
O house that was inhabited after its desolation

يا دار أقوت بعد أصرامها

1. O house that was inhabited after its desolation
A year has passed and what makes you cry of its years

١. يا دارُ أَقوَت بَعدَ أَصرامِها
عاماً وَما يُبكيكَ مِن عامِها

2. Has the wind made any house virgin but yours
That hopes in the darkness of its ruin?

٢. هَل غَيرُ دارٍ بَكَرَت ريحُها
تَستَنُّ في جائِلِ رَمرامِها

3. In it is a playground for the boys of youth
As if the traces of their feet

٣. فيها لِوِلدانِ الصِبا مَلعَبٌ
كَأَنَّما آثارُ أَقدامِها

4. A parchment a writer has dotted
The era of its pens has no antiquity

٤. صَحيفَةٌ رَقَّشَها كاتِبٌ
لَم يَتَقادَم عَهدُ أَقلامِها

5. Stop, my friend, and let it ease your worries
Some of its illnesses have bothered me

٥. قِف صاحِبي أَقضِ بِها لَوعَةً
عَناني بَعضُ أَسقامِها

6. Take it lightly as long as we are together in it
Away from some of my days and its days

٦. أَستَخفِها إِذ نَحنُ فيها مَعاً
عَن بَعضِ أَيّامي وَأَيّامِها

7. It is a sea if a statue talked from it
Or was eloquent after being incomprehensible

٧. بَحرِيَّةٌ إِن نَطَقَت دُميَةٌ
أَو أَفصَحَت مِن بَعدِ إِعجامِها

8. Your two eyes have sent western winds
Whose leaves come out of the sheaths of opponents

٨. عَيناكَ غَربا شَنَّةٍ أَرسَلَت
أَوراقَها مِن كَينِ أَخصامِها

9. The narrator has led to experience through it
So its mouths have silenced defeats

٩. أَفضى بِها الراوي إِلى خَبرَةٍ
فَاِبتَدَرَت أَفواهُ أَهزامِها

10. As it was born unlike a knight of Maalik
With a determination that carried its corpses

١٠. إِذ نَشَأَت غَيرَ فَتى مالِكٍ
لِنِيَّةٍ شالَت بِأَجذامِها

11. As if when it cleared in the morning
And was rescued after accusation

١١. كَأَنَّها لَمّا اِحزَأَلَّت ضُحىً
وَأَنجَدَت مِن بَعدِ إِتهامِها

12. The palms of homeland folded their swings
With burden, so they lowered their sleeves

١٢. نَخلُ القُرى شالَت مَراجيحُهُ
بِالوِقرِ فَاِنزالَت بِأَكمامِها

13. The clouds pollinated it, so its cans
Sought rain before being completed

١٣. لَقَّحَها الأَبّارُ فَاِستَوسَقَت
قِنوانُها مِن قَبلِ إِتمامِها

14. It remains covered with sleeves
Eyes of oppressors watch it

١٤. تَظَلُّ بِالأَكمامِ مَحفوفَةً
تَرمُقُها أَعيُنُ جُرّامِها

15. It has become barren after neglecting it
In the gown of dryness and its evils

١٥. أَضحَت قَلوصي بَعدَ إِهمالِها
في جُزأَةِ الذَبلِ وَتَسوامِها

16. The roses of Miyah Falah have harmed it
Its shelters and lion dens

١٦. أَزرى بِها وِردُ مِياةِ الفَلا
عافي مَطاميها وَأَسدامِها

17. Its shade bleeds though it has created
An orchard from it after mutilation

١٧. يَدمى أَظَلّاها وَقَد أَخلَقَت
مِنها شَريجاً بَعدَ إِجذامِها

18. To you O Ibn al-Qaram I fold with it
An unknown land after its flags

١٨. إِلَيكَ يا اِبنَ القَرمِ أَطوي بِها
مَجهولَ أَرضٍ بَعدَ أَعلامِها

19. Until the youth's cloak shrank
And it substituted concealment for tying

١٩. حَتّى اِنطَوَت طِيَّ رِداءِ الفَتى
وَاِستَبدَلَت ضُمراً بِإِجمامِها

20. It aspires to the purest youth of Qahtan
From its nakedness, step, and blemish

٢٠. تَؤُمُّ مِن قَحطانَ أَنقى فَتىً
مِن عارِها قِدماً وَمِن ذامِها

21. A branch he raised from its saplings
The people of its endeavors and dreams

٢١. فَرعاً نَماهُ مِن عَرانينِها
أَهلُ مَساعيها وَأَحلامِها

22. A people who love your gifts strive
They did not refrain before completing them

٢٢. يَسعى بِمِقراتِكَ قَومٌ حَبَوا
لَم يَتَناهَوا دونَ إِفعامِها

23. A tied game on his back
Loads fatigue and pulls him

٢٣. أَصَيدَ مَحزومٍ عَلى ظَهرِهِ
غُلبُ الحَمالاتِ وَجُرّامِها

24. Of collective livelihood, long wealth
Joining reasons and gathering them

٢٤. مُشتَرَكِ الكَسبِ طَويلِ الغِنى
وَصّالِ أَسبابٍ وَجَذّامِها

25. Carrying the ransoms of distant blood vengeance
From the chastity of origin and fortress

٢٥. حَمّالِ أَشناقِ دِياتِ الثَأى
عَن عِدَفِ الأَصلِ وَجُشّامِها

26. As if among the people the journey was hidden from him
After the emaciation of horses and their boredom

٢٦. كَأَنَّهُ في القَومِ غِبَّ السُرى
بَعدَ وَنى الخَيلِ وَتَسآمِها

27. A falcon that went in the morning shaking
From his back the drizzle of pouring rain

٢٧. بازٍ غَدا يَنفُضُ عَن مَتنِهِ
نَضحَ سَماءٍ غِبَّ إِرذامِها

28. I swore I would not praise until I see
In the side of a grave the pledge of its pillars

٢٨. أَقسَمتُ لا أَمدَحُ حَتّى أُرى
في ذاتِ لَحدٍ رَهنَ أَرجامِها

29. But a youth in his money is for praise
A share, if reckoned with its shares

٢٩. إِلّا فَتىً لِلحَمدِ في مالِهِ
قَسمٌ إِذا ضُنَّ بِأَقسامِها

30. He refuses what he wants and gives what
Eyes aspire to through its shares

٣٠. يَمنَعُ ما شاءَ وَيَعطي الَّتي
تَسمو إِلَيها عَينُ بِأَقسامِها

31. Whenever he promises he fulfills and does not
Deceive from his gifts the length of his darknesses

٣١. مَتى يَعِد يُنجِز وَلا يَكتَبِل
مِنهُ العَطايا طولُ إِعتامِها

32. A palm whose palm is unseen sufficed him
Moderating the fear of his destruction

٣٢. كَفّاهُ كَفٌّ لا يُرى سَيبُها
مُقَسَّطاً رَهبَةَ إِعدامِها

33. Extended which its lobbies hope for
Its loyalists and confidants

٣٣. مَبسوطَةٌ تَستَنُّ أَرواقُها
عَلى مَواليها وَمُعتامِها

34. While his other palm through it seeks
To break the distance of a people and their injuries

٣٤. وَكَفُّهُ الأُخرى بِها يَبتَغي
نَقضَ ثَأى قَومٍ وَأَوذَمِها

35. If it cracked, its crack would not heal
Or if it wanted life through its pieces

٣٥. إِن فَتَقَت لَم يَلتَئِم فَتَقُها
أَو أَرأَمَت عيشَ بِإِرآمِها

36. In it for the enemies is vulnerability
In its courtyard, war and its flames

٣٦. فيها عَلى الأَعداءِ عُرضِيَّةٌ
في حَشِّها الحَربَ وَإِضرامِها

37. He cleverly arranges fearful affairs
Binding its knots and concluding them

٣٧. يَفري الأُمورَ الحُذّذا إِربَةٍ
لَيِّها شَزراً وَإِبرامِها

38. And reveals the unknown of its perplexity
Through opinion before accomplishing them

٣٨. وَيَجتَلي غُرَّةَ مَجهولِها
بِالرَأيِ مِنهُ قَبلَ إِنجامِها

39. Decisive if after the cycles souls
Of its dreams were disturbed

٣٩. ماضٍ إِذا الأَنكاسُ بَعدَ الكَرى
تَباعَجَت أَرواحُ أَحلامِها

40. And the house of a people whose hills are difficult
Whose darkness is continuous

٤٠. وَدارِ قَومٍ أَشِبٍ شِعبُها
دائِمَةٍ هَبوَةُ إِقتامِها

41. Smell the heights, around it skeptically
Poets of courage, the delusions of their zeal

٤١. شُمِّ الأَعالي شائِلٍ حَولَها
شَعراءُ مُبيَضٍّ ذُرى هامِها

42. Deceptive in method, its observations
Spend nights and days over its wildernesses

٤٢. خادِعَةِ المَسلَكِ أَرصادُها
تُمسي وُكوناً فَوقَ آرامِها

43. It stabbed the army through it, guiding
The fear of meeting it and its assaults

٤٣. طَعَنَت بِالجَيشِ بِها هادِياً
خَوفَ مَلاقيها وَأَهضامِها

44. Until when a night darkened
It assaulted, then flew after its darkness

٤٤. قَدَّ التِهامِيَّ بِإِزميلِهِ
عَن قُدرَةٍ مَقروظَ آدامِها

45. Like the black dress, so its edges
Are a dawn that revealed the greenness of its garments

٤٥. حَتّى إِذا ما لَيلَةٌ أَظلَمَت
ثومَّتَ طارَت بَعدَ إِظلامِها

46. He raided it with a raid that multiplied
The family of its days and orphans

٤٦. كَجُبَّةِ الساجِ فَحافاتُها
صُبحٌ جَلا خُضرَةَ أَهدامِها

47. With horses whose lands have dried up
And the cunning of criminals failed

٤٧. بَثَّ عَلَيها غارَةً أَكثَرَت
عَيلَ أَياماها وَأَيتامِها

48. Destroyer of wars, he managed it
Distinguishing money and spoils

٤٨. بِالخَيلِ قَد جَفَّت مَبادينُها
وَآلَ مِن حيلَةِ أَجرامِها

49. Pale-lipped, it seeks blood
Its jaws from the long bridling

٤٩. مِردى حُروبٍ مِثلُهُ ساسَها
مُتلِفِ أَموالٍ وَغَنّامِها

50. The birds twitter when it takes
Its breaths in the process of bowing

٥٠. شاحِبَةِ الأَفواهِ تَهمي دَماً
أَشداقُها مِن طولِ إِلجامِها

51. It divides the sheep with the flock
Of the silent biting fangs of its flags

٥١. تُرَنِّقُ الطَيرُ إِذا ما عَدَت
أَنفاسَها في قُبلِ إِرخامِها

52. They transgress with the hands when employed
From it lightly due to their bodies

٥٢. يُجَزِّئُ الغُنمَ بِمَحشورَةٍ
خُرسٍ خَفِيٍّ ضَرسُ أَعلامِها

53. The transgression of the gazelles of Luwayy Hatham
Remembered the chastity of their yards

٥٣. تَجورُ بِالأَيدي إِذا اِستُعمِلَت
مِنها عَلى خِفَّةِ أَجسامِها

٥٤. جِوارَ غِزلانِ لِوى هَيثَمٍ
تَذَكَّرَت فيقَةِ آرامِها