
My passion diminished at the banks of the Euphrates,

قل في شط نهروان اغتماضي

1. My passion diminished at the banks of the Euphrates,
And the love of eyes afflicted me.

١. قَلَّ في شَطِّ نَهرَوانَ اِغتِماضي
وَدَعاني هَوى العُيونِ المِراضِ

2. So I rejoiced in passion, then grew short
Of righteousness, while the righteous were pleased.

٢. فَتَطَرَّبتُ لِلهَوى ثُمَّ أَقصَر
تُ رِضاً بِالتُقى وَذو البِرِّ راضي

3. The King showed me the right way when I was
A brother of ungainliness and waywardness,

٣. وَأَراني المَليكُ رُشدي وَقَد كُن
تُ أَخا عُنجُهِيَّةٍ وَاِعتِراضِ

4. Beyond any doubt except the groves of the sand dunes.
Then I rested at the expanses of whiteness.

٤. غَيرَ ما ريبَةٍ سِوى رَيَّقِ الغِرْ
رَةِ ثُمَّ اِرعَوَيتُ عِندَ البَياضِ

5. No memories here of the bygone days of youth,
And how can there be memories of years long past?

٥. لاتَ هَنا ذِكرى بُلَهنِيَةِ الدَه
رِ وَأَنّى ذِكرى السِنينَ المَواضي

6. So be gone what bows my determination
And exposes my ruins.

٦. فَاِذهَبوا ما إِلَيكُمُ خَفَضَ الحِل
مُ عِناني وَعُرِّيَت أَنقاضي

7. I lost my youth and Allah guided me
Through an age of bitterness and decay.

٧. وَذَهَلتُ الصَبا وَأَرشَدَني اللَ
هُ بِدَهرٍ ذي مِرَّةٍ وَاِنتِقاضِ

8. And what I fear of evil has come to pass-
An eye that awakes every slumberer.

٨. وَجَرى بِالَّذي أَخافُ مِنَ البَي
نِ لَعينٌ يُنوضُ كُلَّ مَناضِ

9. At daybreak he is like one who forgets,
When he pulls out his foot in the sand drifts,

٩. صَيدَحِيُّ الضُحى كَأَنَّ نَساهُ
حينَ يَجتَثُّ رِجلَهُ في إِباضِ

10. You will be brought closer by a smooth rock
That indicated rainwater in the fragments.

١٠. سَوفَ تُدنيكَ مِن لَميسَ سَبَنتا
ةٌ أَمارَت بِالبَولِ ماءَ الكِراضِ

11. You hid it for twenty days and attained it
When you attained a loan amid the barren land.

١١. أَضمَرتَتهُ عِشرينَ يَوماً وَنيلَت
حينَ نيلَت يَعارَةً في عِراضِ

12. She is hump-backed, her shoulders laid bare
By the rubbing of a rugged saddlecloth.

١٢. فَهيَ قَوداءُ نُفِّجَت عَضُداها
عَن زَحاليقِ صَفصَفٍ ذي دَحاضِ

13. A she-ass difficult when the unkempt one rises,
What rising by the one full of piercing cries!

١٣. عَوسَرَ أَنِيَّةٌ إِذا اِنتَفَضَ الخِم
سُ نِطافَ الفَظيظِ أَيَّ اِنتِفاضِ

14. The mangy camel went to the broken land
And the camel-litters swayed.

١٤. وَأَوَت بِلَّةُالكَظومِ إِلى الفَظْ
ظِ وَجالَت مَعاقِدُ الأَرباضِ

15. Like a beast of the desert, long of mouth
Like the arm of the wild cat and long of fang,

١٥. مِثلُ عَيرِ الفَلاةِ شاخَسَ فاهُ
طولُ كَدمِ القَطا وَطولُ العِضاضِ

16. Whose joined eyebrows cut furrows
In the plain before the irrigation canals were dug.

١٦. صُنتُعُ الحاجِبَينِ خَرَّطَهُ البَق
لُ بَدِيّاً قَبلَ اِستِكاكِ الرِياضِ

17. So it is empty of vegetation except for water
And waved about in a barren land prone to decay.

١٧. فَهوَ خِلوُ الأَعصالِ إِلّا مِنَ الما
ءِ وَمَلهودِ بارِضٍ ذي اِنهِياضِ

18. And the salty ground continues being sweet
Like a well-watered meadow.

١٨. وَيَظَلُّ المَلِيَّ يوفي عَلى القَر
نِ عَذوباً كَالحُرضَةِ المُستَفاضِ

19. The sun disdains to incline with the likes
Of the idiot, an idiot pelted with dung.

١٩. يَرعَمُ الشَمسَ أَن تَميل بِمِثل ال
جَبءِ جَأبٌ مُقَذَّفٌ بِالنِحاضِ

20. And the emptiness of a plain it disturbs,
In which the tribe raises a campsite after one decayed.

٢٠. وَخَوِيِّ سَهلٍ يُثيرُ بِهِ القَو
مُ رِباضاً لِلعَينِ بَعدَ رِباضِ

21. And huts that were not fed by continual rain
Everlasting, being taken down and rebuilt.

٢١. وَقِلاصاً لَم يَغذُهُنَّ غَبوقٌ
دائِماتِ النَجيمِ وَالإِنقاضِ

22. And caves of brushwood and rush
And bathing hollows made by hands long indicted to tillage.

٢٢. وَمَحاريجَ مِن سِعارٍ وَغينٍ
وَغَماليلِ مُدجَناتِ الغِياضِ

23. Clad in darkness they retire at night
Like the nesting places of wild bustards.

٢٣. مُلبَساتِ القَتامِ يُمسي عَلَيها
مِثلُ ساجي دَواجِنِ الحَرّاضِ

24. Thus you see the sediment on their shoulders,
Flakes from long accumulation and downfall.

٢٤. فَتَرى الكُدرَ في مَناكِبِها الغُب
رِ رَذايا مِن بَعدِ طولِ اِنقِضاضِ

25. Like remnants of adobe, cast away
From the sheepfold, broken pieces with cracks.

٢٥. كَبَقايا الثُوى نُبِذنَ مِنَ الصَي
فِ جُنوحاً بِالجَرِّ ذي الرَضراضِ

26. Or like a wounded carcass, the mangy
Camel has become consecrated ground.

٢٦. أَو كَمَجلوحِ جِعثِنِ بَلَّةُ القَط
ر فَأَضحى مُوَدِّسَ الأَعراضِ

27. I have avoided them in favor of a garden
Whose keepers conceal some of its overflowing produce.

٢٧. قَد تَجاوَزتُها بِهَضّاءَ كَالجَنَّ
ةِ يُخفونَ بَعضَ قَرعِ الوِفاضِ

28. We are a people whose nature is forbearance
When fear touches those who attack in haste.

٢٨. إِنَّنا مَعثَرٌ شَمائِلُنا الصَب
رُ إِذا الخَوفُ مالَ بِالأَحفاضِ

29. A help to the lowly in the time of distress,
Dreaded by those who roam afar.

٢٩. نُصُرٌ لِلذَليلِ في نَدوَةِ الحَي
يِ مَرائيبُ لِلثَأى المُنهاضِ

30. No people withheld their full measure from us,
Nor men who are content with pretended blindness.

٣٠. لَم يَفُتنا بِالوِترِ قَومٌ وَلِلضَي
مِ رِجالٌ يَرضَونَ بِالإِغماضِ

31. Among them are violence, if patience is not shown,
And among them are pardoning and overlooking.

٣١. فيهِمُ سَطوَةٌ إِذا الحِلمُ لَم يُق
بَل وَفيهِم تَجاوُزٌ وَتَغاضي

32. Whoever seeks to confront them will find them
Protectors of the weak from every aggressor.

٣٢. مَن يَرُم جَمعَهُم يَجدهُم مَراجي
حَ حُماةً لِلعُزَّلِ الأَحراضِ

33. Good-natured folk when they dread
Transgression, we walk to judges of renown.

٣٣. طَيِّبي أَنفُسٍ إِذا رَهِبوا الغا
رَةَ نَمشي إِلى الحُتوفِ القَواضي

34. So ask the people, if you do not know,
And if you wish, between us stands a judge.

٣٤. فَسَلِ الناسَ إِن جَهِلتَ وَإِن شِئ
تَ فبَينَنا وَبَينَكَ قاضي

35. Have you deemed us a hostile tribe,
Seeking glory from men in times of distress?

٣٥. هَل عَدَتنا ظَعينَةٌ تَطلُبُ العَزْ
زمِنَ الناسِ في الخُطوبِ المَواضي

36. How many a foe, hardy and bold,
Whom we left as flesh on hooked poles!

٣٦. كَم عَدُوٍّ لَنا قُراسِيَةِ العِزْ
زِ تَرَكنا لَحماً عَلى أَوفاضِ

37. And we brought the horses back to them
When war, devourer of mankind, was kindled among them,

٣٧. وَجَلَبنا إِلَيهِمُ الخَيلَ فَاِقتي
ضَ حِماهُم وَالحَربُ ذاتُ اِقتِياضِ

38. With courage which makes disasters recoil
And a thrust like the blow of a mare in labor,

٣٨. بِجِلادٍ يَفري الشُؤونَ وَطَعنٍ
مِثلِ إيزاغِ شامِذاتِ المَخاضِ

39. Flashing, with the spittle continuing
On it like the fruit of myrobalan.

٣٩. ذي فُروغٍ يَظَلُّ مِن زَبَدِ الجَو
فِ عَلَيهِ كَثامِرِ الحُمّاضِ

40. War tried them, so they tasted
The might of one who exterminates foes without relenting,

٤٠. نَقَبَت عَنهُمُ الحُروبُ فَذاقوا
بَأسَ مُستَأصِلِ العِدى مُبتاضِ

41. Every one devoted to death was laid low
By the sword, like the labor of every child bearing.

٤١. كُلُّ مُستَأنِسٍ إِلى المَوتِ قَد خا
ضَ إِلَيهِ بِالسَيفِ كُلَّ مَخاضِ

42. It does not refrain from destroying the foe
And the base one is cured by shedding his blood.

٤٢. لا يَني يُخمِضُ العُدُوَّ وَذو الخُلْ
لَ ةِ يُشفى صَداهُ بِالإِحماضِ

43. When the laws of death were made pleasant
And death was made often delectably sweet.

٤٣. حينَ طابَت شَرائِعُ المَوتِ وَالمَو
تُ مِراراً يَكونُ عَذبَ الحِياضِ

44. By the blades which left no limb unsevered
And the deadly strokes rising with any rising.

٤٤. بِاللَواتي لَم يَترِكنَ عَقاقاً
وَالمَذاكي يَنهَضنَ أَيَّ اِنتِهاضِ

45. Such are our ways when the fight grows hot
And the period of inveterate hate grows long.

٤٥. تِلكَ أَحسابُنا إِذا اِحتَتَنَ الخَص
لُ وَمُدَّ المَدى مَدى الأَغراضِ