
How can I sleep when you are not there?

كيف الرقاد ولات حين رقاد

1. How can I sleep when you are not there?
Youth has departed and I did not attain my wish

١. كيف الرُّقادُ ولاتَ حين رُقادِ
رَحَلَ الشَّبابُ ولم أفُزْ بمرادِ

2. Aims for the goal I struggled for were changed
To a hope that fate exchanged for oblivion

٢. هِمَمٌ عن الغرض المُحاوَل بُدِّلتْ
أمَلاً فَبدَّلَتِ الكَرى بسُهادِ

3. Indifferent is the passionate lover and sorrowful is he
Who strikes the faces of resolve with misfortunes

٣. سِيَّانِ مُعْتلجُ الحِمامِ وحسْرةٌ
ضربتْ وجوهَ العَزْم بالأسْدادِ

4. Indeed great deeds were hindered from reaching
By lack of wealth and scarcity of support

٤. إنَّ المَعالي حالَ دونَ بُلوغِها
عَدمُ الثَّراءِ وقِلَّةُ الإِنْجادِ

5. So over Iraq is the gloom of a lover
Who made the ribs platforms for grudges

٥. فعلى العراقِ كآبَةٌ منْ مُغْرَمٍ
جعل الضُّلوعَ ركائبَ الأحْقادِ

6. He discloses his innermost secrets but gains nothing
Except shedding tears and lightning flashes

٦. يُبْدي حَفائظَهُ وليس بحاصِل
إلاَّ على الإِبْراقِ والإِرْعادِ