
I have known his sublime character as one well-versed

اني خبرت علاه خبر مجرب

1. I have known his sublime character as one well-versed,
So I made the choice pearls of my poems his praise.

١. اِني خَبرْتُ عُلاهُ خُبْر مجربٍ
فجعلتُ صفو قلائدي لثَنائهِ

2. And from me thoughts have learned his generosity,
So my initiating in praise is like his giving.

٢. وتعلَّمتْ مني الخواطرُ جودَهُ
فَبدائهي في الحمدِ مثلُ عَطائهِ

3. When absent, darkness overwhelms me,
Which, when we meet, his light dispels.

٣. ولقد أغيبُ فعتريني ظُلْمَةٌ
في الحِسِّ يجْلوها ضياءُ لِقائهِ

4. And I have seen the people of time and found none
Like his perfect fidelity, generosity, and nobility.

٤. ولقد رأيتُ بني الزمان فلم أجِدْ
كذمامه ووفائه وسَخائهِ

5. He who brings tidings of noble deeds is a bringer
Whose neighborhood no nearer neighbor resents.

٥. جمُّ العَوارفِ والمعاذرُ جَمَّةٌ
لا يستكِفُّ قِراهُ قُرُّ شِتائهِ

6. May God make the Zaynabi endure, being one
Who rejoices to exalt glory through lasting.

٦. اللهُ يُبْقي الزينبيَّ فأنهُ
ممَّنْ يُسرُّ المجدَ طولُ بَقائهِ

7. Filled with bounty - so if you examine him
You see his heart is empty of any stinginess.

٧. مَلآنُ منْ كرمٍ فانْ فتَّشتَه
أبصرتَ خلو القلب من شَحْنائهِ