
His affection is a covenant and the excellence of his character

مودته عهد وصوب بنانه

1. His affection is a covenant and the excellence of his character
When the ugly situation becomes explicit, bonds are broken

١. مَوَدَّتُهُ عهْدٌ وصوْبُ بَنانِهِ
إذا صرَّحَ المحْلُ الشَّنيعُ عِهادُ

2. And the firmness of composure while he determines his path
Ships that clamor and mourning distract him

٢. وطوْدُ أناةٍ وهو في عَزَماتِهِ
قواضبُ تُمْهيها الوَغى وحِدادُ

3. And a fire of poisons kindled by rage
And beside acceptance, roses in goblets are sweet

٣. ونارُ سَمومٍ أوْقَدتْها حفيظَةٌ
وعند الرِّضا عذب الورود بُرادُ

4. It flows upon the valleys a clashing and battle
With peace, and in war, blood and ink

٤. يسيل على القاعَيْن طِرْسٍ ومعركٍ
بسَلْمٍ وفي حرْبٍ دَمٌ ومِدادُ

5. So he is victorious between subduing and perishing
Tombs overflowing, their superiority and loftiness

٥. فتنْصُرهُ ما بينَ قانٍ وحالِكٍ
مَزابرُ جَمٌّ فَضْلُها وصِعادُ

6. A minister whose face the dawn is bashful of
When anxieties furrow and hardships press

٦. وزيرٌ كأنَّ الصُّبح غُرَّة وجهه
إذا ما خطوبٌ قَطَّبَتْ وشِدادُ

7. Archers and swordsmen fear his determination
If an argument and combat call him

٧. تخافُ الكُماةُ والكُفاةُ صِيالَهُ
إذا ما دَعاهُ حُجَّةٌ وجِلادُ

8. So glory among them is wondrous for the brave
And cunning among them is guidance for the wise

٨. فَرعْلاءُ فيها للشُّجاعِ تَعَجُّبٌ
وغَرَّاءُ فيها للَّبيبِ سَدادُ

9. The crown of kings did not stop boasting
Abu Ja'far whose glories are initiated and repeated

٩. فلا بَرِحَتْ تاجَ الملوك مَناقِبٌ
أبا جعفرٍ يُبْدا بها وتُعادُ

10. And his authority remained obeyed, for as long as a dove cooed
And a steed kept the distant endeavor

١٠. ودامَ مُطاعاً ما تَغَنَّتْ حَمامَةٌ
وما أحْرَزَ الشأوَ البَعيدَ جَواد