
My Lord has decreed that my worries shall not be my companions

أبى الله أن تمسي همومي صواحبي

1. My Lord has decreed that my worries shall not be my companions,
Nor shall my merit be ignored while it spreads across the land,

١. أبى اللّهُ أن تمسي همومي صواحبي
ويُجهل فضلي وهو في الأرض سائرُ

2. Nor shall my enemies notice in me any shortcoming,
Screened as I am by my fathers and by modesty as my cloak,

٢. وأنْ تلحظ الأعداءُ مني خصاصةً
لها من اِبائي والتَّصوُّن ساتِرُ

3. In the palace of the Caliphate there is now a leader
Whose authority encompasses a sea of the Beni Said's bounty,

٣. وبالقصر من حجْر الخلافة ضيغمٌ
نطوقٌ وبحرٌ من بني الصيد زاخرُ

4. So the stalwart supporter of the religion is not devoid of sanctuary
Nor forsaken if his glory triumphs and he has partisans,

٤. فما عضدُ الدين الجوادُ بحارِمٍ
ولا خاذلٍ اِن عزَّ مُجْدٍ وناصرُ

5. Soon both settlements and victory will envy his might,
And the extremities of Qena and the Upper Region will covet it,

٥. وشيك القِرى والنصر يحسد بأسه
وجدواهُ أطرافُ القَنا والمواطِرُ

6. If he wages war it will mean peace because of his valor,
And if drought befalls it remains verdant and flowering because of him,

٦. اذا خاض حرباً فهي سِلْمٌ لبأسه
واِن حلَّ جدباً فهو أخضرُ ناضرُ

7. And in his rule the commonalty see a just sovereign,
Though in his generosity with wealth he exceeds all bounds,

٧. وفي حكمه عند الرعيَّةِ عادلٌ
ولكنهُ بالجودِ في المالِ جائِرُ

8. Happy the dew that his munificence does not restrain,
Rather it flows freely despite any excuse for its arrest,

٨. هنيءُ الندى لا يحبس العذرُ جوده
ولكنهُ تَمْري نداهُ المَعاذِرُ

9. Nor does abundant, copious generosity plead for his favor,
For the hand of the willful donor suffices as the only thanks,

٩. ولا يشفعُ الجودَ الجزيلَ بمنِّه
ولكن لباغي جود كفَّيهِ شاكرُ

10. When his fierce riding beast is outfitted
Tasseled and fringed are its trappings and the saddle-cloth,

١٠. اذا اخروَّط السير العنيف براكبٍ
دياجيرهُ عَرَّاقةٌ والهَواجِرُ

11. By his incessant traveling he brought safe passage and security,
Night and day – for he keeps constant vigil –

١١. وبَزَّ الكَرى والأمن اِدمان سيره
نهاراً وليلاً فهو خشيانُ ساهِرُ

12. Before him wild beasts stampede until, when they are
Cornered, it is his determination and resolve that drive them away,

١٢. تطيرُ به الوجناءُ حتى اذا وَنَتْ
فسائقُها التَّأميلُ والعزمُ زاجِرُ

13. The blossoms folded their petals and the meadows turned away
From the morning dew – the zephyr and daybreak spurned them –

١٣. طوى الورد سلسالا وأصبح معرضاً
عن الثَّعْدِ جادتهُ الصبا والبواكرُ

14. So that nothing remains but the fifes of merry entertainments
And no moisture except what the priests sprinkle from their aspergills,

١٤. فلا مَعْلقٌ اِلا أنابيشُ مِحْدَجٍ
ولا بللٌ اِلا المسيحُ الجُراجِرُ

15. Through the day he acts with generosity, listening to all requests,
And in the evenings he retires to his private apartments,

١٥. يرومُ كريماً يوسعُ البثَّ مسمعاً
ويمسي على اللأواء وهو مُظاهرُ

16. So that no house remains except as a lodging for Muhammad,
And none rivals him in munificence except for the water-drawers,

١٦. فلا منْزلٌ اِلا فِناءُ مُحمَّدٍ
ولا كافلٌ بالجودِ اِلا العُراعِرُ

17. He resides in a place which he fills with generous gifts over and over,
And rises in the morning with his mouth still sweet from the evening's drink,

١٧. مقامٌ يُعيدُ الضرب بالجود حادراً
ويصبح نضو العيس عذافرُ

18. A house of hospitality whose valleys are miserly,
Though its protector is he to whom the tribes have surrendered,

١٨. فِناءُ سَموحٍ والغَوادي بخيلَةٌ
وحامي حمى من أسلمتهُ العشائرُ

19. He who spends what his hands contain in freshets of generosity
While the remote districts and those present concede his superior merit,

١٩. وواقفُ ما تحوي يداه على الندى
يقِرُّ له بالفضل بادٍ وحاضِرُ

20. The glittering stars of the highest firmament determined his destiny,
As did the impregnable heights and mighty warriors of peerless valor,

٢٠. نُمَتْهُ بهاليلُ العُلى ومعاقِل ال
نُّهى والسَّراةُ الماجدون العراعرُ

21. From them he garnered glory – none before him ever merited such acclaim –
That if one of them competed with him, he would retire vanquished,

٢١. حوى المجد منهم لا حقٌ بعد سابقٍ
اذا كابرٌ منهم ثوى قامَ كابِرُ

22. They brought him despite the thick squadrons surrounding him
As if by his formidable might he could rout an intoxicated army,

٢٢. فجاؤا به غمْرَ السَّجايا كأنَّهُ
على بأسه المرهوب زَوْلٌ مُعاقرُ

23. Ramparts topple around him while he remains steadfast,
Citadels crash down yet he is fixed in his resolve to attack,

٢٣. تطيشُ الرواسي حولهُ وهو ثابتٌ
وتكبو السواري وهو في العزم طائرُ

24. He crushes the champions of the foe, and he alone
Suffices to crush the forearms of his adversary warriors,

٢٤. ويكسِرُ أبْطال الخميسِ وانهُ
لكسرِ مَعاديمِ الرجالِ لَجابِرُ

25. So welcome this month of fasting whose pious devotion he companions,
As long as the pasturage sprouts greenery from the rain,

٢٥. فهُنِّيء شهر الصوم منه بناسكٍ
حليف التُّقى ما أنبت العشب ماطرُ

26. If only the verses could disclosure in full concerning him,
And if the prose writings elaborated all his merits,

٢٦. تَودُّ القوافي لو جُلينَ بمقولي
واِن أعربتْ عن فضلهنَّ الدفاترُ

27. Then they would gain in eloquence and stylistic grace,
And, as befits the mettle of warriors, the pens would race along,

٢٧. فتزدادُ حُسْناً بالبيان ولم يزلْ
بحسب قوى الفرسان تجري الضوامر

28. I loved you before I had experienced your benevolence
And before any importunate man pestered me for gifts,

٢٨. حببتُكمُ قبل الأيادي وقبلَ ما
همى ليَ رجّافٌ من الجود هامرُ

29. How not, seeing that you are my unfailing recourse forever
If I dispute with Time, attacking him and gambling on the outcome!

٢٩. فكيف وأنتُم لي على الدهر نجدةٌ
أطارِدهُ من بأسكم وأغامِرُ