
Hail Saad al-Din, his glory gathered

حي سعد الدين جما مجده

1. Hail Saad al-Din, his glory gathered,
Firm of purpose, no failing in him,

١. حَيِّ سعد الدين جَمّاً مجْدُه
صارِمَ العَزْمةِ ما فيه فَشَلْ

2. If a land attacked or resisted protecting a sanctuary,
He killed the crisis and the formidable events,

٢. اِن قرى أو شدَّ في منْعِ حِمىً
قتلَ الأزْمةَ والخَطْب الجَلَلْ

3. Clearly his glory shines in him
His face gleams, generous, shaded,

٣. واضِحاً يأتَلِقُ المَجْدُ بهِ
أبْلَجَ الوجهِ كريم المُسْتظَلْ

4. Doing without pretense what others merely claim of nobility,
Neither vaunting nor vain speaking, rather acting.

٤. فاعلاً ما لم يقُلْ مِنْ كَرَمٍ
غيرَ مَنَّانِ وانْ قالَ فَعَلْ