
O Imam of truth, whose grace

يا إمام الحق يا من فضله

1. O Imam of truth, whose grace
Has blessed the world with kindness and favor,

١. يا إِمامَ الحَقِّ يا مَنْ فَضْلُهُ
شَمَلَ العالَمَ إِحْساناً وعَمْ

2. Whose days are filled
With contentment and anger, might and nobility,

٢. والذي أيَّامُهُ مَمْلوءَةٌ
في الرِّضا والسَّخْطِ بأساً وكَرمْ

3. Whose lineage is tied
To the tall spears and the vast sea,

٣. والذي حَبْوَتُهُ مَعْقودَةٌ
بِذُرى الأوْرقِ والبحر الخضمْ

4. Who reveals through his kindness
Aid to a neighbor, even if he is miserly and conceals it,

٤. والذي يُظْهِرُ منْ إِحْسانِهِ
نُصْرَةَ الجارِ وإِنْ جادَ كَتَمْ

5. Illuminated by the guidance of his Creator,
Through which oppression and injustice cease,

٥. مُسْتَضيءٌ بهُدى خالِقِهِ
فَبهِ يَنْجابُ ظُلْمٌ وظُلَمْ

6. You have lived for Islam, protecting its flock
With your sharp and generous swords,

٦. عِشْتَ للإسلامِ تحْمي سِرْبَهُ
صارِمَ النَّجْدَةِ فَيَّاضَ النِّعَمْ

7. Bearing the gifts you bring
Of sublime endeavors and aspirations.

٧. يَنْقُلُ الرُّكْبانُ ما جئتَ بهِ
مِن بَديعاتِ المَساعي والهِمَمْ

8. So if one journeying suffers hardship,
He is roused by a driver's rebuke and is humbled,

٨. فإذا سارٍ وَنى مِنْ نَصَبٍ
حَثَّهُ زاجِرُ سَوَّاقٍ حُطَمْ

9. The deaf their seclusion forsook
When they heard of you, and the mute sang your praise,

٩. أسمَعَتْ سيرتُكَ الصُّمَّ الصَّفا
فأتى يحْمَدُكَ الشَّهْرُ الأصَمْ

10. You rejoiced in the span of your peers
When the rain poured forth vegetation and bounty.

١٠. فَتَهنَّأتَ مَدى أمْثالِهِ
ما غَدذا الماطِرُ نَبْتاً ونَعَمْ