1. A living man whose divinity people deny
Ancient like the abundant flow of dawn orators
١. ومُسنتِ حيٍّ يُنكر الإِنسُ آلَهُ
عريقٍ كرثِّ الأصبَحيِّ المُسرَّد
2. He roams with the permits of manliness as if he were
A bleeding of Suhban from the wine of Sarkhad
٢. ينوسُ بأجْوازِ المُروتِ كأنهُ
نَزيفٌ حسا الصهباء من خمر صَرْخد
3. He walked full of worries, empty of riches
Enduring weakness and pretending patience
٣. سرى مُفعماً بالهم صفراً من الغِنى
يخوض الردى من ضعفه والتجلُّدِ
4. He contends with the darkness of the dunes in the valleys
Reaping ill-omen and misfortune at every turn
٤. يجاذب ظُلِمان المَوامي من الطَّوى
جنى الشري والخُطْبانِ في كل فدفدِ
5. He remembered the bliss of the countryside, so
Your meadows were awakened, the nearest being Khafayyad
٥. تذكَّر نُعمى الريفِ فانبعثتْ به
رَواتِك أدناها نَجاءُ الخفَيْدَدِ
6. When the light of the single planet appeared, it was
The hope of villages and safety, the glimmer of a fire
٦. إذا لاحَ ضوء الكوكب الفرد خاله
رجاء القِرى والأمن لمعةَ موقد
7. The pillar of religion, the generous, leaned
And his pursuits and hopes succeeded through Muhammad
٧. نحا عضُدَ الدين الجواد فَانْجحتْ
مَباغيهِ والآمالُ عند مُحمَّدِ
8. So he changed infertility at a place into fertility
And harm from misery into greater joy
٨. فبدَّل جَدْباً من مقامٍ بمُخصبٍ
نَضيرٍ ونَحْساً من شقاءٍ بأسْعدِ
9. With a protected sanctuary, whose neighbor is not frightened
Or whose good deed is not rejected
٩. لدى حَرمٍ لا جارُه بمُرَوَّعٍ
يُساءُ ولا معروفُهُ بمُصَرَّدِ
10. Zeal for glory fortifies him, his determination
Is immersion in generosity and the rising of the valiant
١٠. يحصِّنُه غيْرانُ للمجد مرهف ال
عزائمِ غَمْرُ الجودِ طلاَّعُ أنجد
11. He gathered from abundant generosity and aid
The dutiful toward the right course of life and the subservient
١١. تجمَّع من عِدَّيْ سخاءٍ ونجْدةٍ
أبرّا على صوْب الحَيا والمُهَنَّدِ
12. For the guest is the generosity in every crisis
And for the epoch is striking the protector at every scene
١٢. فللضَّيف بذل الجود في كل أزمةٍ
وللقرن ضرب الهامِ في كل مشهد
13. High minded, when you see him in an intimate gathering
You see glory and high status
١٣. هُمامٌ إذا شاهدتَه في نَديِّةِ
رأيت سناءً منْ فَخارٍ وسُؤدَدِ
14. When the lightning of good tidings flashes from his features
The injustice of fate and the night are guided
١٤. إذا ناضَ برْقُ البِشر من قَسماته
فجائرُ ليل الحَظِّ والليل مُهتَدِ
15. Life is easy with money but with honor
And the neighbor when he protects him from the stinginess of the hot-tempered
١٥. سَماح الحَيا بالمالِ لكن بعرضهِ
وبالجار إذ يحميه بُخل العَلَنْدَدِ
16. And the gentleness of the water's flow in his affection
And in fear and enemies the hardness of ice
١٦. ولُطْفُ زُلالِ الماءِ عند ودادهِ
وفي الروع والأعداء قسوةُ جلْمدِ
17. His gifts in intimacy are tied to a prominent
And noble man of abundant generosity
١٧. تُناطُ حُباهُ في النَّديِّ بفارعٍ
مُنيفٍ ويَمٍّ زاخرِ اللُّجِّ مُزْبد
18. Of the elite men who inherited
The vessels of glory, a master after master
١٨. من النَّفَر الغُرِّ الذينَ توقَّلوا
قِنانَ المعالي سيداً بعد سيدِ
19. His growth made the dawn from a glorious sun
And the course of life an abundant torrent
١٩. نموْه فكان الصُّبحَ من شمس مفخرٍ
وصوب الحيا الهطَّال من حافلٍ نَدِ
20. So Ramadan was congratulated for its long duration
And its generous acts and hand are still outstretched
٢٠. فهُنِّيَ شهر الصَّوم طولَ بَقائهِ
ولا زالَ مبسوطَ المكارمِ واليَدِ