
It is well known that Tameem, who boasts

قد شاع أن تميما وهي من شهدت

1. It is well known that Tameem, who boasts
When her superiority is recited, Mudar

١. قد شاعَ أنَّ تَميماً وهي مَنْ شَهِدتْ
بفَخْرِها حين يُتْلى فخْرُها مُضَرُ

2. Is protected by the chief of the faith, whom
The vicissitudes of time and the terrain of others frighten

٢. مَحْميَّةٌ برَئيسِ الدِّينِ يَرْهَبُها
صَرْفُ الزَّمانِ وتَطْوي أرْضَها الغِيَرُ

3. Nashwan selflessly protects it from harm
When rain is scarce, he is generous with aid

٣. يَذودُ عنها الرَّدى نَشْوانُ مِنْ كَرَمٍ
جَمُّ النَّوالِ إذا ما أخْلَفَ المَطَرُ

4. The neighbor of Ibn Hammad sleeps armed
A vigil keeping watch, the wind and sight guarding

٤. يَبيتُ جارُ ابنِ حَمَّادٍ بِفارِعَةٍ
شَمَّاءَ يَحْسُرُ عنها الرِّيحُ والبَصَرُ

5. My spear is my spear which has cast its shadow
And the army of victory is hoped for and expected

٥. الصِّنْوُ صِنْوي وقد ألْقى ظُلامَتَهُ
وجحْفَلُ النَّصْرِ مرْجُوٌّ ومُنْتَظَرُ