
The motley group vanished at dawn

بان الخليط بسحرة فتبددوا

1. The motley group vanished at dawn
And the abode aided the motley and dismissed

١. بانَ الخَليطُ بِسُحرَةٍ فَتَبَدَّدوا
وَالدارُ تُسعِفُ بِالخَليطِ وَتُبعِدُ

2. They attacked you with youthful ardor
The fever cooled but its heat does not cool

٢. هاجوا عَلَيك مِن الصَبابَةِ لَوعَةً
بَرَدَ الغَليلُ وَحَرُّها لا يَبرُدُ

3. When I saw them, gardens stammered
My soul and I said to them, “Do not go too far!”

٣. لَمّا رَأَيتُهُمُ حَزائِقَ أَجهَشَت
نَفسي وَقُلتُ لَهُم أَلا لا تَبعُدوا

4. And the next morning, after they endured
From the lightning-like one, a ragged, torn cloak

٤. وَجَرى بِبَينِهِمُ غَداةَ تَحَمَّلوا
مِن ذي الأَبارِقِ شاحِجٌ يَتَفَيَّدُ

5. The rancor of women is more scorching than fire
As if after the wailers, they are tied in the house

٥. شَنِجُ النَسا أَدفى الجَناحِ كَأَنَّهُ
في الدارِ بَعدَ الظاعِنينَ مُقَيَّدُ

6. Debased by the absence of one who troubles his conscience
Noisy, distressing with screams and complaining

٦. مَذِلٌ بِغائِبِ ما يُجِنُّ ضَميرُهُ
غَرِدٌ يُعَسِّرُ بِالصِياحِ وَيَنكُدُ

Like the screaming of a lanner falcon hovering over

٧. كَصِياحِ نوتِيٍّ يَظَلُّ عَلى ذُرى
قَيدومِ قَرواءِ السَراةِ يُنَدِّدُ

8. The plaits of blond maidens clamoring
My friend, with the level sands and beautiful

٨. يا صاحِبي بِسَواءِ فَيفِ مُلَيحَةٍ
ما بِالثَنِيَّةِ بَعدَ قَومِكَ مَقعَدُ

9. Dunes, no sitting place after your people
So turn your gaze, do you see their young she-camels

٩. فَاِطرَح بِطَرفِكَ هَل تَرى أَظعانَهُم
وَالكامِسِيَّةُ دونَهُنَّ فَثَرمَدُ

10. And the applied kohl under their eyes has crumbled
Young she-camels daring among the borders of sand dunes

١٠. ظُعُنٌ تَجاسَرُ بَينَ حَزمِ عُوارِضٍ
وَعُنَيزَتينِ رَبيعُهُنَّ الأَغيَدُ

11. And two young gazelles whose youth has flowered
With songs, like the amorous croon, decorating their love

١١. بِأَغَنَّ كَالحَولاءَ زانَ جِنانَهُ
نَورُ الدَكادِكِ سوقُهُ تَتَخَضَّدُ

12. The light of the anklets - its market bustles
Until the ostriches bid farewell to the light

١٢. حَتّى إِذا صُهبُ الجَنادِبِ وَدَّعَت
نَورَ الرَبيعِ وَلاحَهُنَّ الجُدجُدُ

13. Of spring, and their beauty shone brightly
The specter of dawn carried its adornments

١٣. وَاِستَحمَلَ الشَبَحَ الضُحى بِزُهائِهِ
وَأُميتَ دُعموصُ الغَديرِ المُثمِدُ

14. And the stagnant pond of the valley putrefied
The tamarisk turned yellow and the ground squirrels scattered

١٤. وَتجَدَّلَ الأُسروعُ واطَّرَدَ السَفا
وَجَرَت بِجائِلِها الحِدابُ القَردَدُ

15. And the flowing sands of the dunes glided
And the snakes of the sand dune crept out

١٥. وَاِنسابَ حَيّاتُ الكَثيبِ وَأَقبَلَت
أُرقُ الفَراشِ لِما يَشُبُّ الموقِدُ

16. The shy of the nests when the fire is kindled
They brought every graceful and tender gazelle

١٦. قَرَّبنَ كُلَّ نَجيبَةٍ وَعُذافِرٍ
كَالوَقفِ صَفَّرَهُ خَطيرٌ مُلبِدُ

17. Like an endowment whose beauty the chanter extols
The bending of the wand when its core is heated

١٧. غَوجِ اللَبانِ إِذا اِستَحَمَّ وَضينُهُ
وَجَرى حَميمُ دُفوفِهِ المُتَفَصِّدُ

18. And the intimacy of its curves overflows
It moves the pregnant she-camel marked with cowrie shells

١٨. يَمطو مُحَملَجَةَ النُسوعِ بِجَهضَمٍ
رَحبَ الأَضالِعِ فَهوَ مِنها أَكبَدُ

19. Large of chest, and it is the most clement of her kin
Tossing the flowing tails when striding forth

١٩. مُتَقاذِفٍ سَبطِ المَحالِ إِذا غَدا
تَبرِيَ لَهُ أُجُدُ الفَقارَةِ جَلعَدُ

20. Its proud neck muscles ripple and arch
From every slender she-camel led by the nose

٢٠. مِن كُلِّ ذاقِنَةٍ يَقومُ زِمامُها
عَومَ الخِشاشِ عَلى الصَفا يَتَرَأَّدُ

21. Rushing amid the pebbles vying in speed
A camel led by her like whose successor

٢١. فُتلٍ مَرافِقُها كَأَنَّ خَليفَها
مَكوٌ أَبَنَّ بِهِ سِباعٌ مُلحَدُ

22. Is a lion fed on her by beasts of prey
Pregnant, like a Himyari she-camel cooked

٢٢. حَرَجٍ كَمِجدَلِ هاجِرِيٍّ لَزَّهُ
بِذَواتِ طَبخِ أَطيمَةٍ لاتَخمُدُ

23. With seasoned soups that do not go out
Made alike, yet they are twins

٢٣. عُمِلَت عَلى مِثلٍ فَهُنَّ تَوائِمٌ
شَتّى يُلاحِكُ بَينَهُنَّ القَرمَدُ

24. Different, between them the short-tailed bustles
How many groups of fat she-camels in Tanuf

٢٤. كَم دونَ إِلفِكَ مِن نِياطِ تَنوفَةٍ
قَذَفٍ تَظَلُّ بِها الفَرائِصُ تَرعَدُ

25. Whose pregnant bellies quiver!
Among them is the son of her grandmother who almost

٢٥. فيها اِبنُ بَجدَتِها يَكادُ يُذيبُهُ
وَقدُ النَهارِ إِذا اِستَذابَ الصَيخَدُ

26. Melts him, and the midday heat when it is scorching
Coming and going beside the valley as if he

٢٦. يوفي عَلى جِذمِ الجُذولِ كَأَنَّهُ
خَصمٌ أَبَرَّ عَلى الخُصومِ يَلَندَدُ

27. Is an opponent who triumphed over opponents wrangling
Or a lonely, lost camel herd in the night

٢٧. أَو مُعزِبٌ وَحدٌ أَضَلَّ أَفائِلاً
لَيلاً فَأَصبَحَ فَوقَ قَرنٍ يَنشُدُ

28. So he woke up atop a steep threshold bleating
In the confusion of intermingled paths as if their calling

٢٨. في تيهِ مَهمَهَةٍ كَأَنَّ صُوِيَّها
أَيدي مُخالِعَةٍ تَكُفُّ وَتَنهَدُ

29. Is the hands of adulterous women waving and moaning
Their tents clung to souls and stirred

٢٩. لَزِمَت حَوالِسُها النُفوسَ فَثَوَّرَت
عُصَباً تَقومُ مِنَ الحِذارِ وَتَقعُدُ

30. Angrily standing, from caution, and sitting
In the evening their gibberish is as if it is

٣٠. يُمسي بِعَقوَتِها الهِجَفُّ كَأَنَّهُ
حَبَشِيُّ حازِقَةٍ غَدا يَتَهَبَّدُ

31. An Abyssinian singing with fervor at night
Wearing a Burjadi robe for his shanks

٣١. مُجتابُ شَملَةِ بُرجُدٍ لِسَراتِهِ
قَدراً وَأَسلَمَ ما سِواها البُرجُدُ

32. Sufficing him while he surrenders the rest
Accustomed to a desolate corner on a waterless plain

٣٢. يَعتادُ أُدحِيَةً بُنينَ بَقَفرَةٍ
مَيثاءَ يَسكُنُها اللَأى وَافَرقَدُ

33. An abode inhabited by solitude where he slumbers
Its passes held back the cups as if they

٣٣. حَبَسَت مَناكِبُها السَفى فَكَأَنَّها
رُفَةٌ بِناحِيَةِ المَداوِسِ مُسنَدُ

34. Are a sheep pen in the area of shelters propped
And the cupbearer is a foreigner to him as if his vessel

٣٤. وَالقَيضَ أَجنُبُهُ كَأَنَّ حُطامَهُ
فِلَقُ الحَواجِلِ شافَهُنَّ الموقِدُ

35. Is a piece of the broken pot its lips have kissed
The place invites him to music as he complained

٣٥. يَدعو العِرارُ بِها الزِمارَ كَما اِشتَكى
أَلِمٌ تُجاوِبُهُ النِساءُ العُوَّدُ

36. Of pain responded to by trained singing women
Do they bring you any closer to them without evidence?

٣٦. هَل يُدنِيَنَّكَ مِنهُمُ دو مَصدَقٍ
شَجِعٌ يَجِلُّ عَن الكَلالِ وَيحصَدُ

37. A bold man who avoids fatigue and reaps
Like a dancer, the nights have twisted him

٣٧. كَمُخَفِّقِ الحَشيَينِ باتَ تَلُفُّهُ
وَطفاءُ سارِيَةٌ وَهِفٌّ مُبرِدُ

38. And the fading torch and cool north wind twisted him
The one who crosses the pastures and hills as if he

٣٨. ضاحي المَراعي وَالطَياتِ كَأَنَّهُ
بَلَقٌ تَعاوَرَهُ البُناةُ مُمَدَّدُ

39. Is a hero the builders have stretched out as a corpse
Cracking the pebbles as if in their lowlands

٣٩. يَقَقُ السَراةِ كَأَنَّ في سَفِلاتِهِ
أَثَرَ النَؤورِ جَرى عَلَيهِ الإِثمِدُ

40. Is the mark of leopards the heavy rain washed
His vigor was held back so his weakness remained

٤٠. حُبِسَت صُهارَتُهُ فَظَلَّ عُثانُهُ
في سَيطَلٍ كُفِئَت لَهُ يَتَرَدَّدُ

41. In a plain furrowed for him, wandering
Until when he perishes and paths diverge for him

٤١. حَتّى إِذا هُوَ آلَ وَاِطَّرَدَت لَهُ
شُعَبٌ كَأَنَّ وُحِيَّهُنَّ المُسنَدُ

42. Like valleys whose inspiration is the support
The hands of an afflicted one have avoided it, yet for it

٤٢. أَجلَت يَدا بَلَوِيَّةٍ عَنها لَها
إِبَرٌ تَرَكنَ قَرائِحاً لا تَبلُدُ

43. Are needles left marking unerasable tattoos

٤٣. يَبدو وَتُضمِرُهُ البِلادُ كَأَنَّهُ
سَيفٌ عَلى شَرَفٍ يُسَلُّ وَيُغمَدُ

44. He appears and the countries hide him as if he
Is a sword on a balcony brandished and sheathed

٤٤. وَكَأَنَّ قِهزَةَ تاجِرٍ جيبَت لَهُ
لِفُضولِ أَسفَلِها كِفافٌ أَسوَدُ

45. And as if the bag of a merchant was cut for him
To the excess of its bottom, a black lining

٤٥. هاجَت بِهِ كُسُبٌ تَلَعلَعُ لِلطَوى
وَالحِرصِ يَدأَلُ خَلفَهُنَّ المُؤسِدُ

46. By it profits were stirred that glisten for the highland
And greed which whispers behind them, scheming

٤٦. صُعرُ السَوالِفِ بِالجِراءِ كَأَنَّها
خَلفَ الطَرائِدِ خَشرَمٌ مُتَبَدِّدُ

47. The combs of conversation in the pollarded woods as if they
Are opponents divided amid the quarry scattered

٤٧. وَاِجتَبنَ حاصِبَهُ وَوَلّى يَقتَري
فَيحانَ يُسجِحُ مَرَّةً وَيُعَرِّدُ

48. And he went early morning parting with his hands
The flanks of the hill, dividing its middle with his hand

٤٨. يُذري رَوائِسَها الأَوائِلَ مِثلَ ما
يُذري فَراشَ شَبا الحَديدِ المِبرَدُ

49. Pecking at the shameful parts of the hips of she-camels
And penetrating their lower parts, persistently wagging

٤٩. تَترى وَيَخصِفُها بِحَرفَي رَوقِهِ
شَزراً كَما اِختَصَفَ النِقالَ المِسرَدُ

50. So the people abandoned them, aversion among them
A wanderer who fears and a fleer who escapes

٥٠. فَصَدَدنَ عَنهُ وَقَد عَصَفنَ بِنَعجَةٍ
خَذَلَت وَأَفرَدَها فَريرٌ مُفرَدُ

And he went on splitting its midsts by the palms

٥١. فَالقَومُ أَجنُبَها شَرائِجُ مِنهُمُ
طاهٍ يَحُشُّ وَهَبهَبِيٌّ يَفأَدُ

52. Like the share of war, directing its center the hand
So they turned away from him, and they were parted by a ewe

٥٢. وَغَدا تَشُقُّ يَداهُ أَوساطَ الرُبى
قَسمَ الفِئالِ تَقُدُّ أَوسَطَهُ اليَدُ

53. Abandoned, singled out by a solitary barking voice
By that I foresee worries when darkness falls

٥٣. يَقرو الخَمائِلَ مِن جِواءِ عُوارِضٍ
وَيَخوضُ أَسفَلَها خُزامى تَمأَدُ

54. Its sides recede and are bound
Umaymah said, while worries count me

٥٤. فَبِذاكَ أَطَّلِعُ الهُمومَ إِذا دَجَت
ظُلَمٌ خَوالِفُها تُخَلُّ وَتُؤصَدُ

55. Among the driven beasts – the watering place is blocked to them
The prince told of your need, and it extended him

٥٥. قالَت أُمامَةُ وَالهُمومُ يَعُدنَني
وِردَ الحَوائِمِ سُدَّ عَنها المَورِدُ

56. Among those people stubbornly resisting until exhausted
So fling yourself into the lands, for it is only

٥٦. أَنَبا بِحاجَتِكَ الأَميرُ وَمَدَّهُ
في ذاكَ قَومٌ كاشِحونَ فَأَجهَدوا

57. The prolonged who fulfills and shortens his worries
And the brother of worries, when worries are prepared

٥٧. فَاِقذِف بِنَفسِكَ في البِلادِ فَإِنَّما
يَقضي وَيُقصِرُ هَمَّهُ المُتَبَلِّدُ

58. The wings of darkness, its pillow cannot rest
So I wore the fine garments of war for it

٥٨. وَأَخو الهُمومِ إِذا الهُمومُ تَحَضَّرَت
جُنحَ الظَلامِ وِسادَهُ لا يَرقُدُ

59. And kindled the fire of war, and it blazed
They were confounded by fear of it upon their fires

٥٩. فَلَبِستُ لِلحَربِ العَوانِ ثِيابَها
وَشَبَبتُ نارَ الحَربِ فَهيَ تَوَقَّدُ

60. And surrendered after defiance and extinguished
And accepted what they had hated the first time

٦٠. بالوا مَخافَتَهاعَلى نيرانِهِم
وَاِستَسلَموا بَعدَ الخَطيرِ وَأَخمَدوا

61. And saw the way to the path of the intimidator
And hoped for my reconciliation, and was certain that I

٦١. وَرَضو الَّذي كَرِهوا لِأَوَّلِ مَرَّةٍ
وَرَأى سَبيلَ طَريقِهِ المُتَهَدِّدُ

62. Am the maker with my hands of what is seared
And guessed the extent of my purpose, so fell short of it

٦٢. وَرَجا مُوادَعَتي وَأَيقَنَ أَنَّني
صِنعُ اليَدَينِ بِحَيثُ يُكوى الأَصيَدُ

63. Alas! The farther extent of sublime bounty from you

٦٣. وَرَمى مَدى غَرَضي فَقَصَّرَ دونَهُ
هَيهات مِنكَ مَدى الكِرامِ الأَبعَدُ