
He filled the age, nay the epoch, with glory

ملأ العصر بل الدهر علا

1. He filled the age, nay the epoch, with glory,
Steadfast of purpose, deft of pen,

١. ملأَ العصر بل الدهر عُلاً
ثابتُ الحبوةِ طيَّاشُ القلمْ

2. He brings victory to those who implore him,
So when he is open-handed he hides it.

٢. يُظهرُ النَّصرَ لمُستصرخهِ
فاذا ما بذلَ الجودَ كَتمْ

3. And frowns at the prattle of slanderers,
So when prating makes him frown he smiles.

٣. وقَطوبٌ لأحاديثِ الخَنا
فاذا ما قطَّبَ الخطبُ ابتسمْ

4. Gladden him and munificence is his nature,
Dispelling the gloom of misfortunes and darkness.

٤. بِشْرهُ والجودُ من راحتهِ
كاشفاً لَيْلَىْ حُظوظٍ وظُلَمْ

5. The lofty mounts envied the qualities of his clemency,
As their permanent water envies their rains.

٥. حَسدَ الطودُ مزايا حِلْمهِ
مثلما تحسدُ جَدْواهُ الدِّيمْ

6. Deadly to his peers in battle,
Yet on days of peace he kills no one.

٦. قاتلُ الأقْرانِ في معْركَةٍ
وبيوم السلم قتَّالُ العَدمْ

7. By day and night his sword complains
Of the zebra-hide shield and the red ostrich-leather.

٧. تشتكي ليلاً وصُبحاً سيْفهُ
هامةُ الذِّمْرِ وحمْراءُ النَّعَمْ

8. So both steed and foot-soldier in the fray
Are filled with awe of him and dread.

٨. فالمقاري وبَراكاءُ الوَغى
مُلئا منهُ سَديفاً وقِمَمْ

9. And he is far from the venom of his foes,
Yet in affection near even to the distant.

٩. وبعيدٌ عن رِما أعْدائهِ
وهو في الودِّ على البُعْدِ أمَمْ

10. Modest, reticent of speech,
So when calumny wags its tongue he disputes it.

١٠. ذو حياءٍ حابسٍ مَنْطِقهُ
فاذا جادلَهُ اللُّدُّ خَصَمْ

11. Ahmad is the best when you name him,
The noblest of the faith when glory brands men.

١١. أحْمدُ الخير اذا سمَّيتهُ
شرفُ الدينِ اذا المجدُ وسَمْ

12. May God guard him from the roads of destruction
As the star guides travelers to water.

١٢. فوقاهُ اللّهُ أسْبابَ الرَّدى
ما هدى السَّفْرَ إِلى الماءِ عَلَمْ