
Bahaa al-Din, knight of all excellence

بهاء الدين فارس كل فضل

1. Bahaa al-Din, knight of all excellence
And generosity, boldness and kindness

١. بهاءَ الدين فارس كلِّ فَضْلٍ
وإِفْضالٍ وإقْدامٍ وجُودِ

2. You tightened your gaze toward the heights, tightened like an eyelid
That brings near the distance of the remote

٢. شَددْتَ إلى المعالي شَدَّ طِرْفٍ
يُقرِّبُ حُضْرُهُ شَأوَ البَعيدِ

3. And you gained the distance without effort
Thanks to God and the praiseworthy endeavor

٣. وأحرزت المَدى منْ غيرِ بُهْرٍ
بحَمْدِ اللّهِ والمَسْعى الحَميدِ

4. So you attained what they elevated and built
And good fortunes encouraged you with increase

٤. فأدركْتَ الذي رفعوا وشادوا
وناجَتْكَ العَزائمُ بالمَزيدِ

5. So you came like the freed captive of two spears
A companion of youth without senility

٥. فجئتَ كمُطلق الحَدَّين عضْبٍ
أنيسٍ بالطُّلى دونَ الغُمودِ

6. Your might and war cry frighten the tribes
Whether the guest lands or the rescue of the expelled

٦. نَداكَ وبأسُكَ المرْهوبُ أمَّا
قِرى الضِّيفانِ أو نصْرَ الطَّريد

7. So every new month brings you
Fresh overflowing good fortune

٧. فهُنِّي كلُّ شهرٍ مُسْتَجِدٍّ
بسعْدٍ منك فَضْفاضٍ جَديدِ

8. Shattering the regiments of youth like pottery
Expelling them from the glorious ancestral line

٨. تَفُلُّ كَتائبَ الحَدَثانِ قَعْصاً
وطَرْداً من شَبا الجَدِّ السَّعيدِ