
A morning whose doves did not sing their songs

نعمت صباحا ما تغنت حمامة

1. A morning whose doves did not sing their songs
And whose dawns did not wake the sleepers;

١. نعِمْتَ صباحاً ما تغَنَّتْ حَمامةٌ
وما نَهضَتْ بالراقدين البواكِرُ

2. You are the fever if a neighbor has made peace,
And you are the serpent if rain has failed the living.

٢. فأنت الحمى إنْ أسلمَ الجار صاحبٌ
وأنتَ الحَيا إِن أخلَف الحيَّ ماطِرُ

3. You are the guest house if fate has gone awry,
And you are the brave warrior if the coward has stayed at home.

٣. وأنت المنيف الطَّود إِن طاش حادث
وأنت الجُرازُ العضْب إِن كَلَّ باتر

4. When al-Afwan descends upon the son of Muhammad,
Neither is the land barren nor are affairs contentious.

٤. إذا نَزلَ العافونَ بابْنِ مُحمَّدٍ
فلا الجدْبُ عرَّاقٌ ولا الخطب جائرُ

5. So his towers will enrich one impoverished by them,
And his battlements will protect one surrendered by the tribes.

٥. فيُغْني ضَريكاً أخْلفتهُ بُروقُهُ
ويحْمي طريداً أسْلمتْهُ العشائر

6. A youth who shows victory and triumph to heroes
Yet conceals his munificence and bounty.

٦. فتىً هو للأنْجاد والنصر مُظْهرٌ
ولكنَّهُ للجودِ والرِّفْدِ ساتِرُ

7. One who can alleviate poverty through his generosity
And confront tyrants through his sagacity.

٧. لكسر بني الحاجاتِ بالجود جابرٌ
وللجحفل الجرَّار بالكَيْس كاسر

8. Who forbids all disgrace that debases a man
While commanding noble deeds and merits.

٨. وعن كلِّ عارٍ يوبقُ المرء زاجرٌ
وناهٍ ولكنْ بالمَناقبِ آمِرُ

9. Stern towards heinous sins but paying them no heed,
While staying alert and awake for glory and renown.

٩. نَؤومٌ عن الجرم الجليل ومُعرضٌ
ولكنَّهُ للمجْدِ يَقْظانُ ساهِرُ

10. Smiling at misfortunes, which pass like reflections,
Yet lowering his gaze from scandal and evil.

١٠. ومُبْتسمٌ للخطب والخطبُ كالحٌ
ولكن عن العوراء والشرّ باسِرُ

11. When the eminent number their pride and glories
And the glorious attain triumphs upon triumphs

١١. إذا مالكُ العَلْياء عدَّتْ فَخارها
وحازَ المعالي كابِرٌ ثُمَّ كابِرُ

12. Among them you find a minister of sagacity
And many a predecessor surpassed by his successor

١٢. شآهُمْ وزيرٌ منهُمُ ذو نَباهةٍ
وكمْ أوَّلٍ قد فاقَ مَسْعاهُ آخِر

13. Abu Ja'far, pillar of the caliphate, one who
All present and absent admit has merit.

١٣. أبو جعفرٍ غرسُ الخِلافة والذي
يُقِرُّ لهُ بالفضل بادٍ وحاضِرُ

14. So his strong resolutions continue to prevail
As long as the spears and swords retain their sharp edges.

١٤. فما زالَ مَضَّاءَ العَزائمِ نافِذَ
الأوامِرِ ما عَزَّ القَنا والبَواتِرُ