
Let the subjects rejoice and the attributes and the heights

ليهن الرعايا والمناقب والعلى

1. Let the subjects rejoice and the attributes and the heights
Your joy is what the rain-watered grass grows

١. ليَهْن الرَّعايا والمناقبَ والعُلى
سرورُكم ما أنبت العُشْبَ ماطِرُ

2. And your well-being is not envied as long as the first lasts
You have been loved through the ages to the last

٢. ولا برِحتكم غِبطةٌ ما لأوَّلٍ
حُبيتم به منها مدى الدهر آخِرُ

3. So you are the spring of the year, the most fertile of its people
Watered by heavy rains, so it is the greenest fresh

٣. فأنتُمْ ربيع العام أخصب أهْلُهُ
سَقته الغوادي فهو أخضرُ ناضِرُ

4. And the morning sun makes the growing plants flourish
And guides the straying tyrant afterwards

٤. وشمسُ الضحى يَضْحى بها النبت نامياً
ويُرشَدُ من بعد الضَّلالة جائرُ

5. When days were generous to you with glories
The saddened one is delighted and the delighted one cheers

٥. إذا جادَتِ الأيامُ منكَ بماجِدٍ
تَبَلَّجَ محْزونٌ وأسْفر باسِرُ

6. As consecutive rains follow each other
Quenching the extinct glories

٦. كما تَتوالى ديمَةٌ بعد ديمَةٍ
فتَرْوى بهنَّ الهامداتُ الدَّواثِرُ

7. Your obedience is like that of baby camels
And your child surpasses people in obedience

٧. مُهودكُم مثلُ الأسِرَّةِ طاعَةً
وطِفْلُكُم من طاعة الناس كابِرُ

8. And there is no tradition in religion but you
To you belong its limits and commands

٨. وما سُنَّةٌ في الدين إِلا وأنْتُمُ
إليكُمْ نواهي حَدِّها والأوامِرُ

9. And when the grateful rested assured of bounty
And were hindered by shame from generosity

٩. ولما استراحَ المُعْتفونَ إلى الغِنى
وصدَّهُم من خجْلة الجودِ زاجِر

10. Then no seeker of favour was seen among them
Due to the overflowing stream of bounty

١٠. فلم تَرَ منهُمْ طالِباً لرَغيبَةٍ
لِما عمَّهُم فيضُ النَّدى فهو غامِرُ

11. The generous refused to stop giving for an hour
Except for continuous bestowals

١١. أبى المُستضيءُ البرُّ تعطيل ساعةٍ
من الدهر إِلا والعَطايا هَوامِرُ

12. So he prepared for benevolence a season of grace
Encompassing the righteous and the libertine

١٢. فهيَّأ للإحْسانِ موسِمَ نِعْمَةٍ
تَعُمُّ فيَرْوى فيه بَرٌّ وفاجِرُ

13. Like rain pouring from black clouds, equal in his eyes
Torrential and barren, it rains on all

١٣. كصوب الحَيا السَّحَّاح سيَّان عنده
سِباخٌ وحُرٌّ فهو للكُلِّ ماطِرُ

14. And it is said "circumcised" yet it is a flood of virtues
To its rushing among the houses like torrents

١٤. وقيلَ خِتانٌ وهو سيْلُ مكارمٍ
لدُفَّاعِه بين البُيوتِ زَماجِرُ

15. With it the brocade and the velvet bear witness
As well as the sheen of blossoms and plaited pearl strings

١٥. به يشهد الدِّيباج والوشيُ شاهِدٌ
وحَلْيُ النُّضار والعِتاقُ الضَّوامر

16. And a stream of seas returned pebbles to being carnelian
Stepped on by feet and hooves yet it is for all rain

١٦. ودُرُّ بُحورٍ عادَ حصْباءَ أمْعَزٍ
تدوس سَناهُ أرْجُلٌ وحَوافِرُ

17. Its number transcends pebbles and its light surpasses
The stars of the pitch-dark night though they are white flowers

١٧. يُباري الحَصى عدَّاً ويفضل نورهُ
نجوم الدَّآدي وهي بيضٌ زواهِر

18. So the outskirts of Egypt became as if they were
The prairies of a bride adorned with flowers

١٨. فأضحت ضواحي المِصْر وهي كأنها
مجالي عروسٍ أعْلنتْها المَزاهِرُ

19. The efforts of an Imam whose goodness encompassed the land
So whoever was absent from him was present in his generosity

١٩. مساعي إِمامٍ طبَّقَ الأرض خيرُهُ
فمن غابَ عنه فهو بالجود حاضرُ

20. An Imam who fears Allah in his solitude
And works for a day when secrets are tested

٢٠. إِمامٌ يخافُ اللّهَ في خَلَواتِهِ
ويسعى ليومٍ فيه تُبْلى السَّرائرُ

21. He has mercy encompassing the grossness of sins
And those whose crimes have let loose calamities

٢١. ويرحمُ حتى يشمَلَ العفوُ فاحِشَ
الذُّنوب ومنْ قد أبْسَلتهُ الجرائرُ

22. He turns away from the disgraced without blaming
And is forbearing toward his enemies though able

٢٢. فيُغضي عن العوْراء غيرَ مُعقِّبٍ
ويحْلُمُ عن أعْدائه وهو قادِرُ

23. He refrains from conceiving evil or enacting it
So his thoughts are safe and the beginnings

٢٣. ويكرُم عن إِضمار شَرٍّ وفِعْلِهِ
فأفكارُهُ مأمونَةٌ والبَوادِرُ

24. When a frightened fugitive takes refuge in his land
Neither is the land infertile nor the times barren

٢٤. إذا الخائفُ المِعْدام حلَّ بأرضِه
فلا الجدبُ عرَّاقٌ ولا الخطب عاقِر

25. Tenderness of the breeze and tips of spears and swords
Testify to his gentleness and might

٢٥. يُقِرُّ لهُ باللُّطفِ والبأسِ رِقَّةُ
النَّسيمِ وأطْرافُ القَنا والبَواتِرُ

26. The statuesque mountain envies his composure
When tolerance triumphs and rashness takes wing

٢٦. ويحْسدهُ الطَّوْدُ الأشَمُّ أناتَهُ
إذا الحلم أضحى وهو بالطَّيش طائر

27. He shatters the hardship of straitened times with his resolve
Yet he is magnanimous to the poor with his generosity

٢٧. ويكسر كَبَّاتِ الخميس بعزْمِه
ولكنَّهُ للفَقْر بالجود جابِرُ

28. His rule is just between the subjects
But with wealth and accusations he is unjust

٢٨. ويعْدِلُ ما بين الرَّعيَّة حُكْمُه
ولكنه في المال والطَّعْنِ جائرُ

29. My sincerity composing his praise poem delights me
Even if my eyelids were awake while praising him until dawn

٢٩. ويُطْربُني صدقي بنظمِ مديحهِ
وإِن بات جفْني وهو للمدح ساهر

30. The commands of the luminous one have not ceased to shine
Though darkness prevailed and dawn is nigh

٣٠. فلا زال مضَّاء الأوامر ما دَجا
ظلامٌ وما أدنى من الصبح جاشِرُ