
He is the towering mountain, and every peril

هو الطود المنيف وكل خطب

1. He is the towering mountain, and every peril
That threatens others is to him a gentle breeze.

١. هو الطَّوْدُ المُنيف وكلُّ خطْبٍ
يَروعُ سِواهُ ريحٌ بلْ نَسيمُ

2. Frivolity enhances his dignity;
Cares add to his wisdom.

٢. يزيدُ وَقارَهُ طيشُ اللَّيالي
وتُكْثِرُ منْ كياسَتِهِ الهُمومُ

3. His benevolence shines like lightning for those who seek his aid,
And his clouds rain heavily on those who question him.

٣. تَبَلُّجُهُ لِراجيهِ بُروقٌ
وأنْمُلُهُ لسائلِهِ غُيومُ

4. He lavishes from his tenderness on the farthest regions,
As if all people were his dear kindred.

٤. يُباسِطُ من لَطافَتِهِ الأقاصِي
كأنَّ النَّاسَ كُلَّهُمُ حَميمُ

5. Vigorous in his affection, frail in his enmity,
Yet terrible when quarreling with the proud,

٥. حَييٌّ في مَودَّتِهِ عَييٌّ
وأفْوَهُ في عَداوَتِهِ خَصيمُ

6. And a kind friend when reconciliation comes.
When the well-trained mares enter his palace with eulogies,

٦. هو القاسي إذا اشْتَجرَ العَوالي
وعند السَّلْمِ مأنوسٌ رَحيمُ

7. They divert from them the springs, but the mares continue whinnying,
Hoping that he will establish in Darami

٧. إذا وخَدَتْ بمِدْحَته المَطايا
طَوَتْ عنها المَوارِدَ وهي هيمُ

8. Ease and plenty for them and their riders.
The wise show patience though they suffer pain,

٨. رَجاءً أنْ تُنيخَ بِدارِميٍّ
لَها ولركْبِها منهُ النَّعيمُ

9. And none is blamed but Ahmad is the most forbearing.
A minister whose triumphs make the barren land fertile,

٩. يُليمُّ الحازِمونَ وإنْ تَحَرَّوا
وأحْمَدُ لا المَلومُ ولا المُليمُ

10. And the bright sword flashes from his ready smile.
His ambition is sublime as heaven,

١٠. وزيرٌ تُخْصِبُ الغبْراءُ منهُ
ويسْفِرُ منْ مُحيَّاهُ الصَّريمُ

11. Overshadowing from his deeds the stars.

١١. مُنيفُ المَجْدِ همَّتُهُ سَماءٌ
تُظِلُّ ومِنْ مَساعيهِ النُّجومُ