
The clan dispersed with the sorcerers, so they vanished,

بان الخليط بسحرة فتبددوا

1. The clan dispersed with the sorcerers, so they vanished,
And the house helps with the clan, so it distances.

١. بانَ الخليطُ بسحرة ِ فتبدَّدوا
والدّارُ تسعفُ بالخليطِ وتبعدُ

2. They attacked you bitterly out of youthful zeal,
Whose heat does not cool down, though the anguish cools.

٢. هَاجُوا عَلَيْكَ مِنَ الصَّبَابَة ِ لَوْعَة ً
بردَ الغليلُ، وحرُّها لا يبرُدُ

3. When I saw them angry, I gasped,
And said to them: "Do not go too far!"

٣. لمَّا رأيتُهُمُ حزائقَ أجهشتْ
نَفْسي وقُلْتُ لَهُمْ: أَلاَ لاَ تَبْعُدُوا

4. And he flowed between them, when they endured
From the possessor of banners, a dusty one who ties.

٤. وجرى ببينهمُ، غداة َ تحمَّلوا
منْ ذي الأبارقِ، شاحجٌ يتفيَّدُ

5. The neighing of the women, the most ardent winged, as if
In the house, after the captors, tied.

٥. شَنِجُ النَّسَا، أَدْفَى الجَنَاحِ، كأَنه
في الدَّارِ، بَعْدَ الظَّاعِنِينَ، مقَيَّدُ

6. Humiliated by the absence of one whose conscience
Sings, distressed by crying, and melancholy.

٦. مَذِلٌ بِغَائِبِ مَا يُجِنُّ ضَمِيرُهُ
غردٌ، يعسِّرُ بالصِّياحِ، وينكُدُ

7. Like the crying of a mourner, lingering over
The plaited locks of blond maidens, chanting.

٧. كَصِيَاحِ نُوتِيٍّ، يَظَلُّ، عَلَى ذُرَى
قيدومِ قرواءِ السَّراة ِ، يندِّدُ

8. My companion at the plain of Mulaiha,
No seat after your people at the two hills.

٨. يا صَاحِبِي بِسَوَاءِ فَيْفِ مُلَيْحَة ٍ
مَا بِالثَّنِيَّة ِ بَعْدَ قَوْمِكَ مَقْعَدُ

9. So glance with your eye, do you see their ankles?
And the little hills below them are like a fetal sac.

٩. فَاطْرَحْ بِطَرْفِكَ هَلْ تَرَى أَظْعَانَهُمْ
والكَامِسِيَّة ُ دُونَهُنَّ فَثَرْمَدُ

10. Ankles daring between sturdy calves
And two young gazelles, their springtime the unripe dates.

١٠. ظعنٌ تجاسرُ بينَ حزمِ عوارضٍ
وعنيزتينِ، ربيعهنَّ الأغيدُ

11. With the most melodious, like the trilling, adorned are their souls,
The light of the stars, their market fluctuates.

١١. بِأغَنَّ كَالحُوَلاَءِ، زَانَ جِنَانَهُ
نَوْرُ الدَّكَادِكِ، سُوقُهُ تَتَخَضَّدُ

12. Until when the ostriches bid farewell to the light
Of spring, and the apache Retrieve appeared to them.

١٢. حَتَّى إِذَا صُهْبُ الجَنَادِبِ وَدَّعَتْ
نَوْرَ الرَّبِيعِ، ولاَحَهُنَّ الجُدْجُدُ

13. And the mirage took on the brilliance of dawn in its beauty,
And the frozen pond of stagnant water melted.

١٣. واسْتَحْمَلَ الشَّبَحَ الضُّحَى بزُهَائِهِ
وأميتَ دعموصُ الغديرِ المثمدُ

14. And the bustard spread out, and the quail fled,
And their layers flowed, treading the rugged valley.

١٤. وتَجَدَّلَ الأُسْرُوعُ، واطَّرَدَ السَّفَا
وجرتْ بجائلها الحدابُ القرددُ

15. And the snakes of the sand crept out, and the insects came
Swarming for when the fire flickered.

١٥. وانسابَ حيَّاتُ الكثيبِ، وأقبلتْ
أرقُ الفراشِ لما يشبُّ الموقدُ

16. They brought every gentle and pure one
Like an appointment, summoned by a harsh guide.

١٦. قَرَّبْنَ كُلَّ نَجِيبَة ٍ وعُذافِرٍ
كالوقفِ صفَّرَهُ خطيرٌ ملبدُ

17. Dense with aroma when its paste dissolved,
And its intimate juices flowed, clotting.

١٧. غوجِ اللَّبانِ إذا استحمَّ وضينُهُ،
وَجَرَى حَمِيمُ دُفُوفِهِ المُتَفَصِّدُ

18. It pours from the kneeling she-camel with pride
Of ample ribs, so it is her most generous portion.

١٨. يَمْطُو مُحَمْلَجَة َ النُّسُوعِ بِجَهْضَمٍ
رحبَ الأضالعِ، فهْوَ منْها أكبدُ

19. So with that I face worries when they approach,
My spine relaxes for it, straightening from bending.

١٩. فَبِذاكَ أَطَّلِعُ الهُمُومَ إِذَا دَجَتْ
تَبْرِيَ لَهُ أُجُدُ الفَقَارَة ِ جَلْعَدُ

20. From every snarling, scraggly one, whose bridle
Floats like the scratches on stone walls.

٢٠. منْ كلِّ ذاقنة ، يعومُ زمامُها
عومَ الخشاشِ علَى الصَّفا يترأَّدُ

21. A wretched one accompanying her, as if her successor
Is disgraced, accused by the predatory beasts.

٢١. فُتْلٍ مَرَافِقُها، كَأَنَّ خَلِيفَها
مكوٌ، أبنَّ بهِ سباعٌ، ملحَدُ

22. Harsh as the knotted rope of a fugitive, not
Of gentle cooking that would last.

٢٢. حَرَجٍ كَمِجْدَلِ هَاجِرِيٍّ لَزَّهُ
بِذَوَاتِ طَبْخِ أَطِيمَة ٍ لاَ تَخْمُدُ

23. They acted alike, so they are twins
Separate, joking between them like an old goat.

٢٣. عملتْ علَى مثلٍ، فهنَّ توائمٌ
شَتَّى ، يُلاَحِكُ بَيْنَهُنَّ القَرْمَدُ

24. How many rugged roads of Tuneifah are there
Pelting, over which duties tremble?

٢٤. كمْ دونَ إلفكَ منْ نياطِ تنوفة ٍ
قذفٍ، تظلُّ بهَا الفرائصُ ترعدُ

25. In it the son melts from the heat of its parching,
Like the midday sun when it glows white.

٢٥. فيهَا ابنُ بجدتها يكادُ يذيبُهُ
وَقْدُ النَّهَارِ إِذَااسْتَذَابَ الصَّيْخَدُ

26. Pouring upon the body of the valley, as if he
Is a stubborn adversary against opponents, insulting.

٢٦. يُوفِي عَلَى جِذْمِ الجُذُولِ، كَأَنَّهُ
خَصْمٌ اَبَرَّ عَلَى الخُصُومِ يَلَنْدَدُ

27. Or a lost camel, having wandered into the night,
So he woke up on a horn, chanting.

٢٧. أو معزبٌ وحدٌ، أضلَّ أفائلاً
ليلاً، فأصبحَ فوقَ قرنٍ ينشدُ

28. In the perplexity of entanglements, as if their twisting
Is dissident hands that contract and sigh.

٢٨. في تِيهِ مَهْمَهَة ٍ كَأَنَّ صُوِيَّها
أيْدِي مُخَالِعَة ٍ تَكُفُّ وتَنْهَدُ

Their perils have afflicted souls, so they raged

٢٩. لَزِمَتْ حَوَالِسُهَا النُّفُوسَ، فَثَوَّرَتْ
عُصَباً، تَقُومُ مِنَ الحِذَارِ وتَقْعُدُ

30. As factions, rising from caution and sitting back down.
Evening comes to their towering forms as if

٣٠. يمسي بعقوتها الهجفُّ كأنَّه
حبشيُّ حازقة ٍ غدا يتهبَّدُ

31. Abyssinian, owner of a cloak, wrapping up at night,
Wearing a short Burda cloak for his saddlebags,

٣١. مُجْتَابُ شَمْلَة ِ بُرْجُدٍ لِسَرَاتِهِ
قدراً، وأسلمَ ما سواها البرجُدُ

32. A pot - and whatever is besides it, the Burda left behind.
Familiar with the settlements of Bani Naufal, a

٣٢. يعتادُ أدحية َ بنينَ بقفزة ٍ
مَيْثَاءَ يَسْكُنُها الَّلأى والفَرْقَد

33. Place of comfort where cattle and goats gather.
Their withheld pursuits have tired them, so it is as if

٣٣. حَبَسَتْ مَنَاكِبُها السَّفَى ، فَكَأَنَّهُ
رُفَة ٌ بِنَاحِيَة ِ المَدَاوسِ مُسْنَدُ

34. He is a pillar on the side of the treadmills, propped.
And their food at night is different, as if their remnants

٣٤. والقَيْضَ أَجْنُبُهُ، كَأَنَّ حُطَامَهُ
فِلَقُ الحَوَاجِلِ شَافَهُنَّ المُوقِدُ

35. Are shreds of pottery whose cooker blew out.
He calls the maids with them, just as a distressed

٣٥. يدعو العرارُ بها الزِّمارَ، كما اشتكَى
ألِمٌ تُجَاوِبُهُ النِّسَاءُ العُوَّدُ

36. Woman is called by the trained singing girls.
Does one who believes bring you close to them?

٣٦. هلْ يُدنينَّكَ منهمُ ذو مصدقٍ،
شجعٌ، يجلُّ عن الكلالِ، ويحصدُ

37. A bold one, serious despite weariness, harvesting?
One who stirs up the impassioned like the kindling

٣٧. كمخفِّقِ الحشيينْ باتَ تلفُّهُ
وَطْفَاءُ سَارِيَة ٌ، وهِفُّ مُبْرِدُ

38. Of a torch, and its hissing wind fanning the flame?
Roaming the pastures and hills, as if he

٣٨. ضاحي المراعي والطَّياتِ، كأنَّهُ
بَلَقٌ تَعَاوَرَهُ البُنَاة ُ مُمَدَّدُ

39. Is a hero the builders competed over, outstretched.
Piercing the plateaus, as if at their bottoms

٣٩. يققُ السَّراة ِ، كأنَّ في سفلاتِهِ
أثرَ النَّؤورِ جرَى عليهِ الإثْمِدُ

40. Lay the trace of ostriches over which the brave marched.
His vigor was confined, so he remained flexible

٤٠. حُبِسَتْ صُهَارَتُهُ، فَظَلَّ عُثَانُهُ
في سيطلٍ كُفئتْ له، يتردَّدُ

41. In a pod arranged for him, wavering.
Until when he matured, and paths opened for him,

٤١. حَتَّى إِذَا هُوَ آلَ، واطَّرَدَتْ لَهُ
شُعَبٌ كَأَنَّ وُحِيَّهُنَّ المُسْنَدُ

42. As if their inspiration for him was to rely on.

٤٢. أجلتْ يدا بلويَّة ٍ عنها، لهَا
إِبَرٌ تَرَكْنَ قَرَائِحاً لاَ تَبْلُدُ

43. They revealed a stout hand from it, which has
Spears that left behind wounds that do not fade.

٤٣. يَبْدُو وتُضْمِرُهُ البِلاَدُ، كَأَنَّهُ
سيفٌ علَى شرفٍ يُسلُّ ويُغمدُ

44. He appears and they conceal him, the lands, as if
A sword upon a belt, drawn and sheathed.

٤٤. وكَأَنَّ قِهْزَة َ تَاجِرٍ جِيبَتْ لَهُ
لِفُضُولِ أَسْفَلِها كِفَافٌ أَسْوَدُ

45. And as if the money pouch of a merchant was made for him,
To cover its lower excess, a black lining.

٤٥. هَاجَتْ بِهِ كُسُبٌ، تَلَعْلَعُ لِلطَّوَى
والحِرْصِ يَدْأَلُ خَلْفَهُنَّ المُؤْسِدُ

46. Gains were excited by it, sparkling to deceive
And greedy desire trails behind them, harming.

٤٦. صُعرُ السَّوالفِ بالجراءِ، كأنَّها
خَلْفَ الطَّرائِدِ خَشْرَمٌ مُتَبَدِّدُ

47. The conversation at dusk like the scattered
Remnants behind the prey, dispersed.

٤٧. واجتبنَ حاصبَهُ، وولَّى يقتري
فيحانَ، يُسجحُ مرَّة َ ويعرَّدُ

48. And he chose the customs of Faihaan, and turned away to live
There, sometimes leveling and sometimes uneven.

٤٨. يُذْرِي رَوَائِسَهَا الأَوَائِلَ مِثْلَ مَا
يُذْرِي فَرَاشَ شَبَا الحَدِيدِ المِبْرَدُ

49. He spreads their first combs like he spreads
A new garment that the sharp iron smoothed.

٤٩. تترَى ، ويخصفُها بحرفَيْ روقهِ
شَزْراً، كَمَا اخْتَصَفَ النِّقَالَ المِسْرَدُ

50. Bristling, as if his two hands
Combed it roughly, as the fuller combs wool.

٥٠. فصددنَّ عنهُ، وقدْ عصفنَ بنعجة ٍ
خذلتْ، وأفردَها فريرٌ مفردُ

51. So they turned away from him, and they were blown about in confusion,
Abandoned, and a solitary east wind abandoned it.

٥١. فالقومُ أجنبُها شرائجُ، منهمُ
طَاهٍ يَحُشُّ، وهَبْهَبيٌّ يَفْأدُ

52. So the tribe is a stranger to its branches, among them
A wanderer who fears, and a fleer who runs away.

٥٢. وغَدَا تَشُقُّ يَداهُ أوْسَاطُ الرُّبَى
قسمَ الفئالِ تقدُّ أوسطَهُ اليدُ

53. He went on to tear apart the innards of prey
Dividing the carcass, its middle parted by the hand.

٥٣. يَقْرُو الخَمَائِلَ مِنْ جِواءِ عُوارِضٍ
ويخوضُ أسفلَها خُزامَى تمأدُ

54. Picking at the sour milk of resentful dodgers
And wading through their lower parts, silent crawlers.

٥٤. فبذاكَ أطَّلعُ الهمومَ إذذا دَجَتْ
ظلمٌ خوالفُها تخلُّ وتؤصَدُ

55. So with that I face worries when they approach,
Whose darkness covers them, emptying and leaning.

٥٥. قَالَتْ أُمَامَة ُ، والهُمُومُ يَعُدْنَني
وِرْدَ الحَوائِمِ سُدَّ عَنْها المَوْرِدُ

56. Umaymah said, and worries count me
Among the belongings of the tent, the watering place blocked off.

٥٦. أَنَبَا بِحاجَتِكَ الأمِيرُ، ومدَّهُ
في ذاكَ قومٌ كاشحونَ فأجهدُوا

57. The Prince notified you of your need, and he extended
To you in that a people who strove and exhausted themselves.

٥٧. فَاقْذِفْ بِنَفْسِكَ في البِلادِ، فَإِنَّما
يقضي، ويُقصرُ همَّهُ المتبلِّدُ

58. So fling yourself into the lands, for only
He judges, and his concern for the uncultivated land diminishes.

٥٨. وأخُو الهُمُومِ، إِذا الهُمُومُ تَحَضَّرَتْ
جُنْحَ الظَّلامِ، وِسَادَهُ لا يَرْقُدُ

59. And the brother of worries, when worries prepare
The wing of darkness, and its pillow does not rest.

٥٩. فلبستُ للحربِ العوانِ ثيابَها،
وشَبَبْتُ نَارَ الحَرْبِ فَهْيَ تَوَقَّدُ