1. The lone, the single sleeps, who is he and where is his family?
And everyone, when death lays bare, is severed.
١. يبيتُ الوحيدَ الفردَ منْ هو والٌ
وكلٌّ اذا ما صَرَّحَ الموتُ أبْترُ
2. And does a child avail when fate descends
Like a wick, and Allah's command is predestined and measured?
٢. وهل ولدٌ مُغْنٍ اذا نزلَ الردى
فتيلاً وأمْرُ اللّهِ ماضٍ مُقَدَّرُ
3. If worldly glory and might are wanted,
How many a lone man is an honored breast!
٣. فانْ كان للدُّنيا يُرادُ وعزِّها
فكم من وحيدٍ وهو صدرٌ موقَّرُ
4. If it is for heirs, everyone by his acts
Is a hostage, and tribe and clan avail not.
٤. وانْ كان للعُقبي فكُلٌّ بفعْلهِ
رهينٌ وما يُجْدي قبيلٌ ومعْشرُ
5. If it said: "A man's family when he dies are his children,"
How many a secret man is better hidden than family!
٥. وانْ قيلَ سِتْرُ المرء عند مماتِه
بنوهُ فكمْ قاصٍ عن الأهل أسْترُ