1. O House of generous Jafar
If time were just your numbers would not diminish
١. يا آلَ جعفرٍ الفَيَّاض جُودُكُمُ
لو أنْصَفَ الدَّهر لم ينْقُصْ لكُم عَدَدُ
2. In you there is mercy against the harshness of days
And from you patience and fortitude are obtained
٢. فيكُمْ على قَسْوَةِ الأيَّامِ مَرْحمَةٌ
ومنْكُمُ يُسْتَفادُ الصَّبْرُ والجَلَدُ
3. You have not ceased, while the wind of events blows stormily
A towering mountain, its rising summit climbing upward
٣. فما بَرِحْتُمْ وريحُ الخَطْبِ عاصِفَةٌ
طَوْداً صَعوداً نَداه مُثْعِبٌ صَعَدُ
4. Bending to God and the brethren therein and to the
Healthy, whom the sword and lion fear
٤. تَلينُ للّهِ والإِخْوانِ فيهِ ولِلْ
عافي ويَخْشى سُطاكَ السَّيْفُ والأسَدُ
5. And know, while you are knowing, that it is an attribute
And not from Allah, Lord of the Throne, newly originated
٥. واعْلَمْ وأنتَ عَليمٌ أنَّها عَرَضٌ
وما عَنِ اللّهِ رَبِّ العَرْشِ مُلْتَحَدُ
6. So I have not found any grave calamity with more pain
Than that which you find, of which I have multiples
٦. فما وجَدْتَ لِخَطْبٍ جَلَّ مِنْ ألَمٍ
إلاَّ وعنْديَ أضْعافُ الذي تَجِدُ