
A poor man whom fate has blown about

وفقير عصف المحل به

1. A poor man whom fate has blown about
Gave in prosperity and spent liberally

١. وفقيرٍ عَصَفَ المَحْلُ به
شامَ نُعْماهُ فأعْطى وبَذَلْ

2. And an enemy whose rage is feared
With little effort I provoked and killed

٢. وخَصيمٍ تُتَّقى سَوْرَتُه
بيَسير الفَتْكِ أذْرى وقَتَلْ

3. And a dignified man in his prime
Silent unless called to give wise counsel

٣. وَوَقارٍ منه في حَبْوَتهِ
أخرس اِلا جْلا مِلْخَطْب الجللْ

4. Unjust in attacking if battle erupted
And if he judges in peace, just

٤. جائرٌ في الطَّعنِ اِن خاض الوغى
واذا يحكمُ في السَّلْمِ عَدَلْ

5. And arrows that guided his opinions
So that an archer shooting arrows wished for their trajectory

٥. وسِهامٍ فوَّقَتْ آراؤهُ
فتمنَّى رَشْقها رامي ثُعَلْ

6. The honor of religion whose good deed
Is more virtuous when the rain pours down

٦. شَرفُ الدين الذي معروفُه
يفضلُ الغيث اذا الغيثُ هَطَلْ

7. Of good repute, his honor intact
Not worn by destruction or negligent decay

٧. طَيِّبُ الذكر قشيبٌ عِرْضُه
ليس بالهدم ولا الرَّثِّ السَّمَلْ