1. The reins of God are upon you as long as a morning star shines,
My soul has become despondent and its worries prolonged,
١. عليك ذِمامُ اللّهِ ما ذَرَّ شارِقٌ
لقد برمتْ نفسي وطالَ اهْتمامُها
2. And how can it be content in this gloomy stance,
While you are its hope, and this is its word,
٢. وكيف رِضاها في المَقامِ كئيبةً
وأنت مُرجَّاها وهذا كلامُها
3. Guide it to what it seeks, for it
Is compliant to determination in your hands are its reins,
٣. فَقُدْها إِلى ما تبتغيهِ فانها
طليحةُ عَزْمٍ في يديكَ زمامُها
4. And I am nothing but the abject earth, and in
The hands of the son of Tiraad are its drops and its clouds.
٤. وما أنا اِلا الأرضُ هامدةً وفي
يَدِ ابْن طِرادٍ قَطْرها وغمامُها
5. And I do not seek more determination from it when
The clouds of his generosity have poured forth their abundant rain.
٥. وما أستزيد العزْم منه وقد هَمَت
سحائبُ جودٍ منه جَمٌّ سِجامُها
6. But for another I hope for the excellence of his opinion
So that my soul finds its stance with him sweet.
٦. ولكن لأُخْرى أرتجي حسن رأيه
ليحلو لنفسي في ذَراهُ مُقامُها
7. And provide him a loaf from an eloquent one full of praises -
A right upon the likes of the minister is to enrich him.
٧. وأقْنيهِ غُراً من فَصيح مَحامدٍ
حَقيقٌ على مثل الوزير اغْتناُها
8. He is the man who is determined to the difficult -
When the millstones of men are set in motion by his determination.
٨. هو المرءُ وصَّالٌ إِلى الصعب عزمه
اذا جَذَّ آربَ الرجال اعْتزامُها
9. So he does not stop striving for the heights while his land
Is the resting place for the bodies of enemies and their zeal.
٩. فلا زال يسعى للمعالي وأرضُه
طوائحُ أجسام الأعادي وهامُها