
We brought the horses, overlooking the valleys

جلبنا الخيل مشرفة الهوادي

1. We brought the horses, overlooking the valleys,
Their hooves demolishing the dunes.

١. جَلبْنا الخيلَ مُشْرفةَ الهَوادي
تُهدِّمُ من حَوافِرها الإِكاما

2. With the tents of Bani Qais,
Who see retreating as a disgrace.

٢. بأعْشاشٍ وبِسْطامُ بنُ قَيْسٍ
يرى الإِحجامَ دون النَّصْرِ ذاما

3. So we unleashed the swords and the brave ones,
Slaying their men left and right.

٣. فأوْرَدْن الصَّوارِمَ والعَوالي
نُحوراً منْ رجالِهُمُ وهاما

4. We are the captors in the cave of Dhat Kahf,
When Abū Qābūs wants to fight.

٤. ونحنُ لآسِرونَ بذاتِ كهْفٍ
أبا قابوسَ إذْ يبْغي الذِّماما

5. We struck their army a perfect blow,
That destroys the armor and sharp swords.

٥. ضَربنا جيْشهُ ضَرْباً طِلَخْفاً
يُبيدُ الذِّمْرَ والسَّيف الحُساما

6. We left al-Munđir terrified and humiliated,
With tears streaming down his cheek.

٦. تركْنا المُنْذِر المرهوب خَوْداً
تَسُحُّ الدَّمْعَ منْ وَلَهٍ سِجاما

7. What glorious stand did our forefathers not take,
Which we then followed?

٧. فأيُّ مَقامِ مجْدٍ لم تَنَلْهُ
أوائلُنا ونُتْبِعُهُ مَقاما

8. And after our deceased leader, we have a minister,
Whom the kings of earth serve.

٨. ومِنَّا بعدَ هامِدِنا وَزيرٌ
مُلوكُ الأرضِ تخْدِمُهُ قِياما

9. If they touch the palms of his hands,
The peaks of the mountains become straw to them.

٩. إذا لَثَموا أنامِلَ راحتَيْهِ
غَدَتْ قُبَلُ البَنانِ لهُمْ عِصاما

10. And if they look at his face, they shy away,
So they look away from him and cut short the speech.

١٠. وإِنْ نَظَروا مُحَيَّاهُ أرَمُّوا
فأغْضوا منه واختصروا الكَلاما

11. As if they were partridges under a falcon
That shows them some of its diving.

١١. كأنهمُ بُغاثٌ تحتَ بازٍ
يُريهِمْ منْ تَجَلِّيهِ الحِماما

12. The frankness of a smiling Khandaf,
Who sees the protection of homes as unlawful.

١٢. لَبيقُ العِطْفِ أبْلَجُ خِندفيٌّ
يرى مَنْع القِرى بَسْلاً حَراما

13. Arrogance becomes determination with him
And with wisdom, pleasure or high-mindedness.

١٣. يكونُ الزَّعزعُ الهوجاءُ عزْماً
وعند الحِلْم رَضْوى أو شَماما

14. In the morning, he is easy going like a gentle breeze,
But his determination is like that of ostriches.

١٤. ويغدو شَمْألاً لَطُفتْ نَسيماً
ولكن نَقْعُهُ نَقْعُ النُّعامى

15. The darkness of night aggrieves him,
So he unveils it with gifts and a smile.

١٥. وتعتْكرُ الدُّجى ليلاً وحَظّاً
فيجْلوها نَوالاً وابْتِساما

16. And he spends the evening frowning if
Our clouds turn into attacking warriors.

١٦. ويُمْسي ديمَةً يَهْمي إذا ما
سَحابَتُنا غَدَتْ قَزَعاً جَهاما

17. He encounters in the high ranks
An individual and an army in his protectorate.

١٧. وتَلْقى منهُ فرْداً في المَعالي
وجيْشاً في حَفيظَتِهِ لُهاما

18. When the crown of kings strives for something,
He is neither weakling nor painful.

١٨. إذا تاجُ المُلوكِ سَعى لأمْرٍ
فما هو بالمَليمِ ولا ألاما

19. He fears Allah in taking care of the subjects,
And he is loyal in his imamate.

١٩. يخافُ اللّهَ في حِفْظِ الرَّعايا
وينْصَحُ في أمانَتِهِ الإِماما

20. The mention of him spreads in every club,
As if his talk is the spreading of perfume.

٢٠. ويَعْبَقُ ذِكرهُ في كلِّ نادٍ
كأنَّ حَديثَهُ نَشْرُ الخُزاما

21. The praise of the praiser falls short of him,
For none of them perfected the praise.

٢١. وتَقْصُرُ مِدْحَةُ المُدَّاحِ عنه
فلمْ يبلُغْ بَليغُهُمُ التَّماما

22. If they knew his secrets like I know them,
Each would become amazed like me.

٢٢. ولو علِموا سَرائرَهُ كَعِلْمي
غَدا كُلٌّ كَمثْلي مُسْتهَاما