1. His resolve is steadfast, not stirred to impatience,
The rashness of events does not alarm him.
١. ثَبْتُ الحُبى لا يَستَفِزُّ أناتَهُ
طيشُ الخطوب ولا يَروع المشكِلُ
2. Awake, he defeats every hateful thing -
A resolute mind, might and trust in God.
٢. يقْظانُ يهْزِمُ منه كلَّ كريهَةٍ
رأيٌ وبأسٌ صارِمٌ وتَوكُّلُ
3. In his daring and determination,
The epitome of chivalry and Thursday's hero.
٣. سِيَّانِ في إِقْدامِهِ ومَضائِهِ
فَذُّ الفَوارس والخميسُ الجحفَل
4. In his hand and his help,
As if there were a fertilizing rain for the terrified and withering.
٤. فكأنما في دَسْتِهِ ونَدِيَّهِ
ثَهْلانُ عند الرَّائعاتِ ويَذْبُلُ
5. He hides the gazelles and stars in the darkness,
And dawn is the rising of his smoke and rest.
٥. يُخْفي الغزالة والكواكب بالدُّجى
والصُّبْحَ رفْعُ دخانه والقسطَل
6. So from his enemies and rivals
In both states there is battle or truce.
٦. فيَجيشُ منْ أعْدائهِ ونِياقِهِ
في حالتَيْهِ معْركٌ أو مِرْجَلُ
7. The leftovers of his battle and the tufts of his encampment
Are food for the guest and hovering birds.
٧. فكُماةُ معْركِهِ وكُومُ عِشارهِ
للضَّيْف والطَّير المُحَلِّق مأكَل
8. Ahmad son of Mohammed attained virtues
So the Most High granted him his obeyed position.
٨. حازَ المناقَبَ أحمدُ بن مُحمَّدٍ
فَحباهُ رتْبتهُ المُطاعُ العَبْهَلُ
9. Rejoice, O afflicted one, and feel safe from fever -
A protector and bestower of desires to the hopeful.
٩. فاستَبْشر العاني وأيْقَنَ بالحمى
جانٍ وأيْسَرَ بالرَّغائب مُرْمِلُ
10. So you remained, O scion of the caliphate, established
In glory, protected by the First and Ancient.
١٠. فَبَقيتَ يا غَرْسَ الخِلافة قائماً
بالمجْدِ يحْميك القديمُ الأوَّلُ