
He was nourished, a purifier of great virtues and sublimity

نماه طراد ذو المناقب والعلى

1. He was nourished, a purifier of great virtues and sublimity
So God made the times revolve around the purifier

١. نَماهُ طِرادٌ ذو المناقب والعُلى
فللهِ ما أولى الزمانَ طِرادُ

2. Then came the spring of a year, its watering
A sun, and its palm a pillar

٢. فجاء ربيعَ عامِ أما رُواؤهُ
فشمسٌ وأمَّا كَفُّهُ فَعِهادُ

3. Life and money become trivial to him in high endeavor
When it is said who protects the sanctuaries, he is generous

٣. تهونُ عليه النفس والمالُ في العُلى
اذا قيلَ مَنّاعُ الحَريمِ جَوادُ

4. Of the people, if the thunderbolts advance they march
And if the rain clouds are stingy they give

٤. من القوم اِن خام الرَّعاديد أقدموا
وانْ بخلتْ وُطْف السحائب جادوا

5. With glories, is there a limit to glory?
They transcended limits and added more

٥. بهاليلُ اِما حُدَّ للمجدِ غايةٌ
أبرُّوا على الحدِّ القَذيِّ وزادوا

6. A lofty tent, sublime pillars in the world
And you are its pillar on the day of pride

٦. خباءُ عُلاً سامي الدِّعامة في الورى
وأنت له يوم الفَخارِ عِمادُ