
The affair worries with its clamor

يسوس الأمر وجبته ضجاج

1. The affair worries with its clamor,
Neither elegance to beautify nor turbulence.

١. يَسوسُ الأمْر وجْبَتُه ضَجاجٌ
ولا نَزَقٌ يَشينُ ولا اصْطخابُ

2. And he smiles while hardships are accumulating,
With nails that attack and a fang.

٢. ويبْسِمُ والخطوبُ مُكَلِّحاتٌ
لها ظُفُرٌ تَصولُ به ونابُ

3. His palm generously and nobly spends
When the clouds are miserly with their rain.

٣. وتَهْمي كفُّهُ كَرَماً وجوداً
إذا ما ضَنَّ بالقَطْرِ السَّحابُ

4. You are pleased with him while the days are treacherous,
And the guile of the era is praised by comrades.

٤. يسرُّكَ منهُ والأيامُ غُدْرٌ
وَكِيدُ العَهدِ يحْمَدُه الصِّحابُ

5. And a nice night stay for one who keeps night vigils
When the tents whiten from the encampment.

٥. ونِعْمَ مَبيتُ طُرَّاقِ اللَّيالي
إذا صَفِرتْ من المَحْلِ الوطابُ

6. A minister no minister can match,
He is the chain and the people are mirage.

٦. وزيرٌ لا يُقاسُ بهِ وزيرٌ
هو السَّلْسالُ والقومُ السَّرابُ

7. When they pride themselves he is a star,
Radiant, piercing, and they are dust.

٧. إذا ما فاخروهُ فهوَ نَجْمٌ
مُضيءٌ ثاقبٌ وهُمُ التُّرابُ

8. Ancient in nobility which modernity makes weighty,
And the effort was wholesome and the gains good.

٨. قديمُ عُلاً تَقَيَّلَهُ حَديثٌ
وطابَ السَّعي منهُ والنِّصابُ

9. The forefathers take pride in him and the dignitaries,
As well as the targeting of the rain cloud and its pouring.

٩. به الآباءُ تَفْخَرُ والمَعالي
وصوْبُ القَطْرِ والدهُ السَّحاب

10. With bright countenance that does not sleep from burden
Nor does his sagacity fade from estrangement.

١٠. بأبْلَجَ لا يَنامُ على اضْطِغانٍ
ولا يُفْني بَسالَتَهُ احْتِرابُ

11. Neither does his merriness wilt from aloofness
Nor does his sweetness diminish from proximity.

١١. ولا يُبْلي بَشاشَتَهُ عُلُوٌّ
ولا يُدْني مَلالَتَهُ اقْتِرابُ

12. The guest of the night spreads his praise,
As well as the wolves and predators in the morning.

١٢. يَبُثُّ ثَناءَهُ ضَيْفُ الدَّياجي
وبالصُّبْحِ القَشاعِمُ والذِّئابُ

13. So he supports the vulnerable among his clan and neighbors,
The chivalry of horsemen and archers.

١٣. فيُيْتِمُ مِنْ وَغاهُ ومنْ قِراهُ
أصَيْبيَةَ الفَوارِسِ والسِّقابُ

14. A smoke that makes the stars disappear,
And a veil that eclipses the sun.

١٤. دُخانٌ للنُّجومِ بهِ اخْتفِاءٌ
ونَقْعٌ للشموسِ بهِ نِقابُ

15. And who can judge like the Chief Minister
When truth goes missing.

١٥. ومَن مثل الوزير الصَّدر يُقْضى
بحُجَّتِهِ إذا عَزَبَ الصَّوابُ

16. His thoughts are not like the thoughts of heedless youth,
Though the criticism multiply.

١٦. خَواطِرهُ كمثْل ظُباهُ ليسَتْ
بنابيَةٍ وإِنْ كَثُرَ الضِّرابُ

17. They roll like the rolling of his attainer if
The latter refuses the followers to pass.

١٧. تَدُرُّ كمثْلِ نائلهِ إذا ما
أبى أنْ يمْريَ الخِلْفَ العِصاب

18. When he supports guidance and religion, he dictates
His decisions to frighten and astonish.

١٨. إذا عَضُد الهُدى والدين أجْرى
عَزائمهُ إلى رَوْعٍ تُهابُ

19. The swords and fighters long for it,
As well as the ones with spears.

١٩. تمنَّتْها الصَّوارِمُ والعَوالي
مَضاءً والمُسَوَّمَةُ العِرابُ

20. So he dispels disorder from a near victory
Which the assemblies and expanses echo repeatedly.

٢٠. فأجْلى الطَّرْدُ عن نصرٍ وشيكٍ
تُرَدِّدُهُ المَجامِعُ والرِّحابُ

21. For his requests from the Victorious Dynasty are
Either praise or reward.

٢١. لَميْمونِ النَّقيبَةِ والمَساعي
مَطالِبُهُ ثَناءٌ أوْ ثَوابُ

22. Opinion from him replaces descending armies
And his writings make soldiers unnecessary.

٢٢. يَنوبُ الرَّأيُ منهُ عنْ نِزالٍ
ويُغْنيهِ عن الجيشِ الكِتابُ

23. He pardons his enemies when
Rage, spite, and fury transpire.

٢٣. صَفوحٌ عنْ أعاديهِ إذا ما
غَدا للْغَيظِ وَقْدٌ والتِهابُ

24. If their tongues deny him their consciences and necks
Acknowledge his bounty.

٢٤. إذا جَحدتْهُ ألْسُنُها أَقَرَّتْ
بنعمَتِه الضَّمائرُ والرِّقابُ

25. So every family and holiday has congratulated him upon his ascendance,
And for their departure together twice over.

٢٥. فهُنِّىءَ في عُلاهُ كلُّ عَشْرٍ
وعِيدٍ لارْتِحالِهُما إيابُ

26. The length of days, no rain has poured
And no wadis flooded as much.

٢٦. مَدى الأيَّامِ ما هَطلَتْ سَماءٌ
ومَدَّ بمُفْعَمِ السَّيْلِ الشِّعابُ