٨. تُراوِجُهُ ريحانِ إِذ تَنسُجانِهِ
كَما اِختَلَفَت كَفّا مُفيضٍ بِأَقدُحِ
39. Barely stretched between the staves of the bier
Borne by the deeply grieving undertaker's helpers
٣٩. أُتيحَت لَهُ أُمُّ اللُهيمِ وَما تَني
عَلى فاجِعٍ تَغدو إِذا لَم تَرَوَّحِ
40. I placed my reddened brow before it, like Hurrah's son
My cheeks thirsty with tears flowing from each duct
٤٠. وَهاجِرَةٍ يا سَلمَ كَفَّنتُ هامَتي
لَها وَفَمي بِالأَتحَمِيِّ المُسَيَّحِ
41. The wind's moaning echoes in my ears
Like lamenters in an afflicted, grieving throng
٤١. قَليلَ التَواني بَينَ شَرخَي مُرَكَّنٍ
وَأَغبَرَ مَكرورِ المَآسِرِ مُجنَحِ
42. The warbling birds are silenced, and the barking stilled
As mourning doves coo from every niche
٤٢. نَصَبتُ لَها مِنّي جَبِينَ اِبنِ حُرَّةٍ
وَظَمأى الكَرى لَمّاحَةً كُلَّ مَلمَحِ
43. When they call loudly, igniting the stones beneath them
Their clamor is like the shouts of quarreling drunks
٤٣. يَظَلُّ هَزيزُ الريحِ بَينَ مَسامِعي
بِها كَالتِجاجِ المَأتَمِ المُتَنَوِّحِ
44. With unsettled crying, as if his rooster's crowing
Were quarreling throngs returning from a feast
٤٤. وَقَد عَقَل الحِراءُ وَاِصطَهَرَ اللَظى
جَنادِبَ يَرمَحنَ الحَصى كُلَّ مَرمَحِ
45. The wolf takes its prey, the fox its spoils
Beasts of the wilds, from burrows and thickets
٤٥. يَشُلنَ إِذا اِعرَورَينَ مُستَوقِدَ الحَصى
وَلَسنَ عَلى تَشوالِهِنَّ بِلُقَّحِ
46. When they take cover in every crevice in the rocks
He meets them at every den and lookout
٤٦. بِمُستَرجَفِ الأَرطى كَأَنَّ جُروسَهُ
تَداعي حَجيجٍ رَجعُهُ غَيرُ مُفصِحِ
47. Accustomed to raids, he moves as if his stride
Spanned the breadth of the abandoned settlements
٤٧. يُحيلُ بِهِ الذِئبُ الأَحَلُّ وَقوتُهُ
ذَواتُ المَرادي مِن مَناقٍ وَرُزَّحِ
48. The color of the lone leopard, his head marked
With the smears of sacrificed offerings
٤٨. إِذا اِستَتَرَت مِنهُ بِكُلِّ كُدايَةٍ
مِنَ الصَخرِ وافاها لَدى كُلِّ مَسرَحِ
49. When filled, he plunges down as if the shadow
Of a departed raincloud on a cleared day
٤٩. عَمَلَّسُ غاراتٍ كَأَنَّ مَسافَهُ
قَرى حُنظَبٍ أَخلى لَهُ الجَوُّ مُقمِحِ
50. If he settles down far from his lair
Motionless in a place he'd never before lain
٥٠. كَلَونِ الغَرِيِّ الفَردِ أَجسَدَ رَأسَهُ
عَتائِرُ مَظلومِ الهَدِيِّ المُذَبِّحِ
51. His goal marked between two breastbones, his path rises
Above the ground, climbing over rocks
٥١. إِذا اِمتَلَّ يَهوي قُلتَ ظَلُّ طَخاءَةٍ
ذَرا الريحُ في أَعقابِ يَومٍ مُصَرَّحِ
52. Knocking the heads of the men from the heels of the horses
In valleys amidst the games of the swinging plunge
٥٢. وَإِن هُوَ أَقعى خِلتَهُ مِن مَكانِهِ
عَلى حالَةٍ ما لَم يَزُل جِذمَ مِسطَحِ
53. I severed forbidden ties and dispatched dutiful acts
Through the strength of my wrist, forceful and thick
٥٣. بِمُنتاطِ ما بَينَ النِياطَينِ مَورُهُ
مِنَ الأَرضِ يَعلو صَحصَحاً بَعدَ صَحصَحِ
54. Scorned but strong, whose sides quiver when still
Her limbs rigid, her hump firm and hard
٥٤. كضأَنَّ رؤوسَ القَومِ عَن عُقَبِ السُرى
بِها في دَوادي لَعبَةِ المُتَرَجِّحِ
55. You see her, her hands clenched into fists
Like the paws of a hyena, hungry and drooling
٥٥. قَطَعتُ إِلى مَعروفِها مُنكَراتِها
بِفَتلاءَ مِمرانِ الذَراعَينِ شَودَحِ
56. An ugly, scarred vessel that constantly carries a rider
Drifting in the stagnant pool, rippling and defiled
٥٦. مُقَذَّفَةٍ بِالنَحضِ ذاتِ سَلائِقٍ
تَضِبُّ نَواحيها وَصُلبٍ مُكَدَّحِ
57. When one side passes, the other appears
Like the well-knit form of a devoted monk
٥٧. تَراها وَقَد دارَت يَداها قَباضَةً
كَأَوبِ يَدَي ذي الرُفصَةِ المُتَمَتِّحِ
58. A beauty that outshines the excellence of any mount
A chest like the breastplate of a armored knight
٥٨. كَتَومَ التَشَكّي ما تَزالُ بِراكِبٍ
تَعومُ بِريعِ القيعَةِ المُتَضَحضِحِ
59. If she moves slowly, she leaves a mark
Like a bracelet on the terrain she ruled
٥٩. إِذا اِنقَدَّ مِنهُ جانِبٌ مِن أَمامِها
بَدا جانِبٌ كَالرازِقِيِّ المُنَصَّحِ
60. With unshod hooves and no rings on fetlocks
Her legs chained, with neither straps nor rings
٦٠. جُمالِيَةُ يَغتالُ فَضلَ زَمامِها
شَناحٍ كضصَقبِ الطائِفِيِّ المُكَسَّحِ
61. She slept deeply between two hollows in the ground
On yellowed grass that was never plucked
٦١. إِذا ما اِنتَحَت أُمَّ الطَريقِ تَرَسَّمَت
رَثيمَ الحَصى مِن مَلكِها المُتَوَضِّحِ
62. She settled there, then tossed and turned
Falling sideways in a heap, wings folded
٦٢. بِخَوصاءَ مَلحودٍ بِغَيرِ حَديدَةٍ
لَها في حِجاجٍ كَالنَصيلِ المُصَفَّحِ
63. She traveled far from the barren plateau
Taking the smooth route then swerving aside
٦٣. كَأَنَّ المَطايا لَيلَةَ الخِمسِ عُلِّقَت
بِوَثّابَةٍ حُردِ القَوائِمِ شَحشَحِ
64. Favoring the left side, learned like the script
Of a transcriber, clear and refined
٦٤. لَها كَضَواةِ النابِ شُدَّت بِلا عُرىً
وَلا خَرزِ كَفِّ بَينَ نَحرٍ وَمَذبَحِ
65. She walked in a herd with remedies secured
By straps, well-tanned and never softened
٦٥. أَنامَت غَريراً بَينَ كِسرَي تَنوفَةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ مُصفَرَّ الصَلا لَم يُرَشَّحِ
66. With blindness, so the wild cats while mating
Cling to them two or three nights, mewling piteously
٦٦. أَنامَته في أُفحوصِها ثُمَّ قَلَّصَت
تَقَلَّبُ تهوي في قَرائِنَ جُنَّحِ
67. In the morning, deprived of water five days
Saddles of sorrow, dust, and patches
٦٧. غِدَت مِن مَساري طُلَّقِ الكُدرِ قَبلَها
رَوافِعَ طَوراً تَستَقيمُ وَتَنتَحي
68. Calling each other to descend, as if remnants
Of dwellings left in the abandoned settlement
٦٨. عَلى الأَجنُبِ اليُسرى دُموكاً كَأَنَّها
كُعوبُ رُدَينِيِّ مِنَ الخَطِّ مُصلَحِ
69. Chicks wandering, pecking with their beaks
The shrieking hop of the terrified chick
٦٩. سَرَت في رَعيلٍ ذي أَداوى مَنوطَةٍ
بِلَبّاتِها مَدبوغَةٍ لَم تُمَرَّحِ
70. Born dead, then impregnated after dying
Without being bred by a rooster's penetration
٧٠. بِمَعمِيَّةٍ يُمسي القَطا وَهوَ نُسَّسٌ
بِها بِعدَ وَلقِ للَيلَتَينِ المُسَمِّحِ
71. Celestial, swollen, as if their udders
Were the utters of a marked, scarred ewe
٧١. وَتُصبِحُ دونَ الماءِ مِن يَومِ خِمسِها
عَصائِبُ حَسرى مِن رَذايا وَطُلَّحِ
72. They toured the valleys, teats bared
Inflaming the heart with burning thirst
٧٢. رِفاقاً تَنادى بِالنُزولِ كَأَنَّها
بِقايا الثُوى وَسط الدِيارِ المَطَرَّحِ
73. Pregnant bellies like the armor of warriors
But their insides the color of dyed wool
٧٣. رَوايا فِراخٍ تَنتَحي بِأُنوفِها
خَراشِيَّ قَيضِ القَفزَةِ المُتَصَيِّحِ
74. When she sped up, trotting as if on the edge
Of an unsheathed sword, its sharpened edge exposed
٧٤. تُنَتَّجُ أَمواتاً وَتُلقَحُ بَعدَما
تَموتُ بِلا بُضعٍ مِنَ الفَحلِ مُلقِحِ
75. She came upon traces amidst the footprints
Of wolves in the soft sands of the flat valley
٧٥. سَماوِيَّةٌ زُغبٌ كَأَنَّ شَكيرَها
صَماليخُ مَعهودِ النَصِيِّ المُجَلَّحِ
76. She hurriedly crossed it, then raced on with dawn
And the dawn raiders lighting up the terrain
٧٦. تَجوبُ بِهِنَّ التهَ صَغواءُ شَفَّها
تَباعُدُ أَظماءَ الفُؤادِ المُلَوَّحِ
77. Turning altogether, as the lizard plunging
Headfirst from the wall of Basra turns about
٧٧. مِنَ الهوذِ كَدراءُ السَراةِ وَبَطنُها
خَصيفٌ كَلَونِ الحَيقُطانِ المُسَيَّحِ
78. She came upon a water-spring amid the traces
Of foxes in the midst of plains and flatlands
٧٨. فَلَمّا تَناهَت وَهيَ عَجلى كَأَنَّها
عَلى حرفِ سَيفٍ حَدُّهُ غَيرُ مُصفَحِ
79. Circling stealthily before racing forth together
With the dawn that illuminates the battleground
٧٩. أَصابَت نِطافاً وَسطَ آثارِ أَذؤُبٍ
مِنَ اللَيلِ في جَنبَي مِدِيٍّ وَمِسطَحِ
٨٠. فَعَبَّت غِشاشاً ثُمَّ جالَت فَبادَرَت
مَعَ الفَجرِ وُرّادَ العِراكِ المُصَبِّحِ
٨١. مُوَلِّيَةً تَهوي جَميعاً كَما هَوى
مِنَ النيقِ فِهرُ البَصرَةِ المُتَطَحطِحِ