
The night changes the morning with its good tidings

يبدل الليل ضحى من بشره

1. The night changes the morning with its good tidings,
And the morning is a day that has passed away in weakness.

١. يُبدلُ الليل ضحىً من بِشْرِهِ
والضُّحى يومَ وَغاهُ مَوْهِنا

2. So the sun remains complaining of its actions,
Under the wing of night or under the bridge.

٢. فتظلُّ الشمس تشكو فِعْلَهُ
تحتَ جُنْحِ الليل أو تحت القَنا

3. It hides it violently in confusion,
And it rises with beauty and delight.

٣. فهو يُخْفيها عَجاجاً في الوَغى
وهو يَعْلوها بَهاءً وسَنى

4. It is light and it is light and dew,
Whenever it shone good tidings, we were infatuated.

٤. هي ضوْءٌ وهو ضوْءٌ ونَدىً
كُلَّما أشْرَقَ بِشْراً هَتَنا

5. Firm from the hill of prevalent wisdom,
Stable in foundation, supreme in building.

٥. راسِخٌ منْ طودِ حِلْمٍ راجحٍ
ثابتُ الآساسِ عُلْوُيُّ البِنا

6. And pouring clouds, seething,
Changing the barren to fertile and wealth.

٦. وسَحابٌ هاطِلٌ مُسْحَنْفِرٌ
يُبْدِلُ الغَبْراءَ خِصْباً وغِنى

7. Resting from generosity, seeking his generosity,
Safe in elegance, secured in care.

٧. مُستريحُ الرِّفْدِ باغي جُودِهِ
سالِمُ الرَّوْنَقِ مأمونُ العَنا

8. It precedes generosity with an excuse, so when
It flowed, reproaches did not follow its bestowal.

٨. يَسْبقُ الجودَ بعُذْرٍ فإذا
جادَ لم يُتْبِعْ نَداهُ المِنَنا

9. Inhabiting what the glory did not enclose it with,
So if it sensed high grounds, it mounted.

٩. قاطِنٌ ما سِدِكَ المَجْدُ بهِ
فإذا آنَسَ عاراً ظَعَنا

10. The honor of the religion which its descriptions
Made every weak one eloquent tongues.

١٠. شرفُ الدينِ الذي أوْصافُهُ
جَعَلَتْ كُلَّ عَييٍّ ألْسَنا

11. Ahmad the good, the father of his Jafar
Superiority the pride of names and nicknames

١١. أحْمَدُ الخيرِ أبو جعفرِهِ
فَضَلا فخْرَ الأسامي والكُنى

12. From Tameem and Tameem whose virtues
As many as droplets and sand of the dune

١٢. منْ تميمٍ وتميمٌ فَضْلُها
عَدَدُ القَطْرِ ورَمْلِ المُنْحنى

13. We avoid him, he defeats the army at dawn
So when the night falls, we flee

١٣. نَجَلُوهُ يَعْقِرُ الجيشَ ضُحىً
فإذا اللَّيْلُ دَجا فالبُدُنا